ggodo, on 19 November 2016 - 11:53 AM, said:
I'm a broke casual who like FW's concept, if not the execution, and would like to know what I should be saving up for, because I want to play in games with teammates who talk.
Its impossible to say. PGI keeps dinking with quirks on mechs and weapons characteristics in general. Plus there is always the chance that at or around mechcon they may announce still more changes to basic game mechanics. Add to that Russ's assertions of changes to CW incoming (listen to NGNG podcast #145 for "specifics") and the potential for ED and/or the weapon stat changes that were modeled on the PTS potentially creeping in at some point, not to mention the ever present possibility that PGI could change drop deck weights on a whim, and it is pretty clear that everything about the CW mode is up in the air atm, and likely will stay that way until at least January.
Right now, based on those I talk to (I can rarely convince folks to play the mode so I can no longer pretend to be up to date in my own personal knowledge/experience) I would say for the IS fast heavies are still the way to go. Primarily Warhammers, Grasshoppers, Thunderbolts, etc. Problem is that could all change in an instant. To wit: When ISEN came up with the stormtrooper deck of 3 QDs and 1 GH, the QDs had really nice quirks. They have been nerfed twice since then (the preferred and still meta Grasshopper 5P has not been, though the other GHs were nerfed as well), so are they still considered a good option by better players despite those nerfs? No idea. Sorry.
Keep in mind too, that the "basic deck" ISEN originally put forth was mostly thunderbolts. I don't recall if those were substantively nerfed following rescale...I don't believe they were (do your research). But assuming that they were not, I would guess that those would still be a good option as the basis of a deck.
Finally, also consider the state of the meta, and its emphasis atm on daka, as well as PGI's latest monkeying around with UAC performance. That too will likely impact whatever deck those wiser than I come up with.
Sorry, wish I could help more.