The Lobsters, on 17 March 2016 - 01:11 PM, said:
Respectfully dude I can't agree. While they do have great missile output, they don't have the speed to pursue locks, and importantly get LOS for tag and artemis, which bump your TTK by about 25-30%, or to put another way need 25-30% more missiles to do the same job, which mitigate their higher missile output. I'm talking boats here, not assaults with a bit of spare lurm. In 12 man teams all that heavy tank is needed in the push. I've yet to see a LRM assault in a push.
And let's not conflate missile output with damage output. T+A drop the hit radius considerably.
ed The Awesome 8R is awesome. My cursor has hovered over the buy button a few times, even just for the craic. But I can't bring myself to buy it. When guys in my unit have pulled one out, they drive it for one game and put it back to bed. It looks and sounds great though. I still might buy one just for that.

Assault Missile Boats can work, but are waay too situational, and usually means you are taking the armor and firepower off the front line where it's most effective.
Pre nerf, I would much rather see HBK-4J doing the LRM work, as they can reposition a lot faster, and had great volume of fire. KNT can work and the GRF too, though the GRF is better suited (sadly) for splat builds. Really a shame the Trebuchet is a non entity.
For Clans, the Storm Crow and LRM support well, I really love how fast it shifts, and because Clan LRM racks are so light, it's easy to pack good direct fire with it. And I love love love my 6x LRM5 MDD. Just don't think it's a great use of a heavy slot.
Big thing is all these mechs allow the Tanks to be up front, actually tanking, and have far more tactical flexibility than ANY Assault Missile boat. I find mot Stalker and Awesome Missile Boats are also ridiculously vulnerable up close, so good Light and Medium flankers can often make short work of them.
But the biggest advantage, is the Medium Missile boats can reposition and shift with the front so fluidly, that it's safer to be up around 300 meters in one than in say, an AWS-(R, because if you have to fall back, the SCR or HBK can break off and retreat, easily, where a good push against an Assault LRM Boat up close, the Assault simply cannot fall back.
I could see in more static maps, and maybe in some CW uses the potential for Assault LRM boats, but I find they seldom deliver up to their cost.
Death Proof, on 17 March 2016 - 12:59 PM, said:
After playing around with the ARC, I think its main drawback is its fragility. Other than that, it's fine. Good, even in some respects.
depends on loadout. I don't think it needs much, offensively, but good god, give us a reason to use large lrm racks on the mech they were built for!
But yes, durability is my first concern with the ARC.
Blue Boutique, on 17 March 2016 - 11:44 AM, said:
Bad tactic on the LRM thrower, no more or less than a SRM, AC, laser spam misfire.
Except with direct fire, your aim decides if you miss or hit. With bulk lrms, your spread pattern you have ZERO control over.
There's a reason my avg team dmg is a massive 1 pt per match.
Mole, on 17 March 2016 - 12:10 PM, said:
I knew it was going to be frail before it was even released. It's got the armor value of a Rifleman, for goodness sake.
WTF are you talking about?
RFL stock armor value is 290 pts. Archer stock armor value is 416 pts. It's near maximum for it's class, stock.