Well, i've been busy as of late. Finally, forced myself to try 3D modelling myself (i've had tried that long time ago, but to be honest, i just couldn't figure out Blender's UI and ragequitted).
I used Google Sketchup to make it (which is a surprisingly intuitive and easy to use, seriously, it was really easy to get into). Now, i DID try to export it to Blender so i could rig it, to pose it or what not, but again, as i did in the past, i couldn't get through the UI and ended up making a huge mess of things, so i decided to leave it unrigged. So it's just a model but damn, if wouldn't have been cool to actually animate it or something?!
I guess i'm just too stupid for that.
Here's the pictures of it. It's probably not the best 3d model around here but you've got to give me credit for trying! I think it came out pretty well, for being the first 3d thing i've actually done.
I think i might be done with the model now. I'm more or less satisfied with it (and i can't really think of what to do more with it).
I've added more details, changed up the little "camera-eye", moved it slightly more to the front (in the place where the Unseen model has the "machine gun implacement", which didn't really make sense, seeing how the mech isn't equipped with any machine guns, so i thought that it looked SORT OF like a drone's camera, so that's what i did).
Other than that, i've changed the hip joint (at least from the last time i posted any pictures).
And then some random bits and bobs that are too mundane to talk about (including the front end, the undercarriage, etc).

Old pictures (if you're interested):
I was thinking of maybe trying to turn it into a paper-model, cause that'd be pretty cool, but yeah. It'll take me some time to wrap my head around how it works (and heck, maybe in time i can finally understand Blender and its secrets to actually rig this thing!)
(Now, if anyone's actually interested in the model, maybe want to do something with it, i don't know. I might put a link to download it, if anyone's interested)
Slight update on the joints.
Edited by Juodas Varnas, 26 March 2016 - 11:10 AM.