Curccu, on 02 March 2016 - 12:50 AM, said:
Let me begin by saying that you are wrong, I should also add some facepalm.gif but I'm lazy and I don't.
I do play LRMs sometimes and I dare to say I handle them well, so I understand how they work and what are their limitations and weak points but also strengths.
Yes there are few maps that support LRM playing very well as you named them Alphine and Polar Highlands, most maps are pretty bad for LRM playing.
This legendary 840dmg, I'm not even sure why you mention this I mean with lazors and other weapons that do not consume antything except heatbar can do infinite damage... that is way more than 840.
Probably the most important thing about damage is that when you shoot LRMs it hit totally random locations vs well every other weapon in this game excluding streaks.
shooting LRMs from 1250 meters away? Yes doable but one question how do you get locks if you are behind that crest 1250 meters away? not to even mention that if you get that lock and shoot that enemy has almost 7 seconds to break the lock, pretty easy unless it's legged direwolf.
Kcoms... yeah they were correct... you were just useless player in their team, I would be annoyed also.
...and so on... it only takes some gaming skill + you have to understand how game mechanics work in this game to understand that LRMs are not good or effective weapon in 95% of cases.
I assume you mean 95% of the cases where the rest of the team feels exactally the way you do and fail to incorperate proper tactics to exploit the LRMs available?
Here is the thing to many players look at a weapon and judge it based on a limited set of perameters.
it's basic stats ie: mass,crits,heat efficency,damage per second,range and damage characteristics, (pinpoint/hitscan/scattered)
There are several unique effect that only LRMs bring to the match.
One of the more important and frequently overlooked effect of LRMs is the ability to enhance weapon damage output on a limited frontage.
I shall explain: there are many instances of times where only so many mechs will fit within a given fire lane to actually shoot the enemy. If a given lane is 2 mechs wide you get 2 mechs that can shoot through that lane unless the third mech can lob it's damage over the friendlies in front of it to strike the enemy.
Feigning weakness is another potential tactic that LRMs open up. And here is how it's done.
Have one or two mechs in typical poke and shoot mode being obvious and understrength compared to the enemy. The enemy will if they follow the general docterines of MWo game play rush the smaller mech group to flush them from cover and mob them. To do so they need to forgo cover and advance. Since LRM mechs need not be visable to the enemy the enemy has no idea they are not engaging one or two mechs but three or four.
And then there are the psycological effects of LRMs. "missile launch detected" basicaly means "I see you even though you thought you were sneaky" or "nope you can't move into that grid it's mine!" LRMs are a means of exstending map control beyond the safe reach of direct fire mechs.
The issue is LRMs require forethought to imploy correctly at higher tiers or in organized play. In organized play the potential for LRM mayhem is fairly impressive. LRMs have become so rare that many groups have no idea how to effectivley counter a well executed LRM strategy.
The real issue is LRMs are inferior weapons in organized because they are not as simple as point and click.LRMs require team support and planning. Your team mates need to play in a way that exploits the strengths of LRMs and mitigates the difficencies. And well...that's not as easy as point and click direct fire mech murder ball but it is far less predictable.