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Periphery Rising

fanmade fiction alternate future

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#1 Gemini Bull


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Posted 15 March 2016 - 05:01 PM

Hello there everyone!!!!!!!!! First I hope this is in the right place. If not, sorry. This will be my first post on the forums, and it will be the introduction of my AU BT future. I've be working on it off and on for several years now. Getting all the things ready and whatnot. I even have maps for the different areas. This is mostly going to be in point form. As in there will be little information as a whole on everything. I'll leave all that stuff for you guys to make up on your own. Posted Image This AU starts in an unlikely place- the Marian Hegemony. As you can see from the map, things have happened, BIG things, like a war with the FWL, and new Realms in the Periphery (this I will get to soon Posted Image ). I don't have a set date for this, since I'm using current events in the BTU for all this. But it will be 100+ years from where it is currently at. This will focus on events in the periphery only. Including the IS factions moving into the periphery. That's it for them. Everything else in the IS proper is up to all of you. Posted Image Also, the maps contains worlds that another BT fan site(which is now down for good) made up. So many of the new worlds in here are from that. These worlds on the map are bold and italicized like this. "Lost" worlds that are re-colonized/ rediscovered are capitalized and underlined, like THIS. Worlds I made up are like [THIS]. Worlds that are abandoned/ outpost destroyed are like This.

Also this is where i first posted this- http://bg.battletech...p?topic=51312.0

I will be updatings everything here as I do so with the original post.

If there is anything I made a mistake on, let me know.

I will be posting more as I make it, so enjoy!!!!!!!!!


Now for a bit of back story-

It's the second Age of War, which really started back when all the HPG's went down. If you've been keeping up with BT history, it makes a lot of sense. The Inner Sphere is at war with itself again. It has been XXX years since that happened, the HPG's are back up, but are VERY limited in what they can do. Every HPG has to be re-coded, and that takes a very long time to do. Those on capital worlds are at about 70%, regional capitals and heavy industry worlds are at about 45%, regular worlds are about 20% for most of them. Periphery worlds are at 10-15% if in a nation. Independent worlds either are still at 0%, or are around 5%. With the IS at war with itself again, the periphery is left with dealing with the normal things that happen out here. While most would think the periphery would never advance in anything, it does. It does in a lot of ways that I will post here later on, including info on new weapons!!!! There is an on-going exodus of people heading to the periphery, but that won't be showing up in here. It's a constant, so no need for me to add it in. Posted Image


Inner Sphere-Periphery Rising:


-Starts a project to develop a new type of rifle: Assault Rifles.
-Starts building a Dropship/ Jumpship shipyard orbiting ALPHARD(MH).
-Starts looking for new worlds to colonize, and to sell their resources to pay for the shipyard.
-3 worlds coreward of ALPHARD: "Rodney", "Spike", "New Rome" are considered "ripe" with resources, and are colonized quickly.
-Finishes its development on the Assault Rifles with Light, Medium and Heavy classes.
-MH and LC stat talks to form an "Alliance". Mainly to trade and for harassing the FWL.
-MH and LC form a trade Alliance.
-With help from the LC, MH starts to build other factories needed for building Dropships and Jumpships. *MH trades head towards the Raven Alliance, after hearing about a new weapon developed there. They are told to obtain as many as possible LEAGALLY. They take as much rare metals and other items that they can carry, to start a trading
agreement with the RA.
-MH starts "persuading" the worlds of ZORN'S KEEP, THADORA'S LAND, BALTAZAR III to join the MH and be protected from pirates: The Mech Factory on BALTAZAR III is what the MH is really after. The RA agrees to the trade agreement and sells the "lesser" IS models to the MH, as well as the rights to produce them: But want more of certain
resources that are hard to find at their end of space. An amlost destroyed RWR Pinto class warship is discovered on an uncharted planet later named "Jones", after the Captain of the MH dropship that discovered it. The warship had plans for many SL era dropships, jumpships and warships. The idea of the MH having their own warship fleet starts to form due to what it found on "Jones".
-The worlds of "Abdea" and "Numeri", between ILLYRIA and MAXIMILLIAN are colonized by Illyrian settlers. *Laws in the MH start to change, allowing more freedoms to Plebeians and slaves.


-A Privateer working for the MH develops the RL/25.
-ZORN'S KEEP and THANDORA'S LAND join the HM due to increased pirate activity. BALTAZAR III refuses to join and prepares for war with the MH.
-MH invades BALTAZAR III and are met with heavy, and well equipped local defences.
-MH defeats BALTAZAR III's defences after 1yr of fighting. BALTAZAR III is now part of the MH. MH troops find a hidden factory complex (built by the WoB). MH starts repairing it and starts producing mechs, fighters ans vehicles for itself. MH sends a scouting party to CIRCINUS to find any tech that can be salvaged. MH sends a secret mission to GIBSON, to see if any tech can be salvaged ( very little is found other than weapons and armor the MH couldn't produce until now). MH produces its second original vehicle (tracked), and the VULCAN ASF (found in the Pinto warship). the world "Lundium", rimward/ antispinward of PAULINUS is colonized. The world REVEL, renamed Rever, is recolonized by the MH.
-The Dropship/ Jumpship shipyard is completed along with the other factories. The MH starts producing "basic" Dropships and the Scout Jumpship. The MH starts a massive buildup of its military. The MH starts to increase raids into the FWL and former FWL worlds. A miss-jump has a MH Jumpship discover the world later named "Gal'ron", rimward of ALGENIB. It becomes the furthest rimward world of the MH.
-variants of mechs, vehicles and ASF using AR's and LML's start being prodused. MH starts producing 3 new AQUILLA Jumpships: Neutral (light weapons),
Defense (medium weapons), Offense (sub capital weapons). The new AQUILLA'S can carry 1 Dropship.
-*MH provides resouces to the reunited TAURIAN CONCORDAT. MH produses original mechs: one 45T, one 60T, one 80T. MH produces 3 original vehicles: one 25T, one 55T, one 100T.


-MH offers "protection" to the worlds of HARDISEY'S HAVEN, CLAYBORNE II, DIEDRE'S DEN and ANDIRON if they join the MH. They refuse. The worls of SIERRA, SAN NICOLAS, LAHTI, NIOPS V/VI/VII refuse similar offers.
-MH invades the former CF worlds and quickly takes over them.
-MH invades SIERRA, SAN NICOLAS, LAHTI and the Niops Association. The FWL comes to the aid of said worlds. *FWL declares war with the MH. The HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War begins.
-YEAR 1: All the former CF worlds are freed. The former FWL worlds are freed and rejoin the FWL. The Illyrian worlds see heavy fighting but but are liberated by the FWL. VALERIUS falls to FWL. The Niops Association is freed by the FWL, but was very costly on both sides.
-YEAR 2: FWL invades REVEL, "New Rome", "Rodney". When FWL enters the "Spike" system, they are met with very heavy resistance. The battle lasts 7 months but falls. MH launches a counterattack on the "Spike" system, with 6 AQUILLA O's, 12 AQUILLA D's, and as many attack dropships they have. MH worlds "Spike", "New Rome" and "Rodney" are retaken. Due to troubles on other borders, FWL asks for a ceasefire with MH. The Illyrian and former CF worlds MUST be granted independence from the MH if the war is to end. MH agrees. *FWL forces leave MH space as MH forces leave Illyrian and former CF space.
-Losing half its worlds, MH starts a mass colonization program. 5 worlds between "Jones" and VALERIUS, 1 between REYKAVIS (IP) and REVEL. 2 between "New Rome" and REVEL. 7 between the MH, NA and the FWL, creating a buffer zone for the MH capital. 2 between NEW VENICE and "Jones". 3 between ALGENIB and "Gal'ron".
-With help from the LC and TC, MH starts expanding the ALPHARD shipyard and other factories to build warships.
-MH ships encounter MOC/DOA/CC ships in a system between ISLINGTON and THRAXA. Both sides attack eachother, claiming ownership of the system. Both sides agree to leave the system (do to both sides suffering heavy damage), and unclaimed for now. *This starts a low-level "war" with the two sides.
-With the shipyard expansion ahead of schedule, warship production statrs for a Corvette-class warship.
-An unknown warship is briefly seen in MH space, appearing, then disappearing.
-MH finishes its first PLEBEIAN Corvette-class warship.


-The unknown warship jumps into the ALPHARD system and starts firing at everything. Luckily, the MHS PLEBEIAN was in the system as well.
The two warships battle as aerospace fighters, dropships and attack jumpships deal with the enemy aerospace fighters and dropships.
Despite being half destroyed, the PLEBEIAN destroys the enemy warship. The other enemy units are also destroyed.
After the battle, the debris is seen having WoB markings. The battle shows that the MH has become stronger. Pride in the nation grows.
****After this, more sightings of WoB ships, and WoB raids start happening across known space.
-The 7 MH worlds along the Illyrian border are continually under attack by pirates/ raiders since the end of the war.
-10 years after the war, it is discovered that some MH politicians had sided with the FWL/IP/Former CF worlds, and have been disrupting the flow of supplies to the coreward most worlds. They no longer trust the government.
-2 years later, 5 of those worlds are no longer part of the MH. They join the Lothian League.
-Helios is claimed by both the MH and MOC/DOA/CC. Both side control half the world. Skirmishes happen daily on this world.
-Both the MH and MOC/DOA/CC colonize worlds between the MH and MOC. Helios, [COPPERHELL] and [POSSIBLE] are fought over the most. As seen on the map provided, [PASTOR], [EMERALD FALLS], [WARM LEGS], [LOWGRASS] and [GIVER] are more or less controlled my the MH or MOC/DOA/CC, based on the dividing line.


-The next 30 years see's the MH military grow in size. Slavery is banned in the MH 5 years into the build-up.

Marian Armed Forces: 16 Battlemech Legions (apx. 22 regiments/2400 mechs)


ABDEA: System position:1 of 2
VENUS sized. 90% water. Has 2 moons, The Eye (it's shaped like an eye) and The Sound (geologically active). Atmosphere is breathable. Has 1 continent that's covered in one giant forest. Fish are the highest lifeforms.

GAL'RON: System position:3 of 3
A jungle planet. It's 80% water. EARTH size. Atmosphere is breathable. Only 1 continent that's clearly 6 continents that merged together long ago. There are many islands, big and small, around the continent. It has 3 moons, Teller, Shephard and Cagali. Highest lifeforms are insects. BIG insects. It's more of a resort planet than anything else.

JONES: System position:2 of 4
A wasteland planet, not a quite desert, but not quite not. About the size of MARS with 1 moon, Jessica. It's atmosphere is thin but breathable. The southern hemisphere is covered in ice and snow, with some flora and funa. The northern hemisphere is a rocky wasteland, with little flora or fauna. The equator has the only surface liquid water on the planet. With an ocean strip going around the planet. Most of the flora and fauna are here. There are no continents anymore, unless you count the two hemispheres as continents. Highest lifeforms are small reptiles. The planet is classified as a dying planet. With help from the TAURIAN CONCORDAT, terraforming equipment is improving the ecosystem, giving new life to the planet. The Pinto-class warship is found near the north pole. The planets largest city, Skyfall, surrounds the ship and has a pop. of 300,000. Thats 70% of the planets total population. The other settlements are dotting across the equator on both sides. There is little in the way of resources other than coal, oil and frozen water.

NEW ROME: System position:1 of 9
Earth size. 55% water. Has 1 moon, Rona. Atmosphere is breathable but a little thin. 3 continents along the equator. The poles are ice-capped. The continents are dry but healthy with small mountain ranges across each continent. Birds are the highest lifeforms.

NUMERI: System position: 6 of 7
EARTH sized. 20% water. Geologically active in the southern hemisphere. No moons but does have a thick ring around it. The north pole has 15% of the surface water. Very rich in resources. Atmosphere is tainted, but breathable. Highest lifeforms are plants.

RODNEY: System position:4 of 10
MARS sized. No surface water, but lots underground. No moons. Atmosphere is tainted on the surface. An E.L.E happened around 30,000 years ago. Underground its breathable. Highest lifeforms are insects. Very rich in iron and copper.

SPIKE: System position:1 of 3
EARTH sized. 10% water. A desert planet. 1 moon, Lil' Italy (has a canyon shaped like Italy). Southern pole has all the water. Atmosphere is tainted but breathable. It's named SPIKE for the rocks jutting out of the ground across the planet. Some as tall as 600 meters. Highest lifeforms are plants. Rich in copper.



-After being freed by the FWL during the Hegemony-League War, the IP declares its independence.
-The worlds of ANDIRON, BALTAZAR III, DIEDRE'S DEN, CLAYBORNE II, THADORA'S LAND, HARDISEY'S HAVEN, ZORN'S KEEP, MAXIMILLIAN, "Numeri" and "Abdea" join the IP at the end of the year.
-IP starts to produce new mechs, vehicles and battle armour.

-IP starts to slowly grow it's armed forces.
-IP enters into a trade Alliance with the Lothian League and FWL.
-IP enters into a trade Alliance with the RD. This is due to the large FRR community. This includes the rights to building the Beowulf and other FRR/RD mechs, vehicles and ASF.

-IP offers to help the FWL garrison some worlds so it may deal with its borders better.
-While garrisoning the recolonized RWR world of ERDVYNN (FWL), a secret cashe of RWR mechs is discovered. As payment for garrisoning the world, the IP receives 1 battalion of these mechs. They are gradually upgraded.

-Backing up a FWL garrison on SON HOA, which joined the FWL of its own free will, the LC invades the world. Despite being outnumbered, they are able to hold them off for 3 months until reinforcements arrived. the LC forces are forced off the planet.
-ANDIRON is attacked by LC-backed raiders. The planets militia is all but wiped out. Only 10% of the raiders left the world.

-Obtains it's first, and only Warship from the FWL, an upgraded Bonaventure-class Corvette. It can now hold one dropship.
-A pirate group that has been targeting IP worlds is tracked down to the world of "New Mercury".
-The IP attacks the pirate base on "New Mercury". The pirates are destroyed after a planet-wide hunt lasting 7 months.
-The IP starts building a secret bases on a hidden worlds somewhere between BLANTLEFF and ZORN'S KEEP, ILLYRIA and "Abdea". This is for a future invasion on the MH by the IP and FWL.

-The IP is offered to join the FWL. Talks about the pros and cons of this begin. Former CF worlds offered to form their own realm if they join the FWL.
-Clan Sea Fox claims some land on ZORN'S KEEP, as a base for trading in the area. IP gains access to clan tech from the Sea Foxes.

Illyrian Armed Forces: 6 regiments, 2 battalions
Warships: 1



-PAULINUS joins the LL.
-LL starts producing the Toro, Talos and Brahma battlemechs.
-With help from the TAURIAN CONCORDAT, the LL starts trianing it's armed forces to be more effective.
-LL starts producing new ASF and vehicles.
-With the MH starting to "persuade" former CF worlds, the LL starts to prepare for an invasion from the MH.
-LL starts a trade Alliance with the RIM COLLECTION.
-As the MH starts invading the former CF, the LL declares Marshal Law in lue of the invasion.
-The invasion never happens thanks to the FWL coming to the aid of the former CF, and FWL worlds being invaded.

-With the IP and NA now free after the war, the LL helps the IP and NA with the rebuilding of the nations.
-BLANTLEFF rejoins the LL.
-The LL starts disarming itself due to never being invaded by the MH.
-The LL starts trading with the UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT, and the STELLAR EGYPTIAN KINGDOM. Both are new periphery realms.
-The LL starts producing new mechs.

-After the battle of ALPHARD, rumors of the WoB returning spread.
-With the reintroduction of Land-Air mechs thanks to the TAURIAN CONCORDAT now producing them, the LL slowly adds them to it's armed forces.
-The worlds of VALERIUS, "Rishardson", "Kiko II", "Theraton" and "Brintania" have joined the LL due to corruption in the MH leadership.
-LL obtains an upgraded Wagon Wheel-class frigate from the TAURIAN CONCORDAT.

-LL starts trading with both the MH again, and with the FWL.
-The FWL offers the LL to join it. The LL considers the offer, but chooses to decline the offer, but remains on friendly terms.
-A virus starts spreading across the LL, killing tens of thousands. The origin remains unknown, but rumors suggest it was the WoB or MH.
-The LL becomes a no-travel zone.

-A cure to the virus is found, but travel to the LL is still limited.
-After the virus' eradication, the LL creates a virus research lab, thanks to the new worlds being colonized in the region, it is something that is needed now.
-The virus is discovered to originate form a world now known as "DON'T COME HERE". What the LL experienced was very mild compared to what the colonists of the world suffered. The full effect of the virus is far worse on "DON'T COME HERE", where it comes from. Some believe the first STAR LEAGUE or the WoB tested WMD's here. The LL prevents anyone from landing on the planet, and is slowly killing off the virus on it. ***This will take several decades to do.
-The LL obtains its second upgraded Wagon Wheel warship from the TAURIAN CONCORDAT.

-The FWL again offers membership to the LL. The LL considers it.

Lothian Armed Forces: 13 regiments, LAMs: 2 battalions
Warships: 2



-NA starts producing battlemechs, vehicles and ASF.
-NA builds up its forces due to the MH expanding.

-MH offers membership to NA. NA refuses.
-MH invades NA.
-NA falls to the MH.
-FWL frees the NA at a high price.
-NA forces assist in attacking the MH.
-The war ends. The NA starts to rebuild with help from the FWL and the LL

-NA is offered to join the FWL. NA considers it.

-NA joins the FWL.

-NA starts producing omnimechs, fighters, and vehicles for itself and the FWL.

-NIOPS V is hit by an asteroid. the planet survives, but 30% of the population does not. Before this, a strange ship entered the system, then left shortly. It didn't respond to any hails. It is unknown if it was the WoB or not.

Niops Armed Forces: 4 regiments, 2 battalions



-CC invades and captures the worlds of LES HALLES, CALLOWAY VI, ANEGASAKI and IPSWICH. This forces the FWL to look to it's periphery for new factories.
-The FWL tries to persuade the worlds of ELEUSIS, OBRENOVAC, PAYVAND, RUSCHEGG and SCHEUERHECK to rejoin the FWL.
-The MOC/DOA/CC, reclaims the MOC's former worlds of ELEUSIS, OBRENOVAC, PAYVAND, RUSCHEGG and SCHEUERHECK through negotiating with them, despite the FWL trying to do the same. The MOC/DOA/CC start invading the worlds of GLEVAKHA, ROHINJAN, SAONARA, MEADOWVALE, CAP ROUGE, KANATA and HUDEIBA. The fighting for these worlds lasts 5 years with the FWL the victor's.
-FWL invades and captures the worlds of DALCOUR, CERILLOS, GALISTEO, GRIFFITH and PROMISED LAND.

-FWL invades and captures the worlds of EPSILON, TIMBIQUI and PENCADER.
-The worlds of CAVANAUGH II and PENOBSCOT are fought over with the FWL, LC and the Wolf Empire. The WE takes control of CAVANAUGH II and PENOBSCOT.
-The WE invades PENCADER and TIMBIQUI. The FWL remains in control of these worlds after 1 year of fighting.

-MH invades SIERRA, SAN NICOLAS, LAHTI and the Niops Association. The FWL comes to the aid of said worlds. *FWL declares war with the MH. The HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War begins.
- Before the FWL invades the MH, the FWL sets up a staging base on MELk, which they discover it still has people living on it. They're mostly farmers and fishermen with some light industry. Its HPG was destroyed from space. Possibly a LC warship during the 2nd Succession War. It rejoins the FWL at that time.
-YEAR 1: All the former CF worlds are freed. The former FWL worlds are freed and rejoin the FWL. The Illyrian worlds see heavy fighting but but are liberated by the FWL. VALERIUS falls to FWL. The Niops Association is freed by the FWL, but was very costly on both sides.
-YEAR 2: FWL invades REVEL, "New Rome", "Rodney". When FWL enters the "Spike" system, they are met with very heavy resistance. The battle lasts 7 months but falls. MH launches a counterattack on the "Spike" system. MH worlds "Spike", "New Rome" and "Rodney" are retaken. Due to troubles on other borders, FWL asks for a ceasefire with MH. The Illyrian and former CF worlds MUST be granted independence from the MH if the war is to end. MH agrees. *FWL forces leave MH space as MH forces leave Illyrian and former CF space.
-All former FWL worlds rejoin the FWL.

-The worlds of KHON KAEN, MADIUN, SON HOA and ALTHASTON join the FWL.
-NA is offered to join the FWL. NA considers it.
-The FWL starts building new factories in its antispinward region.
-The worlds of ERDVYNN and CHOEX are recolonized by the FWL.
-The FWL retakes the worlds of LES HALLES, CALLOWAY VI, ANEGASAKI and IPSWICH.

-NA joins the FWL.
-The FWL enters into a trade Alliance with the Lothian League and the Illyrian Palatinate.
-The worlds of CALVADOS, YIDTALL, TATOPANI and ARMSTRONG are recolonized by the FWL.
-FWL starts producing upgraded versions of Age of War and First Start League warships and dropships.

-IP offers to help the FWL garrison some worlds so it may deal with its borders better.
-While garrisoning the recolonized RWR world of ERDVYNN (FWL), a secret cashe of RWR mechs is discovered. As payment for garrisoning the world, the IP receives 1 battalion of these mechs.
-The world of ARMSTRONG is raided by the Asgardian Defence Pact, a new nation in the periphery.

-NA starts producing omnimechs, fighters, and vehicles for itself and the FWL.
-The FWL starts trading with the Stellar Egyptian Kingdom.
-The FWL starts trading with the United Kingdoms of New Levant.
-The FWL starts rebuilding the former RWR factories on ERDVYNN.

-With the IP backing up a FWL garrison on SON HOA, which joined the FWL of its own free will, the LC invades the world. Despite being outnumbered, they are able to hold them off for 3 months until reinforcements arrived. the LC forces are forced off the planet.
-FWL starts trading with the Alash Caliphate.
-The CC invades and captures the worlds of VENTABREN, SECOND CHANCE, HARSEFELD, HASSAD, VANDRA and CARBONIS. Again, this forces the FWL to look to it's periphery for new factories.
-The FWL obtains through trading technology with the TAURIAN CONCORDAT, it's Independent Weapons Platform (IWP) system for warships.

-The FWL offers the LL to join it. The LL considers the offer, but chooses to decline the offer, but remains on friendly terms.
-While searching for a WoB ship that was seen around the Alash Caliphate, FWL forces encounter a fleet of combat jumpships in an uninhabited system. This unknown force believes the FWL forces were sent to attack them. A short battle ensues in orbit of the systems only planet, a gas giant. The battle ends in a stalemate. The FWL contacts the other fleet, stating they are not here to attack them. The unknown fleet states that the FWL is in the territory of the Pure Star Worlds. The Inner Sphere is not welcomed here, and for them to leave this region of space immediately. The FWL fleet returns to the Alash Caliphate to warn them of the PSW. The AC already knows about them and are on good terms with them. The PSW only distrusts the IS realms, not the periphery realms.
-The FWL marks the PSW as a bandit kingdom.
-The FWL starts trading with the Axumite Providence, on the AP trade world of "Kallarty". Trade with them is limited due to the ADP being near the route to the AP trade world.
-The FWL starts building a secret bases on hidden worlds somewhere between KENDALL and HEDNESFFORD, CAMPOLOENE and "ASTROKASZY". This is for a future invasion on the MH by the IP and FWL.
-The FWL claims the area of space between it, the MH, and the MOC. Since both the MH and MOC can't deny the FWL this space, no one else claims it.
-The FWL starts searching for worlds to colonize in the space between it, the MH and the MOC.
-The Wolf Empire attacks KHON KAEN and MADIUN. Both worlds are almost lost, but the FWL forces the WE off the worlds.
-MOC/DOA/CC invade the world of AYN TARMA. The only forces close enough to respond is a refitted Thera-class carrier that's equipped with the new IWP technology,and 3 jumpships. The attacking jumpships(6) and warships(3), are heavily damaged in the fight. 1 warship is destroyed and the rest are damaged. The attackers are driven out of the system. Half of the ground forces are taken as POW's.

-The FWL again offers membership to the LL. The LL considers it.
-The IP is offered to join the FWL. Talks about the pros and cons of this begin. Former CF worlds offered to form their own realm if they join the FWL.
-The FWL starts colonizing 5 worlds in the space between it, the MH and the MOC. All the colonies are just starting out, and have no names yet.
-The planet of New St. Andrews is offered to join the FWL.

FWLM: Posted Image regiments
Warships: Posted Image


NEW MERCURY: System position: 4 0f 6
The world is slightly smaller than Venus in size. It has 3 moons, CHAR, ZHAR AND LILY. All of them are small. The world has 2 continents. The largest one in the south is named Shiver, and is mostly snow and ice. The northern coast is mostly forest. It has clusters of islands leading up to the north. The smaller northern one is named Atlas. It is mostly plains and rivers, with a southern mountain range.

-Refugees from LC worlds in the path of the Wolf Empire's invasion, arrive at the planet "New Mercury".

-A rogue FWL unit turned pirate arrives and claims the world for themselves. The people try to resist, but the rogue unit wipes out a whole town to make them submit.

-A pirate group that has been targeting IP worlds is tracked down to "New Mercury".
-The IP attacks the pirate base on "New Mercury". The pirates are destroyed after a planet-wide hunt lasting 7 months.
-With the pirates gone, "New Mercury" starts to rebuild, including increasing it defences.

-The Asgardian Defence Pact offers "New Mercury" to join it.

NEW MERCURY Armed Forces: 1 battalion, 1 company



-With the MH starting to move on nearby worlds, those who can escape the coming war leave their worlds, and arrive at NEW ST. ANDREWS.
-With the influx of refugees from these soon-to-be-at-war worlds, the planets government struggles to keep the peace.
-NSA prepares for the possible invasion from the MH.

-With the MH-FWL war over, and no invasion from the MH happening, NSA starts to stabilize. The new inhabitants adjust to life on the world.
-Meridian Manufacturing starts producing more advanced mechs and vehicles, including a 100 ton assault mech.
-NSA starts trading with the Stellar Egyptian Kingdom.
-NSA starts trading with the United Kingdoms of New Levant.

-A large pirate force invades NSA. Despite being outnumbered, NSA is able to hold out until help from the SEK arrives. They manage to capture 2 dropships and 1 jumpship. The pirates leave with nothing.

-A rogue LC unit enters the system, offering to help with the defence of the planet. NSA agrees, but they must abide by the laws of the world.

-New St. Andrews is offered to join the FWL.

NEW ST. ANDREWS Armed Forces: 1 regiment, 2 battalions


DON'T COME HERE: System position:2 of 13
The world is the size of the moon (Luna). It has 1 moon, Jeffery, and 3 small rings. It's a jungle world with 4 continents. 3 in the north, 2 of which connect to each other, and 1 in the south. All 4 are about the same size. The southern one has 3 mountain ranges dividing the jungles. The connected ones have 1 mountain range dividing the continents. The lone northern one has a small mountain range in the east, with lakes dotting the continent.

-As the MH starts invading the former CF, those who can leave the LL, leave and settle on a jungle planet they named "Grapevine". The plan was to wait until it was safe to come back.

-With the war over, some travel back to the LL, unknowingly bringing a very deadly virus with them.

-Unknown to the LL, everyone on "Grapevine" has died due to an unknown virus.
-A virus starts spreading across the LL, killing tens of thousands. The origin remains unknown, but rumors suggest it was the WoB or MH.
-The LL becomes a no-travel zone.

-A cure to the virus is found, but travel to the LL is still limited.
-After the virus' eradication, the LL creates a virus research lab, thanks to the new worlds being colonized in the region, it is something that is needed now.
-The virus is discovered to originate from a world now known as "DON'T COME HERE". What the LL experienced was very mild compared to what the colonists of the world suffered. The full effect of the virus is far worse on "DON'T COME HERE", where it comes from. Some believe the first STAR LEAGUE or the WoB tested WMD's here. The LL prevents anyone from landing on the planet, and is slowly killing off the virus on it. ***This will take several decades to do.
-Everyone who comes to the system are forced out for their protection. The LL plans on recolonizing the world once the virus is completely dead on the world.

DON'T COME HERE Armed Forces: 0



-After Interstellar Expeditions stopped coming to the world, the inhabitants started to become more self sufficient, and able to survive on their own. Despite this, they are running out of the medications Interstellar Expeditions gave them.
-Magistracy of Canopus rediscovers the world, and offers to help them with the medication they need. FROBISHER is able to produce a limited amount of the medication at this time, but not enough to sustain themselves for long periods of time.
-The MOC/DOA/CC start to rebuild the buildings that were destroyed/ stripped of everything.

-The Aquatic humans now have a steady supply of the medication they need, and its population is now growing at a steady rate. On the surface, those fleeing the IS start setting up homes and farms. This allows the planet to become more stable and independent. The aquatic and surface inhabitants coexist with each other very well.

-The MOC/DOA/CC establish a deep periphery base here, in order to watch for WOB ships that might be in the area.

-The MOC offers FROBISHER to join it. The people are unsure, but say they will think about it.

FROBISHER Armed Forces: 1 battalion



-Helios is rediscovered by refugees fleeing the wars in the IS.

-Helios is claimed by both the MH and MOC/DOA/CC, despite what the inhabitants say to both sides. The world is now part of a disputed area between the MH and MOC/DOA/CC.

-The people of Helios secretly sent a message to the FWL, asking for help removing both the MH and MOC/DOA/CC. The FWL response is to wait for them. They're preparing for something in that region of space. In the meantime, the FWL sends some troops to aid the world in defending itself, as well as some equipment to help them.

HELIOS Armed Forces: 2 company 2 lances MHAF: 2 regiments, 2 battalions MOCAF/DOAAF/CCAF: 2 regiments, 1 battalion FWLM: 2 battalions

This is it for what happens in the area around the MH. In the next part we go out into the Deep Periphery antispinward, and see whats happening out there.

It will be called- Beyond the Marians




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Posted 17 March 2016 - 10:15 AM

Periphery Rising-Beyond the Marians

This is where things start to get interesting in this region of space. There are 5 periphery realms of significance. 1 we already know about, and 1 that has become 2 realms from civil war. They're all unique and full of mystery, just waiting to be discovered. Some are friendly to others. Some only to a few. And some not at all. There are pirate-controlled worlds, and worlds that were occupied by the WOB. The only things the people out here have to fear are pirates, and any neighbours that want what they have. I'll start off with a brief intro of the realms in this area. After that it will my normal posting.

This is where all the fun begins!!!

Lets begin with the youngest first- The ASGARDIAN DEFENCE PACT.
The ADP was formed by those who believed the LC allying with a nation like the MH would not only prove fatal to the LC, but it would tarnish it's name and honor. This turned out to be partly true, with the WE and FWL both claiming worlds from the LC along the same border. According to them, as long the LC is allied with the MH, they will not rejoin the LC, and do whatever they can to end the alliance. They raid FWL, WE and MH worlds that are near by. Never traveling too far from home. Their actions have put their neighbours on on edge, resulting in lower trade with other realms. They're in between a bandit kingdom and an unruly child. Sooner or later their actions will cost them their nation, unless something happens to wake them up. The nation's government is the same as the LC, just without the Archonship.

Now on to the second oldest- The STELLAR EGYPTIAN KINGDOM.
This realm is unique among all of the new realms here in that, not only is it based on the Egyptian civilization, with the old gods being worshiped, and everything else like old Egypt, but without slavery and it's leader is elected for a 6 year term. It's military might rivals that of the MH. It is also the only reason the ADP hasn't gone to war with the MH or FWL. It became this strong by trading its abundant resources with its neighbours, and obtaining advanced technology from them. Of all the nations here, the SEK is the most advanced in technology. Like its neighbour rimward, the SEK acts as a "middle man" when it comes to diplomatic issues in the area. It has never been at war, and doesn't plan on getting into one. So it's military is inexperienced in this area. The people are devoted to their Pharaoh (yup, their leader is called Pharaoh), and to the nation. So any war with them will be costly on both sides.

Starting out as four independent worlds, they quickly started trading with each other. This lead to the formation of the UKNL. The UKNL is a peaceful nation, despite being involved in 2 wars. The nation is self sufficient, and relies mainly on exporting food stuffs to the MH, LL, FWL and the SEK. It's not the strongest military wise, but they are well trained. This has proven to be a strength for them, since they were the victors in both "Freedom" wars. The UKNL's government is similar to Terra's United Kingdom, but with the prime minister as the only head of government.

*this is from the IP3:IE- "The Society of St. Andreas has origins that are similar to the Feifdom of Randis. Only where the Feifdom emerged as a knightly order in the spinward reaches of the Inner Sphere, the Society’s path took them in both literally and culturally the opposite direction.Throughout human history religious movements have predicted the end of the world, and have quickly fallen apart after the Armageddon they expected never materialized. Conversely, the Society of St. Andreas is a Catholic religious movement that felt they had seen the beginnings of the Apocalypse and have hidden themselves away to ride out humanity’s slow death rattle. Located nearly 250 light-years more distant than the Marian Hegemony capital, Alphard, the Andreans colonized a bland world of black colored vegetation and dull colored animals circling a dim red star. The star they dubbed St. Andreas—in honor of their society name—while the world they settled, and its twin moons, came to be known as St. Timalin, St. Chaeryl and St. Daniel (respectively)." *They finally started to leave their world in search of resources they needed to survive on their world, which they had ran out of. This led them to discover that others have fled the IS recently for what the SSA believed were similar reasons as them. Despite this, the SSA has remained willingly isolated from everyone, with the exception of the UKNL, who they fought alongside with in the "Freedom" wars. The near future is unclear for the SSA. Some citizens want to communicate more with the new nations near them, and expand the SSA to new systems. While others want nothing to do with the rest of humanity.

Over a hundred years ago the worlds of "TRIESTE", "URAL II" and "KHANLIG IV" were colonized mainly by former CC and LC citizens escaping the wars. Since they never really interacted that much before, things were going pretty well. After a few decades they formed the URAL UNION. Decades later they decided to try and increase their size by convincing the SSA and UKNL to merge with them and take the fight to those who forced them to leave their homeworlds. This failed and it led to the first "Freedom" war. Before this, there was a faction of the UU government that was against the expansionist views of the current leadership. After losing the war, there was a call for the current leadership to step down, and for the nation to have an election. A year after the war, the "Uniter", it's "leader", was assassinated. The pro-war faction blamed it on a pro-peace member. The thing is, the person they're blaming, doesn't even exist. There is no person with her name ANYWHERE. This event lit the fire that was just starting to spark. Now the UU is spit between 2 factions- the TATARS ASCENDANCY (pro-peace) and the TRIESTE DOMINION (pro-war). The former capital and 3 other worlds are continuously fought over by both sides. At the moment, interaction with the former UU is not recommended, unless you can defend yourself properly against those who are desperate enough to grab at anything they can. Both splinter realms have the same government as the UU did. A Republic-like setup, with the Uniter as the head of the government.

The 3 worlds of the ALASH CALIPHATE were settled by refugees from the AZAMI WORLDS in the DRACONIS COMBINE. Why they would travel so far from their home worlds, they refuse to speak about and quickly change the subject. Whatever made these refugees leave the AZAMI WORLDS, it was bad enough for them to travel so far. The CALIPHATE worlds are dry worlds not unlike their home worlds. They trade whatever they make with nearby worlds, and remain on good terms with the PURE STAR WORLDS. As with the PSW, the AC tends to keep itself isolated from the rest of humanity. Just not as much as the PSW. Each world is an Emirate unto itself, with the High Emir as the head of the CALIPHATE.

The PURE STAR WORLDS is an oddity. It has isolated itself from everyone but the periphery nations. It rejects any offers by IS powers for trade, or even their presence in their space. And yet they promote refugees to come to the PSW. Despite how far it is from the IS, it has had a population boom unlike any other periphery realm in this part of space. It has also somehow obtained the rights and technology to build the first gen. IS omnimechs, as well as 2 new assault omnimechs- the Conqueror(80 tons): based off of the Awesome, and the Dreadnought(100 ton): based off of the Atlas. It is rumored that they also have warships. How many is unknown, but the fact that a lot of what they produce goes to an unknown factory within it's borders. This also applies to its dropship, jumpship, battlemech, vehicle, aerospace fighter and battle armor factories. The PSW clearly has a larger defence force than what they show. What they plan to do with this firepower is unknown, and those realms around it should be very concerned. The PSW has a Semi-presidential system of government.




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Posted 31 October 2016 - 12:40 PM

Hello all.
It has been quite some time since I last posted anything here. My bad. Here is a bunch more of this. Also, if you have any names for planets, by all means let me know. I need 500-1000 names for planets/ colonies. I'm not lying about the number, I really do need that many. Anyways, ENJOY!!!

Formed from religious groups that fled the IS to escape the carnage of war, the UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT started out as a trade and defence union between the four main worlds of "STELLAR MECCA", "SAMSON", "ENLIGHTENMENT", and "NEW LEVANT". When the worlds were first colonized, they had limited contact with each other, mainly from trade ships. Each world ruled itself differently, but all four trusted each other. As time past, pirates came. At first they weren't able to fight back as much as they wanted too. Eventually they all obtained enough weapons to protect themselves. As this relationship grew, they started to trade with others nearby. The SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS was the nearest world that wasn't at war with another realm, but they were very distrustful. The worlds of "WATASUMI" and "ASTRAKHAN" were far more willing to trade. Upon hearing news of the MH moving on its neighbours, the four worlds had a meeting on "NEW LEVANT", to discuss if officially forming into a nation would be best for them. Each "kingdom" had several worlds under their control by this time, except "NEW LEVANT", which was still just one world, but it was the most populated. The four worlds officially formed the UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT, with "NEW LEVANT" as the capital.

YEARS- -67
-Groups of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other religious groups leave the border regions of the FWL, CC an LC for the periphery.
-The worlds of "STELLAR MECCA", "SAMSON", "ENLIGHTENMENT", and "NEW LEVANT" are colonized.
-Trade between the worlds begin.

-The UKNL worlds starts trading with the ALASH CALIPHATE.
-The UKNL encounters an MH trade ship near LUNDIUM. The two ships do some inter-ship trading before the MH ship leaves. The MH now knows about the UKNL.

-Trade between "STELLAR MECCA", "SAMSON", "ENLIGHTENMENT", and "NEW LEVANT", and with the MH's activities, grow to form a trade and defence union for the four worlds.
-The URAL UNION offers the UKNL to join them to form a much larger nation, one that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL. The UKNL flat out refuses the offer and tells the UU that it wants no part in creating more war.
-An alliance between the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS, who also rejected the UU's offer is created. Despite not liking each other, mutual defence against the UU is needed.

-The UU invades the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UKNL. The "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
-Year 1: The UU attacks "ENLIGHTENMENT" and "SAMSON" of the UKNL. As well as St. Andreas. St. Andreas falls, but is freed by UKNL troops. "ENLIGHTENMENT" falls. "ENLIGHTENMENT" is freed but

"SAMSON" falls. "GOLDEN PLATE" falls. "JIBRAIL" falls. "NEW LEVANT" is attacked but the UU retreats.
-Year 2: St. ANDREAS falls while "SAMSON" and "GOLDEN PLATE" are freed. "JIBRAIL" is freed. St. Andreas is freed again. "TRIPPERTAI" is taken by the UKNL. "TYUMEN IX" is taken by SSA.
-Year 3: "SCALLOP" is taken by the UKNL. "JIMJOM" is taken by the UKNL. At the UU's capital, "URAL II", the UKNL and SSA demand that the UU surrender, and stop attacking them. The UU agrees. ***This causes the URAL UNION to fall into civil war, fracturing it into two new nations, the TRIESTE DOMINION, and the TATARS ASCENDANCY.
-The SSA agrees to a trade alliance with the UKNL.

-With news of the MH moving on its neighbours, the four worlds had a meeting on "NEW LEVANT", to discuss if officially forming into one nation would be best for them.
-The UKNL starts limited trade with nearby MH worlds. *This is to keep the MH from invading them.
-The UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT is officially formed.

-A TC trade ship heading to the LL jumps into the "SAMSON" system, discovering the UKNL.
-The LL and TC start limited trade with the UKNL, due to the MH's movements.
-The UKNL starts trading with the PURE STAR WORLDS.

-The TRIESTE DOMINION invades the SSA. The UKNL sends help to free the SSA. The second "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
Year 1: *NOTE: This war only last 1 year, and only takes place on St. ANDREAS. For 11 months battle rages on St. ANDREAS. Eventually the TD leaves the world with only 45% of what they sent. This is due to the TATARS ASCENDANCY overtaking the TD on some worlds.

-The FWL asks if they can use one of the UKNL's worlds as a staging base to look for those strange, possibly WOB ships that have been showing up. The UKNL agrees. MORMON VII is chosen as the

world they can use.
-The UKNL obtains a warship from the MH.

-A virus starts spreading on "MU'AQQIBAT", killing thousands. The origin remains unknown, but rumors suggest it was the WoB or MH.
-A cure to the virus is found, but half the population of "MU'AQQIBAT" is dead.
-The virus is discovered to originate from a world now known as "DON'T COME HERE".

UKNL Defence Force: apx. 10 regiments
Warships: 1



ENLIGHTENMENT: System position:2 of 3 Population: 13,701,722
Slightly larger than MARS. 30% water. Desert world. 1 moon, FALLEN. The poles have most of the water. Atmosphere is thin but breathable. Highest lifeforms are Insects. Most live in the mountains in the north and south poles.

NEW LEVANT: System position:3 of 5 Population: 35,102,665
EARTH size. 69% water. Earth like. 3 moons, HEAVEN, HELL and LIMBO. Atmosphere is breathable. 4 continents. 2 in the northern hemisphere, 2 connected in the southern hemisphere. the northern ones are near the north pole, and are mostly ice and snow covered. Both have large forests covering it. The southern continents are separated by a small mountain range. The eastern half is jungle like with many rivers. The western one is mostly desert and Savannah, with 2 large lakes near the dividing mountains. The capital, Risen Souls, is located on the southern most tip of the the northern continent. It's pop. is 2,345,911. Highest lifeforms are mammals.

SAMSON: System position:4 of 8 Population: 4,594,100
Somewhat larger than MARS. 45% water. Wasteland world. No moon but a large ring orbiting it. Atmosphere is tainted. Highest lifeforms are Plants. The world is currently recovering from an E.L.E. that happened about 3 million years ago. This event killed off most of the life on the world.

STELLAR MECCA: System position:1 of 4 Population: 19,443,092
VENUS size. 81% water. Water world. Atmosphere breathable. 1 moon, ALLA, and 2 rings. Highest lifeforms are fish. Most of the land is in 1 continent in the north, with islands scattered around it. Most of these islands tail downward to the south pole.


Discovered by a portion of what was left of the pirates that made the Pirates Haven Star Cluster home, after the Taurian Concordat and its allies launched an invasion on it. About 80% of all the pirates were captured or killed in this invasion. Those that escaped, instead of travelling to the Tortuga Dominions, which was having internal problems at this time, some decided to travel as far as they can in the other direction. The planet is named after the "lead" pirate band, the Astrakhan Misfits. The Misfits were a fairly new pirate band, and they were at the core of the cluster resupplying when the invasion happened. By pure luck they got out of the cluster before it fell to the TC, reclaiming it. This world would be classified as a dying world. The planetary ecosystem is failing, and would be gone in about 100,000 years by some estimates. When the pirates came to this world, they had already decided to give up on pirating. They had no real means to live that life anymore. They could barely defend themselves after escaping the cluster. The world is seperated into city-state Oblasts, and is governed as such in a "Congress of City-States". There is no single leader. All the cities govern the planet equally. The UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT tried to open trade with the world, but Congress wanted little to do with other nations for the most part. The city-states are more concerned with trying to extend the planets life, using whatever terraforming technology they can get.

-The planet ASTRAKHAN is discovered by pirates from the Pirates Haven Star Cluster.
-16 city-states are created on the world by the pirates.

-Refugees from the IS discover ASTRAKHAN, and wish to settle on it. The Congress of City-States agrees to let them settle on the planet.

-ASTRAKHAN's first military factory is built, producing at first fighters and vehicles. Near the end of the century it starts producing mechs and battle armor.

-A large pirate band called The Lupus Rulers invades ASTRAKHAN. This is known as The Great Lupus Invasion. The Asgardian Defence Pact, and Stellar Egyptian Kingdom take part in this war as well. This isn't so much an actual war, but constant raiding by the Lupus Rulers.

-The Lupus Invasion ends with the Lupus Rulers defeated, retreating back to wherever they came from. (The Lupus Cloud?Posted Image)

ASTRAKHAN Militia: apx. 1 regiment

ASTRAKHAN: System position:1 of 5 Population: 24,000
Smaller than VENUS. 30-50% water, depending on the year. 1 moon that was destroyed long before the planet was discovered. Atmosphere is tainted and barely breathable. This is due to its failing ecosystem. Highest lifeforms are Insects. Most live in the southern pole, where most of the water that remains year round is located.


Settled by refugee's coming from the world of Sawyer, in the Draconis Combine. The leader of the refugee's Believed that the current Combine is a false nation bent on destroying everything true Combine citizens stand for. That, and that he believed the Queen of Dragons(Named Hiroko Ai) would be coming soon to save the Combine from the false rulers. He believed that the QoD would emerge into this realm from a star cluster on the other side of the Inner Sphere. Currently known as CAESAR'S CROWN. Other who believed him, and some who wanted to get away from a nation consumed by war, joined him in leaving for this star cluster. Evading Combine patrols, traveling through multiple war zones, evading pirates. They spent several years in space getting to the cluster. At times they traveled with others doing the same, getting away from all the war and neglect. When they finally made it to the cluster, they scouted several planets before settling on the world named after their leaders family name- "Watasumi". They're very withdrawn from everyone else. Not wanting anything to do with the nearby realms. They've claimed the cluster as theirs, and won't allow any non-combine settlers near it. It is the focal point for their new religion/ cult, that the majority are now apart of. Currently there are several more worlds having settlements built on them. They will be the new homes of other Combine refugee's that the Watasumi ships will be bringing to the cluster. It will take several years for those ships to return. IF they return. The Second Age Of War has made the IS very dangerous for ships. The Leader of the world is the leader of the cult, simply The Leader. 7 sages make up the ruling consuls under the leader. Every 6 years an election for new consuls is done.

Watasumi Religion/ Cult: Known as "HIROKOISM"
The Leader rules "HIROKOISM" with 7 sages making up the ruling consul. Every 6 years an election for new consuls is done. They believe the Queen of Dragons will emerge from the CAESAR'S CROWN open star cluster, to save the Draconis Combine from itself. Why so far from the DC is currently unknown. Every year there is a festival with an animal sacrifice to the QoD. "HIROKOISM" is heavily inspired by Shintoism, and the majority of it is in "HIROKOISM", just with the QoD at the centre of it.

-WATASUMI is colonized
-"HIROKOISM" is declared the official religion, with other religions welcomed.

-WATASUMI Militia is formed.

-Several ships leave to bring more DC refugee's to WATASUMI.
-New settlements in the CAESAR'S CROWN open star cluster are being built, to house the new would-be colonists. Apx. 6000 from WATASUMI begin settling these worlds as well.

WATASUMI Militia: 1 battalion

WATASUMI: System position:3 of 10 Population: 9000 (apx. 6000 settling new worlds in the CAESAR'S CROWN open star cluster.) apx. 15,000 in total. Earth size. 66% water and is slightly tainted. Atmosphere is slightly tainted due to an asteroid that struck the moon of SHIRO, thousands of years ago. 2 connected continents in the north. Mostly plains due to the mountains of the continents. 3 moons named SHIRO(1/closest), TAKASHI(2), and THEODORE(3). Highest lifeforms are reptiles. The moon THEODORE does have an atmosphere similar to Mars that's breathable, but due to the large amount of toxic plants on it(90% of all plant life on THEODORE is deadly to humans), no settlement attempts were made.


Colonized by people from the Duchy of Andurien, who didn't like the idea of forming an Alliance with the Capellan Confederation, and from pacifists from the Draconis Combine, fearing they would be hunted down by the Combine. Both groups tend to stay away from each other, but do trade with each other. Exact time of colonization, and who colonized the world first, is unknown. But most on the planet believe they both arrived around the same time.

SAUSKA: System position:1 of 4 Population: apx.4300 Mars size. 87% water, mostly ice in the north. Highest lifeforms are plant-like insects.

SAUSKA Militia: apx. 2 companies each

ISRAFIL 3 was colonized sometime between 3147 and 3160. The colonist were from the LC-Clan border worlds. The worlds population was around 1 million until about 30 years ago, when a very sudden, and very aggressive change happened to the majority of the population. At first there were cases of some people acting extremely aggressive and primitive. Attacking and even eating people. It started with just a handful of cases, but quickly became a planet-wide problem. In just a few decades the planets human population went from 1 million, to around 100 thousand. the majority changing mentally into primitive animals. The survivors have built walls around several islands in the north. According to the survivors, it was a mutation of a local micro-organism that caused this change. Normally it didn't affect humans at all. But this mutated version turns the human brain into its most primitive version. Focusing on the most basic of needs. According to them, they were unaffected due to them having Neanderthal DNA in them. Why Neanderthal DNA would be immune to this micro-organism is unknown. ISRAFIL 3 was rediscovered by an ALASH CALIPHATE trade ship, and when they first landed at an abandoned city, they were attacked by these very aggressive humans. Attacking like animals. After the dropship returned, with several dead, they received
a message in text from from the planet, to go to the north east. This is where the survivors met with the ALASH CALIPHATE, revealing what has happened on the planet. The survivors are currently trying to create a cure to this "Animalism" as they call it. *****(This planet was used by the WoB to create a bio weapon to use on the inner sphere, but due to them losing the war they started, the world was abandoned, and the lad on-world was destroyed by a meteor they dropped on it. Nobody knows of this.)

ISRAFIL 3 Defence Force: 1 company

ISRAFIL 3: System position:3 of 5 Population: apx. 100,000. Another apx. 500,000 "Animalists" according to surviving records. 1.3 times Earth size. 45% water. Mostly plains and deserts. The southern hemisphere is just a giant mix of plains and deserts. No moons of great size, just 7 small meteors that got stuck in its gravity. The northern hemisphere has the most water. Both poles have ice, the southern pole has the most ice. Air is breathable. Highest lifeforms are insects.

With both the MH and MOC at odds with each other, the colonists from both realms decided to cut off most ties with their respective realms, preventing the stupidity of that conflict from spreading here. Not much has changed since the world was first rediscovered. The "natives" are more at ease with the more advanced groups now, trading what they gather and hunt for whatever they need.

MC EVEDY'S FOLLY Militia: 2 companies

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Posted 02 November 2016 - 07:03 AM

This is where you can find my current maps. Posted Image


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 03:58 PM



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Posted 10 July 2017 - 07:49 AM


The Society of St. Andreas has origins that are similar to the Feifdom of Randis. Only where the Feifdom emerged as a knightly order in the spinward reaches of the Inner Sphere, the Society’s path took them in both literally and culturally the opposite direction. Throughout human history religious movements have predicted the end of the world, and have quickly fallen apart after the Armageddon they expected never materialized. Conversely, the Society of St. Andreas is a Catholic religious movement that felt they had seen the beginnings of the Apocalypse and have hidden themselves away to ride out humanity’s slow death rattle. Located nearly 250 light-years more distant than the Marian Hegemony capital, Alphard, the Andreans colonized a bland world of black colored vegetation and dull colored animals circling a dim red star. The star they dubbed St. Andreas—in honor of their society name—while the world they settled, and its twin moons, came to be known as St. Timalin, St. Chaeryl and St. Daniel (respectively).

YEAR 3140 (Real BT Time)
-Refugee's from the Inner Sphere appear in the St. Andreas system, after the fall of all HPG stations. None stop but bring news of what is happening in the Inner Sphere. There is limited interaction with them, but those who do come in contact with those fleeing the Inner Sphere, start considering if their leaders are truly doing whats best for them.
-After several years of seeing so many people escaping the Inner Sphere, members of the current government consider expanding to nearby worlds, in order to safeguard the nation, and their positions. Word of this gets out to the common people on ST.ANDREAS,St. Timalin, St. Chaeryl and St. Daniel. Groups of those who came in contact with the refugee's start asking the leadership what's going to happen to them. How are they going to colonize new worlds? How will they build/ obtain Jumpships, Dropships and other colony building technology? How are the common people, who already know so little of the universe, going to do all this?

YEAR 3149 (Real BT Time)
-Small disturbances begin to happen on the moons, then the planet. The government starts cracking down on those who question their authority.
-The colonies on the moons rebel and declare themselves independent nations. A civil war breaks out within the SSA. Those who want more freedom and knowledge, against those who want things to remain the same, with them in power. This civil war is low-scale, with little damage to the colonies themselves.

YEAR 3153 (Real BT Time)
-The civil war ends with the current Prior General surrendering to the masses. A new government is put in place that puts the people first, and everything else second.
-A UKNL trade ship enters the system, discovering the SSA. The SSA sees the UKNL as a possible threat to the nation, and tells them to keep their distance from their space.

YEAR 3166 (Real BT Time)
-The SSA obtains several scout class jumpships from the STELLAR EGYPTIAN KINGDOM, allowing them a chance to colonize new worlds, and to give those fleeing the Inner Sphere a new home if they need one.
-Several worlds are marked as possible colony worlds. The only problem is that the current government is very cautious. More focused on the worlds they're currently living on.

-While surveying an uninhabited system with no habitable world, a SSA survey ship discovers a cashe of Star League era small arms and vehicles stored in an underground base, located on a moon orbiting a gas giant. They also found trillions of C-bills in rare gemstones, gold and silver bars. From what they gathered from the computer AI, an official in the Terran Hegemony had stashed all this to start his/ her own nation when the TH fell to Stefan Amaris.
There were those inside the TH government working for or with Stefan Amaris. With this, the SSA starts to buy more of what they need, and starts to pick which worlds would be best to colonize.

-The URAL UNION offers the SSA to join them to form a much larger nation, one that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL. The SSA flat out refuses the offer and tells the UU that it wants no part in starting a war.
-An alliance between the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT, who also rejected the UU's offer is created. Despite not liking each other, mutual defence against the UU is needed.

-The UU invades the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UKNL. The "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
-Year 1: The UU attacks "ENLIGHTENMENT" and "SAMSON" of the UKNL. As well as St. Andreas. St. Andreas falls, but is freed by UKNL troops. "ENLIGHTENMENT" falls. "ENLIGHTENMENT" is freed but "SAMSON" falls. "GOLDEN PLATE" falls. "JIBRAIL" falls. "NEW LEVANT" is attacked but the UU retreats.
-Year 2: St. ANDREAS falls while "SAMSON" and "GOLDEN PLATE" are freed. "JIBRAIL" is freed. St. Andreas is freed again. "TRIPPERTAI" is taken by the UKNL. "TYUMEN IX" is taken by SSA.
-Year 3: "SCALLOP" is taken by the UKNL. "JIMJOM" is taken by the UKNL. At the UU's capital, "URAL II", the UKNL and SSA demand that the UU surrender, and stop attacking them. The UU agrees. ***This causes the URAL UNION to fall into civil war, fracturing it into two new nations, the TRIESTE DOMINION, and the TATARS ASCENDANCY.
-The SSA agrees to a trade alliance with the UKNL.
-The SSA starts to rebuild.

-The SSA starts to prepare for a science colony on a world they've deemed suitable for them.

-A science colony is established on a world that has benn deemed capable of supporting the SSA.

-News of the TRIESTE DOMINION building their forces up reaches the SSA, but its too late to do anything, or let the UKNL know this. The SSA prepares for another war.

-The TRIESTE DOMINION invades the SSA. The UKNL sends help to free the SSA. The second "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
Year 1: *NOTE: This war only last 1 year, and only takes place on St. ANDREAS. For 11 months battle rages on St. ANDREAS. Eventually the TD leaves the world with only 45% of what they sent. This is due to the TATARS ASCENDANCY overtaking the TD on some worlds.

-A strange ship with a sword painted on it, is seen at the edge of the ST.ANDREAS system. After it leaves, after some communication with the UKNL and the MH, it is determined that the ship belonged to the Word of Blake.

SSA Defence Guard: apx. 3 regiments

Over a hundred years ago the worlds of "TRIESTE", "URAL II" and "KHANLIG IV" were colonized mainly by former CC and LC citizens escaping the wars. Since they never really interacted that much before, things were going pretty well. After a few decades they formed the URAL UNION. Decades later they decided to try and increase their size by convincing the SSA and UKNL to merge with them and take the fight to those who forced them to leave their homeworlds. This failed and it led to the first "Freedom" war. Before this, there was a faction of the UU government that was against the expansionist views of the current leadership. After losing the war, there was a call for the current leadership to step down, and for the nation to have an election. A year after the war, the "Uniter", it's "leader", was assassinated. The pro-war faction blamed it on a pro-peace member. The thing is, the person they're blaming, doesn't even exist. There is no person with her name ANYWHERE. This event lit the fire that was just starting to spark. Now the UU is spit between 2 factions- the TATARS ASCENDANCY (pro-peace) and the TRIESTE DOMINION (pro-war). The former capital and 3 other worlds are continuously fought over by both sides. At the moment, interaction with the former UU is not recommended, unless you can defend yourself properly against those who are desperate enough to grab at anything they can. Both splinter realms have the same government as the UU did. A Republic-like setup, with the Uniter as the head of the government.

YEARS- -87
-The worlds of "TRIESTE", "URAL II" and "KHANLIG IV" are colonized mainly by former CC and LC citizens.

YEARS- -83
-Contact with eachother is made in the "JIMJOM" system.
-An "alliance" is formed between the three worlds.

YEARS- -71
-The URAL UNION is formed, with "URAL II" as the capital.
-Refugee's from the IS arrive in UU space, and settle new worlds.

YEARS- -59
-The world of "BETA ZONA" is discovered to have an unusually large core, making the world somewhat difficult to live on. Despite this, the world is perfect for farming.

YEARS- -37
-Raiders from the periphery plague the UU. The UU suspect its the MH, and even say it's them to its people, regardless of what both the evidence and the MH say.

YEARS- -12
-The UU starts to increase its military to an invasion-level size. Being upset with the constant raids from an unknown group. The UU still thinks its the MH.

An aggressive government is now in power, looking to punish the MH for its raiding.

-The UU offers the MOC, Saurian Colonies(only 3 worlds at this time), the worlds of "MIZUCHI" and "AH TABAI" to join them in forming a larger nation, one that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL.
-The MOC, Saurian Colonies, the worlds of "MIZUCHI" and "AH TABAI" refuse the offer. Upset about this, the UU becomes more isolated from others.

-A pirate band flying the MH banner attacks "KAZAN". They're pushed off the world, but half its population is dead. The MH denies any involvement, stating that pirate group is doing the same thing in their space. The UU refuses this and blames the MH still.

-The URAL UNION offers the UKNL and the SSA to join them to form a much larger nation, one that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL. They both flat out refuses the offer and tell the UU that they want no part in such stupidity.

-The UU invades the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UKNL. The "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
-Year 1: The UU attacks "ENLIGHTENMENT" and "SAMSON" of the UKNL. As well as St. Andreas. St. Andreas falls, but is freed by UKNL troops. "ENLIGHTENMENT" falls. "ENLIGHTENMENT" is freed but "SAMSON" falls. "GOLDEN PLATE" falls. "JIBRAIL" falls. "NEW LEVANT" is attacked but the UU retreats.
-Year 2: St. ANDREAS falls while "SAMSON" and "GOLDEN PLATE" are freed. "JIBRAIL" is freed. St. Andreas is freed again. "TRIPPERTAI" is taken by the UKNL. "TYUMEN IX" is taken by SSA.
-Year 3: "SCALLOP" is taken by the UKNL. "JIMJOM" is taken by the UKNL. At the UU's capital, "URAL II", the UKNL and SSA demand that the UU surrender, and stop attacking them. The UU agrees. ***This causes the URAL UNION to fall into civil war, fracturing it into two new nations, the TRIESTE DOMINION, and the TATARS ASCENDANCY.
-The UU is now in a state of civil war. The world of "TRIESTE" is the capital of the TRIESTE DOMINION. The world of "KHANLIG IV" is the capital of the TATARS ASCENDANCY.

-The worlds of "TRIPPERTAI", "SCALLOP", "JIMJOM" and "URAL II" are split by the TD and TA control-wise. Most of the fighting happens on these worlds.
-The raiding from the still unknown raiders stops.

-The civil war slows to a crawl, with very little fighting taking place. Peace is very possible now.
-Peace talks start taking place on all contested worlds between the TD and TA.

-The heads of both the TD and TA meet on "URAL II". An unknown dropship crashes into the building where the peace talks were taking place. Both leaders are killed. The peace talks fail. The fighting starts again.

-The TRIESTE DOMINION invades the SSA. The UKNL sends help to free the SSA. The second "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
Year 1: *NOTE: This war only lasts 1 year, and only takes place on St. ANDREAS. For 11 months battle rages on St. ANDREAS. Eventually the TD leaves the world with only 45% of what they sent. This is due to the TATARS ASCENDANCY overtaking the TD on some worlds.

-On December 31, at 11:59pm (Earth time), a nuclear explosion happens on "TRIESTE", "KHANLIG IV" and "URAL II".

UDF(Pre-civil war): 7 regiments

Trieste Faction: apx. 2 regiments

Tartars Faction: apx. 2 regiments


URAL II: System position:3 of 5 Population: 14,451,900
Slightly smaller than Earth.47% water. Mountainous world. Atmosphere breathable, and is shared with URAL I. 2 continents that ring the planet, and meet at the equator, forming the planets greatest mountian range- The World Ring Mountains. Highest lifeforms are birds. The climate is strange due to it being in a double-planet orbit, and due to a giant ring of dust and gas between it and it's star. It ranges from very cold, to very hot. Its orbit is irregular due to what many think was a gas giant that was destroyed long ago. This is what the gas ring was once. So the flora and fauna have evolved to survive such harshness. The north and south poles hold the majority of the liquid water. It's in a double-planet orbit with a super-Earth class planet called Ural I.

URAL I: System position:2 of 5 Population: 0
4.5 times earth size. 27% water. Mountainous world. Atmosphere breathable, and is shared with URAL II. The planet is just one big rocky landscape, so no continents of any kind. Highest lifeforms are bacteria. Its climate is just as strange as URAL II. The planet should have more advance life on it, but it seems that life chose URAL II instead of URAL I. Due to this, URAL I is a sanctuary planet. No one is allowed to set foot or go near the planet without direct approval from the URAL II government. Before the war, there was a discussion on whether they should try to terraform and introduce new life to the planet. Whether this discussion ever starts back up is unknown.

TRIESTE: System position:3 of 7 Population: 7,111,429
Earth size. 67.8% water. Half wasteland, half ice world. Atmosphere breathable. The southern half is where most of the water is located, in the form of one, giant ice sheet. The northern half is a cratered wasteland. An E.L.E took place here in the form of an asteroid bombardment. Whatever life that existed in the north was wiped out from this. This also shattered the ice that covered the northern half of the planet. Up until around 40 million years ago, TRIESTE was covered from north to south in ice. Most live near the wasteland-ice sheet border, where life has started to retake the wasteland. Highest lifeforms are plants.

KHANLIG IV: System position:1 of 13 Population: 4,999,104
1.5 times Earth size. 62% water. River world. Has several mountain ranges across the planet, from when there were continents of any sort on the world. Atmosphere breathable. Highest lifeforms are reptiles. The reason for no continents on this world is unknown, but dispite that its the perfect world for farming. Making it very valuable. The only problem with this, are the "Titans". Animals that are gigantic in size, and more or less control the world. Human activity is limited due to them. These "Titans" are the Dinosaurs of this world, just bigger.

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