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Torneio Inex-Var

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#1 Odanan


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 09:59 AM


This tournament is open only to VAR and INEX pilots. If you are not a member of either unit, you can fill an INEX application here: Recruitment Page

This tournament will be held in two phases.

PHASE I - Lance warfare

-Teams of 4 pilots will be publicly announced here on the thread. These teams of 4 will then be scheduled for single elimination competition.
- Once teams are announced, THEY CAN NOT BE MODIFIED. Do not make an announcement if you are not 100% sure of your team.
- The formal announcement of your team is also your official acknowledgement that all team members have read and understood the rules. No rematches will occur based on a lack of knowledge of the rules of the tournament.
- Teams will also announce their lance commander. This person will also be the team representative for communications with the tournament administrator (SURUBAMAN).


- Teams will have a total weight of no more than 300 tons.
- Teams will be dropped on a randomly selected map assigned by the tournament administrators or appointed replacement. Random selection will be made by assigning a numerical value to each map and then using random.org to perform the drawing.
- Map announcement will occur 15 minutes prior to match start. This is all the time allotted for the teams to modify their lances, builds, and strategies. The teams may announce if they are ready for their next match before 15 minutes elapse.
- At least one spectator must be present during every match.
- In the event that one or more pilot must reschedule due to unforeseen complications, the team may request to postpone a scheduled match no more than 24 hours. If the offending team is not yet prepared because of player absence, they must drop against the opposing team with whatever pilots are still available. They are not allowed to have replacement pilots.
- If a team with fewer pilots than 4 wins a match, all members of the team move to the next round/phase.
- Team with most total kills at the end of each match will move to the next round.
- In the event of a draw, a rematch will be scheduled.
- Match time is 15 minutes.
- The final, victorious team of PHASE I will move into PHASE II.


- The final four pilots will be schedule into 1 v 1 competition.
- Opponent assignment will occur randomly using random.org.
- For each match, a coin toss will be performed using random.org.
- The winner of the coin toss can elect to choose the map or the weight class (light, medium, heavy, assault) but not both.
-If the winner of the toss chooses map, the loser chooses weight class. If the winner of the toss chooses weight class, the loser chooses the map.
- Match time will be 10 minutes for all three matches.
- In either of the first two matches of PHASE II, if neither mech is destroyed in the allotted time, BOTH pilots are considered "defeated." Neither pilot earns the right to move into the final round. Do not let your opponent run away!!
- After the second match in PHASE II, the third match will determine the grand champion.
- The FINAL match of PHASE II will occur on the new training map implemented in the patch installed on 2/16/2015


Teams will be decided over the next two weeks. Final date for team announcement is February 29, 2016, 11:59 pm PST. Do not announce your teams prematurely! I will not allow team modifications once the announcement is formally made here on the forum!

PHASE I will be held on Saturday and Sunday, March 5th and 6th, 14:00 hrs PST (2pm California, 7pm Brazil). Match sequence will be determined during the week prior via communications between the administrator and the team representatives.

ATTENTION! The Phase I was postponed by 2 hours: 16:00 hrs PST (4pm California, 9pm Brazil).

PHASE II will occur on Saturday March 12th, 14:00 hrs PST (2pm California, 7pm Brazil). All competing pilots must be present. Final match will be the third match on Saturday.

ATTENTION! The Phase II was postponed by 2 hours: 16:00 hrs PST (4pm California, 9pm Brazil).

GRAND PRIZE (Phase II winner): KODIAK Standard Pack (given by SURUBAMAN)

OTHER PRIZES: (given by PGI)

Phase I
#1 lance: 500 MCs for all 4 members
#2 lance: 300 MCs for all 4 members
#3 lance: 150 MCs for all 4 members

Phase II
#2 player: Champion mech of your choice (must be a chassis already released for C-Bills and must be a Champion currently on the Store)
#3 player: 20kk c-bills

Applications here.

Edited by Odanan, 05 March 2016 - 10:15 AM.



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Posted 11 March 2016 - 01:49 PM

#3 Odanan


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Posted 13 March 2016 - 02:15 PM


Semifinals: Odanan vs. Dettmam
(Dettman chose the heavy weight class, Odanan chose the map 1vs1test)

Semifinals: Urdnot Mau vs. Lamblaska
(Urdnot chose the medium weight class, Lamblaska chose the map Polar Highlands)

Match for the 3rd place; Lamblaska vs. Odanan
(Lamblaska chose the light weight class, Odanan chose Mining Collective)

#4 Odanan


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Posted 13 March 2016 - 02:25 PM

Final: Urdnot Mau vs. Dettmam
(Urdnot chose the medium weight class, Dettmam chose the map Mining Collective)

Urdnot is the winner!

Edited by Odanan, 13 March 2016 - 02:26 PM.

#5 Odanan


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Posted 15 March 2016 - 02:16 PM

Ranking of lances: (Phase I)

#1: VARINEX (Dettmam, Lamblaska, Odanan, Urdnot Mau) = 500 MCs
#2: Danger Zone (ThMaverick, Illusive Man BR, Lunataque, Anarcho) = 300 MCs
#3: Crasher's Smooth Raiders (LordCrasher, MHMarx, Humbs, Dianesion) = 150 MCs

Edited by Odanan, 15 March 2016 - 02:46 PM.

#6 Odanan


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Posted 15 March 2016 - 02:45 PM

Ranking of players: (Phase II)

#1: Urdnot Mau = Kodiak standard pack
#2: Dettmam = one champion mech of his choice
#3: Lamblaska = 20kk C-Bills

Edited by Odanan, 15 March 2016 - 03:09 PM.

#7 MHMarx


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Posted 15 March 2016 - 04:09 PM

Yaaay... thank you for the prizes PGI and thank you Odanan and Surubaman for the event!

#8 Anarcho


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 02:23 AM

Valeu galera que participou! Foi du baralho!

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