kentares kodiak, on 24 March 2016 - 09:13 AM, said:
Ive been to NASA several times but that doesnt make me an astronaut.
Youre either trolling or live in another world. There never was an apology from the devs. It was always their intention to have the clans stronger. Battletech was always made to be played without a GM (in fact even the scenario books dont require one with only a handful exceptions). Only the RPG scenarios are meant to be played with a GM. The Battle Value was created several years after and for tournament purposes (players enjoyed and was made into a standard at the time... as easy to game as it was).
They never "started over" nothing. They never changed nothing. There wasnt nothing to change. They didnt "redid" Kerensky storyline with Devlin Stone.
I doubt you played Battletech table top game... The "brokeness" you mention is not so broken if you play the game as it should be (it was "hard" mode at that).
Dont mix a table top game with a inherent necessity to have balance in a online game as I mentioned before PGI cant enforce Zellbringen and Batchall.
So if you played BT with your little brother and house rules your statements would make sense. Outside that.... are you high?
So if you're playing with friends under a gentlemens agreement on what would make a "fair match up" are you calling that "how it was meant to be played"?
Because competitive pvp between people tryptophan win broke BT completely with Clans. Hence, you know. Everyone ******* hating the Clans.
Have you ever been to a BT forum for tabletop? A con? Tournament?
The only way it "worked" in TT was under agreement between players not to cheese the **** out of it. Have you read the books, the lore? The whole storyline of nuking everything back a la 1st and 2nd succession wars? Balance 1 to 1 for IS and Clan tech?
The Clans were Mary Sue as **** and only "balanced" by artificially requiring them to be incredibly stupid at critical moments. It never worked in anything like competitive pvp. It would never work in an online FPS environment because 60-75% of players would have to voluntarily be the redshirt hordes wanting to bury the OP superheroes under a pile of their bodies and we'd have to over-nerf the IS extra, beyond TT, because Clan players are NOT actually better at playing ergo all the tests involved 12 is mechs dominating 10 Clan ones.
It was always **** balance. BV went through 2 iterations for trying to balance teams for competitive play and never worked well.
If your argument is that BT was never intended for competitive PvP play and only designed for a couple friends to play with house rules and a lot of good sportsmanship... I guess okay?
Or you can look at where balance ended up with 1 to 1 balance and look at any collective source of player opinions on Clan invasion as the least enjoyed facet of the game save for a dedicated munchkin population.
So, yeah. It was absolute objective **** and was fixed by nuking it and starting over 1 to 1.