I post a poll HERE for community feed back on what would be a good general design.
I can not get all the little details into this probably in the amount of free time I do have, there is not a lot of it for the in depth details. I am making it modular so that I can create the different variant load outs at a later date. right now I am staring with the basic configuration
Right now the basic influence is off the Mech Warrior 4 (the first rendition EVER of this mech) and some TRO influence as well.
with out further delay 3d Mad Cat Mk.II
For now I am calling it good for now (plus with spring break I am going to be working alot to get more $$)
I feel this is a very close design to what we would see in MWO the inline legs make more sense realistically compared to offset (bow legged). THis design has a bit of everything from MW4, TRO, and MWO.


Alright now I had a lot of fun! Renders!

3rd Revision
Mad Cat Mk.II (MC-MK-II)

LT 1x Missile 2x Energy (1x LRM 10, 2x ER-Medium Laser)
RT 1x Missile 2x Energy (1x LRM 10, 2x ER-Medium Laser)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x Clan Gauss)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x Clan Gauss)
Mad Cat Mk.II 2 (MC-MK-II-2)

LT 2x Missile 1x Energy (2x SRM-4, 1 x ER-Medium Laser)
RT 2x Missile 1x Energy (2x SRM-4, 1 x ER-Medium Laser)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x Clan Gauss)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x LB 20-X AC)
Mad Cat Mk.II 4 (MC-MK-II-4)

LT 1x Missile (1x LRM 15, Clan Active Probe)
RT 1x Missile (1x LRM 15)
LA 2x Energy (2x ER-Large Laser)
RA 2x Energy (2x ER-Large Laser)
Mad Cat Mk.II 6 (MC-MK-II-6)

CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 2x Energy (2x ER-Medium)
RT 2x Energy (2x ER-Medium)
LA 1x Energy (1x ER-PPC)
RA 1x Energy (1x ER-PPC)
Mad Cat Mk.II " Beat Stick" (MC-MK-II-BS)

(Hero/Champion?):Was a favorite among players used by many in MW:LL
CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 1x Ballistic(1x LB 10-X AC)
RT 1x Ballistic (1x LB 10-X AC)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x LB 20-X AC)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x LB 20-X AC)
Mad Cat Mk.II "Siege Engine" (MC-MK-II-SE)

CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 1x Missile (1x LRM 20)
RT 1x Missile (1x LRM 20)
LA 2x Ballistic (2x UAC 5)
RA 2x Ballistic (2x UAC 5)
Mad Cat Mk.II ALT B (MC-MK-II-B )

CT Clan 360 XL JJ FF 14DHS
LT 2x Missile (2x SSRM 6)
RT 2x Missile (2x SSRM 6)
LA 1x Ballistic (1x UAC 20)
RA 1x Ballistic (1x UAC 20)
2nd Revision
1st Rev
Feel free to leave feedback as well. I will keep updating this thread quite a bit as I get more done.
Edited by CK16, 05 April 2016 - 07:21 PM.