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Occupied city (Roleplaying-story telling)

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#101 revanus


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:05 PM

View PostCaveMan, on 16 December 2011 - 09:29 PM, said:

"Alright," he said. "I'm going to trust you on this. But if you double-cross us, I swear you'll live to regret it."

Alex nodded his head and lowered his weapon. It was all he could do to suppress a shrug. He knew the threat was toothless.

"OK. We need to travel for about 3 blocks. And we need to do it inconspicuously."

The wounded man was going to make things...challenging.

"We need to cover up your wounded. If you have a jacket or change of clothes, give it to those guys."

Alex thought for a minute. He looked at the girl. She really was pretty.

"Also, you should walk with him." He gestured towards the gunshot victim.

"He looks like he could use some support. You'll help make things less suspicious. If we get stopped, pretend he's your lover. You were at a cafe, and he got hit by a stray bullet."

Alex turned to the group.

"If you ask me, we should walk in pairs of two. It'll be less strange than having a giant blob of people walking together. We can stay within fifty feet of each other. We aren't going very far, so getting lost shouldn't be a problem. You should all pair up and give each other names and a background."

Alex figured this comment would be controversial. If Alex was at the front, it wouldn't be so hard to ditch the guy he was walking with and make a run for it. It wasn't his plan, but they didn't know that. Alex had actually warmed to the idea of bringing the group to a safehouse--he thought the ex-military in the group might be an asset. It was a gamble, but Alex liked the odds.

He stole a glance at the ringleader, and nodded at the shotgun.

" Do you have a way to conceal that thing?"

Edited by revanus, 16 December 2011 - 10:08 PM.

#102 CaveMan


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:20 PM

View Postrevanus, on 16 December 2011 - 10:05 PM, said:

"If you ask me, we should walk in pairs of two. It'll be less strange than having a giant blob of people walking together. We can stay within fifty feet of each other. We aren't going very far, so getting lost shouldn't be a problem. You should all pair up and give each other names and a background."

"Whoa, hang on, Chief. There's six of us and one of you," Jason said. ((Jason, Kavin, Eiko, Dop, Takeo, and Bryan, the bartender)) "If we go in pairs that leaves an odd-man-out. You take the kid and the bartender, I'll take the middle with the Drac here, and the 'lovebirds' can follow behind."

He looked around at the group.

"As far as names go, introductions are in order. If we're going to trust you, I'm at least going to need something to call you. I'll go first, if that makes it any easier. I'm Jason Kafka, freelance MechWarrior. Used to be with the Centauri Lancers, so the other 'Mech jockeys call me 'Lancer'. The kid said he goes by 'Dop', not sure what that's short for, and the barkeep's name is Byron or maybe Bryan. I don't know about the girl and the others."


Do you have a way to conceal that thing?

"Yeah," Jason said, decocking the shotgun and folding it back into the umbrella. What did it matter if the shooting started now? They were all screwwed anyway.

#103 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:32 PM

(I don't want to distract you fellas from your RP-Storytelling, but I gotta say I'm really enjoying this. Looking forward to more.)

#104 fuguzawaz


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 10:35 PM

"So many things could go wrong with the situation. This clinic, if there even is a clinic, who runs it? Who would run one in the middle of a war zone?" Dop said, merely thinking aloud.

"What if he turns us in?"

He turns to the two men and attempts to look a little less frail, despite his arm.

"Plus that bag is bothering me, perhaps we should give it a look before we take off somewhere with this guy..."

#105 Kevin Kirov


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 11:52 PM

"Bryan, come here" Kavin mumbles. As Bryan walks over he hands over his pistol. "There kid, that should take care of your worries now, you should be fine. Anywho, he cant have enough to deal with us in that bag just from what he took from here, if anything was left."

Now addressing the group Kavin stands up straighter, grimacing and says. "Kavin Kirov, mechwarrior from the FFR. Graduate middle of the class last year, no commission, came here." Panting he continued, "Brought my Orion, Cadeyrn, shipped late so i joined on the millita here as infantry, got power armor squad, served 5 months and played rugby with the squad, post match brawl, drinking and get in a tussle, kill two officers, wouldnt kill me due to inflamed relations already with the FRR. Now working as a driver." Taking a swig from the bottle of Donegal Reserve Kavin commented, "Damn I do love this stuff. Check if there is anymore."
Kavin slowly sank back towards the wall, sit/falling down, grimacing in pain.



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Posted 17 December 2011 - 12:50 AM

Eiko looked at the newcomer, then back over to Jason. He doesn't trust this suit-and-tie man either, she thought with some relief. He was far too polished for a warzone like this. He said he had worked here? Hmmm... That was certainly possible - after all, she had worked for Brilliant Genesis for two years. And yet...

'My name Eiko Durand-Nakamura,' she said, crossing over to where Kavin was half-crouched, half-leaning against the wall. 'Medical assistance is, obviously something we require. Especially since there isn't any to be found here --' she gazed pointedly at that bag he was carrying before looking him in the eye again. 'I worked for Brilliant Genesis for two years - I'm VTOL certified, and can drive pretty much anything with two wheels or more. I'm also a freelance mechanic.' Her almond eyes hardened. 'Yes, I am Japanese. No, I don't work for the DCMS or the ISF. You're free to disbelieve that at your leisure.'

Edited by VEDRFOLNIR, 17 December 2011 - 12:52 AM.

#107 revanus


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 08:21 AM

View Postfuguzawaz, on 16 December 2011 - 10:35 PM, said:

"So many things could go wrong with the situation. This clinic, if there even is a clinic, who runs it? Who would run one in the middle of a war zone?" Dop said, merely thinking aloud.

"What if he turns us in?"

He turns to the two men and attempts to look a little less frail, despite his arm.

"Plus that bag is bothering me, perhaps we should give it a look before we take off somewhere with this guy..."

Alex shook his head and turned towards the kid. Not the smartest tool in the shed, Alex thought. And the last thing we need is to break out into another standoff.

"Look kid, I'm not the one with my arm in a sling. I'm just as happy to walk out that door and never see any of you again. Or to let you go on your way and leave me behind. The only thing I won't agree to is a mugging. I think that's pretty reasonable."

Alex turned to the group. Two mechwarriors and a mechanic? Jesus, if their stories pan out, we just hit a goldmine! Mechanics were in incredibly high demand, and flying skills were a definite plus.

As for the two men, Alex knew just how rare finding a mechpilot was--the skills required to properly operate a mech were hard to come by, and most people couldn't do it. He also knew that there was some overlap between mech piloting and aero piloting--while Alex wasn't particularly aware of any spare mechs lying around, he figured having some basic pilots around could be a bonus. Plus, if they were ex-military, they probably had some basic infantry training. If these randoms also had their own mechs, Alex knew the people standing in front of him could be game-changers.

Alex looked at Kavin. Middle of the class? No commission? Killed two officers? Alex decided the guy was either lying or extraordinarily bad at his profession. But the potential benefit of an actual mech... Assuming the guy could avoid piloting a mech through civilian apartment buildings, Alex figured a ****** pilot was better than no pilot. And hell, the mech could always be "repossessed" if the guy proved incompetent.

As for Kafka, his story seemed more believable. Alex had heard of the Centauri Lancers--in the same way he'd heard of the Wolf Dragoons or Kell Hounds. They were a famous outfit, and this guy seemed self-assured and in control. Could be true...

"As for medical supplies, this building has eight stories, plus the warehouse, basement, and garage. If memory serves, every floor had to have two basic med-kits, and there was a small nurse's office on the second floor."

Alex turned to Eiko, "I was on the eight floor. As part of the General Counsel's office, I didn't make it down to the garage or warehouse much. But, surely you guys had to have something in case of a workplace accident, right?"

Alex didn't want to push the point, but he figured the girl would get the idea. If she was a mechanic, there's no way she was heading up to the offices on a regular basis. She was blue collar. The eight floor was upper management. She could have been at B-G for twenty years, and they'd never have met, unless she was one of the pilots for the company's private helicopters--and even then there'd have to be some serendipity.

"But unless one of you guys is a surgeon, all the medkits in the world aren't going to do much good for your friend Kavin. You might slow his bleeding or dull the pain, but he's going to die without a transfusion. And a band-aid isn't going to patch up a ballistic trauma wound."

"Now, I know a place that's doing basic medical triage. They're not setting up billboards or advertising, but they are treating people who need help. It's a word-of-mouth thing. So it looks like you've got three options. You can stay here and let me leave. You can leave and let me stay. Or we can go to the clinic and get your wounded checked out."

Alex glanced at his watch. While he had come here alone, he wasn't stupid. A patrol was going to swing by in 20 minutes if he didn't report in. Worst case, he figured he could stall this group until his friends showed up.

"By the way, I'm Rob Cohen."

#108 Orcinus


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 09:10 AM

Looks like I'm the only one left.

Furukawa put down his board and stepped into the room.
He continued until he was standing next to Jason and lowered his hood.

"Takeo Furukawa, former DCMS soldier."

He looked around at everybody, recalling their names, then back at Rob.

"Well, Mr. Cohen. Shall we get going?"

#109 CaveMan


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 12:26 PM


As for medical supplies, this building has eight stories, plus the warehouse, basement, and garage. If memory serves, every floor had to have two basic med-kits, and there was a small nurse's office on the second floor.

'Had' being the operative word, Jason thought.

He looked over at Dop, shooting the kid a look that said "Let it go."

There wasn't much point in escalating the situation now. Even if they took the meds off Mr. Suit's dead body, it was a coin toss whether Kavin would survive, even if any of them was a surgeon. As it stood, the deck was stacked.

Kavin himself was getting worse by the minute. As he lost blood and consumed whiskey, Jason knew his blood alcohol level was rising fast. At this point he had to be getting close to blackout drunk. That the man was even able to talk coherently, Jason thought a minor miracle.

He's got to be a real boozehound, he thought.

Jason walked over to the bar, found a jug of distilled water, and poured a mugful. He handed it to Kavin.

"Here, drink up. This won't help with the pain, but it's the closest thing to blood plasma we've got and I don't have an IV handy. Besides we need to clear your head a little."

He handed the man his trenchcoat. That would at least keep him warm.

"Keep it." I'll never get the bloodstains out of it, anyway.


"By the way, I'm Rob Cohen."

Of course you are. But then, Jason hadn't expected to get his real name.

"After you, Rob. Time's a-wasting."

Edited by CaveMan, 17 December 2011 - 01:39 PM.

#110 revanus


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 01:08 PM

View PostOrcinus, on 17 December 2011 - 09:10 AM, said:

"Takeo Furukawa, former DCMS soldier."

What the hell? There's no way I'm giving a "former DCMS" a grand walking tour, Alex thought.

"Hold on. I'm not comfortable walking the streets with a former DCMS soldier. If you're a deserter, that's a level of heat we don't need."

Alex didn't mention his other concern--that "former DCMS" are few and far between.

"We'll take the secondary route from the basement. It's not pleasant, but there aren't any Combine patrols to worry about. We're heading to a shelter."

Like most Draconis March planets, every building in Bonette had to have a nearby or attached bomb shelter. Bonette was a bit unique in that these shelters were frequently connected to a complex underground sewer system. As such, Bonette's cities essentially had a carbon copy of the street level replicated in the underground sewers. Most shelters had dual entrances, so that occupants could flee and get around below ground in the event of an emergency. Entire neighborhoods existed in the sewers.The basement of the B-G building had one of these shelters, and the safehouse was located in another one.

Alex headed to the corner, and put on his galoshes and coat.

There's a reason I brought these. It wasn't for the rain.

"And one more thing."

Alex dipped back behind the bar and grabbed a black towel.

"I don't know any of you. Your friend is hurt, so I'm acting on good faith. But I wasn't born yesterday."

Alex gestured at Furukawa with the rag.

"If he's coming along, he's wearing a blindfold."

Edited by revanus, 17 December 2011 - 01:12 PM.

#111 CaveMan


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 01:39 PM

If he hadn't been keeping a sharp eye on the man, Jason would have missed it. But for a moment, when Takeo's identity registered with him, Jason caught a reaction in "Rob Cohen's" eyes.

Was it fear? No, not fear. Hatred, perhaps? Whatever it was, the man suppressed it in a flash, but it was clear that his apprehension about bringing Takeo along was genuine. ISF training was good, but you couldn't fake that. It was too immediate, too subconscious. The man didn't like Dracs, even ex-Dracs. If this guy was ISF, he was the best damned operative they ever trained.

Then who the hell was he? Resistance? Couldn't be, from what Jason had gathered the Resistance on Bonette, the "Dunkle Männer," were too disorganized, too ill-trained. This guy was a smooth operator.

He could be MI6 or MIIO.

If that was the case, the man could have contacts in the AFFC. Jason might be the sole survivor of his lance, but they did have a contract with the FedCom to garrison this planet, and that contract had a provision for their extraction and safe return to Outreach if their 'Mechs were destroyed while fighting on the FedCom's behalf. If he could get someone to honor that proviso, he could get out of this boondoggle and start rebuilding his career.

When "Cohen" gestured for Takeo to don the blindfold, Jason nudged the Kuritan in the ribs.

"Roll with it, just for the time being. I'll watch your back."

#112 Orcinus


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 02:17 PM

"Very well, then."

Furukawa took the rag and wrapped it around his head, adjusting it so that it covered his eyes.

View PostCaveMan, on 17 December 2011 - 01:39 PM, said:

"I'll watch your back."

Not entirely comforting, but better him than the suit.


#113 revanus


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 02:41 PM

Alex nodded his head.

Walking through the open doorway near the empty dispenser, Alex turned right. He opened the door towards the stairwell.

"Watch your step."

As they reached the bottom, there were two doors. One led into the basement. The other was a solid steel fire door. Alex swiped his wallet by the electronic pad, and the door unlatched.

"Emergency protocol. The door is programmed to open for upper employees."

The room was dimly lit and fairly large. It was a bit like a large-party space, if the walls were made from bare ferrocrete.

Alex didn't pause. He strode across the room, ignoring the side doors. They led to a pantry and emergency aid room, but Alex knew they were empty.

At the opposite side of the room was a second fire door, with a similar unlocking mechanism.

As Alex opened the second door, the stench was overpowering. Alex took a quick glimpse back to make sure everyone was tagging along. They seemed to be keeping up.

"Keep to the walkways. That slow moving river isn't a pleasant swim."

Alex hugged the right wall. The footpaths weren't quite large enough for two people. Alex walked ahead, occasionally glancing back.

If that wounded mech-pilot falls into the water, it'll be a death sentence, Alex thought.

They walked for about three blocks, in a straight line. Alex had gotten to know these sewers very well. It wasn't something he bragged about.

At every block, there was a four-way intersection. Intersections were spanned by small foot bridges, so as to avoid having to walk across the river of muck. At the third block, Alex headed to the right. Throughout the walk, the walls were dotted by heavy blast and fire doors--entrances into the many evacuation shelters of the city. They walked for another 100 feet until Alex stopped. The door was heavy, riveted, and black, with a small view slit. It looked like most of the others.

He pounded six times.

"T'zaher! Pargiot."

The code was Hebrew. The language was pretty common in the Draconis March, and extremely uncommon in the Combine. Integrating it into daily operations had been Alex's idea. He figured the Kuritans had no clue what he just said.

Then again, even in Hebrew, what he'd said was gibberish. If anyone else in the party knew the language, they just heard
"Caution: Tender Chicken."

He glanced back, but the walkway was too narrow to get a headcount.

"It may take a moment. Just so you guys know, they don't allow weapons."

Alex took out his own gun, clicked on the safety, and reholstered it.

After a minute, a metallic unlatching sound could be heard. The door swung outward. Inside it was pitch black.


Alex waited a moment. He stepped inside.

Edited by revanus, 17 December 2011 - 03:22 PM.

#114 Vincent Vascaul


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 03:03 PM

((I am in if I can still join.

Name: Vincent Vascaul

Gender: Male

Description: A somewhat unknown and apparently homeless drifter, he can be found at the bar or anywhere you can find gambling, drugs or any other vice. A fairly large man standing between 5'11 and 6'3 but his actual height is unknown since is rarely seen standing up let alone strait. He is always seen wearing a tattered hooded heavy brown leather trench coat covered in burn marks and filth the lower pieces closer resembling strips of rawhide than a coat, black combat boots (presumably stolen) and gloves and Beanie hat Most believe that he was a businessman who lost his livelyhood and home in the brutal warfare, yet no one can seem to remember knowing him before the fighting broke out. He carries a large ancient looking revolver in a shoulder holster which seems to explain how he has managed to stay alive in the current climate, how he has a supply of ammo for the massive weapon is unknown. He is rumored to know the underground and surrounding area and groups better than almost anyone else due to his constant hunt for shelter.

Alligence: With no apparent loyalty to any faction Vincent drifts around performing whatever tasks that can get him food, water or whatever else his more unmentionable habits desire.))

Edited by Vincent Vascaul, 17 December 2011 - 04:42 PM.

#115 Brenden


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 04:57 PM

(( You can still join up, but you are rather late. Start off somewhere in the city, but not with them.)

#116 Vincent Vascaul


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 05:04 PM

(( Ok I will post later tonight))

#117 Brenden


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 05:12 PM

(( I think I might too.)

#118 CaveMan


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 05:46 PM


"T'zaher! Pargiot."

What the f*** was that?

Upon hearing Cohen's warning about weapons, Jason debated what to do with his shotgun. It was well concealed and the heavy cast-iron tip and brass arms of the umbrella would avert any questions should it trip a metal detector; those same qualities had gotten it past a number of security checkpoints already. On the other hand, it was no secret to Cohen, who could alert whoever was waiting in that dark room at his leisure.

The trench knife in his boot would almost certainly be discovered, as would the throwing knives and shotgun shells in the pockets of his fatigues, if there was a thorough patdown.

There was also the question of the tiny gyrojet pistol and ammunition sewn into the trenchcoat he'd given Kavin. Unlike the heirloom lupara inside the umbrella, that weapon was of no particular value, having been picked up in a flea market on Galatea for 5 C-Bills, but it might lead to a more thorough search if discovered.

That left the polymer garotte hidden in the waistband of his trousers. He had never been fond of that weapon, as it replied upon complete surprise to be effective, but it was ridiculously easy to conceal, appearing as a button at one end and a zipper at the other.

Making the mental calculus, Jason removed the boot knife and its padded scabbard and prepared to hand it over.

#119 azaptyE


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 05:58 PM

((yea I'll start in with him))

#120 Vincent Vascaul


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 09:26 PM

His feet splashed through the puddles, his footfalls and ragged breath echoing through the tunnel. He had been running since the fighting had broken out, he had slipped out the back door of the bar and slipped into a sewer grate he had used many times before to give the gangs and DC troops the slip. Shortly after that a huge tremor ripped through the tunnels."Damn" He thought "That wasn't the result of weapons fire, someone just cored a mech." Sh*t he thought, he was out of position. Well there was no use getting upset about it now. He had to find them, he had to get to them.

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