I would recommend a 40" TV, and sit it about 3 feet from your face.
I was used to playing on a 22" monitor, and now it's much easier to visually spot targets.
High FOV lets me use a little peripheral vision too.

Triple Monitor Or Single Ultrawide?
Started by jonfett, Mar 31 2016 03:45 PM
25 replies to this topic
Posted 22 April 2016 - 03:34 PM
Posted 24 April 2016 - 06:11 PM
*goes and buys a smartboard for gaming monitor*
Posted 26 April 2016 - 01:21 PM
Tripple 42" LG tv angled at 45 degrees so the outside edge of the side screens are just on the edge of my periffial vision. Love it! High FOV does create a fisheye distortion because MWO doesn't have true tripple screen support. Due to tv placement I mostly don't notice it, only when actualy looking at a side screen you'll notice the dirtortion/zooming.
Posted 09 May 2016 - 10:10 PM
Get a 40 inch or better 4K TV for use as a monitor (preferably an IPS panel, but AMVA is ok as well). It should be situated anywhere from 2.5-4.5 feet from your face. The immersion factor is incredible for a lot of games, not just MWO. I have a 42" 4K TV for use as a monitor, and going to my local Microcenter and viewing the 34" 3440x1440 "Ultrawides" ... it makes me think that they are a lot smaller and more puny, and not "tall or wide enough", lol.
Edited by Rykiel, 09 May 2016 - 10:10 PM.
Posted 15 May 2016 - 05:25 PM
I opted for a 35" ultrawide that supports 144Hz and Freesync. I will not go back to 60fps gaming. I only have a $300 video card so went with a 2560x1080 VA panel to maintain high framerates, but those with high end SLI cards should consider the 100Hz+ IPS 1440 screens. I do love the increased contrast of the VA panel though, especially viewing high quality media.
Posted 15 May 2016 - 06:23 PM
POOTYTANGASAUR, on 31 March 2016 - 04:22 PM, said:
1: Never, ever, ever do triple monitor. The headaches aren't worth the couple minutes that it actually works flawlessly in that one AAA title.
2: If you want ultrawide, Samsung is about to release, or has already released their super duper ultra wides. They're like 24:10 or something. LG is doing the same thing iirc. But alot of games don't support ultrawides anyway and then you have to play with big black boxes on either side. On the plus side if you watch movies you will have no black boxes 21:9 is the cinematic standard for the most part.
3: Just go 4k or 1440p. It's the best route for a superior experience as far as dazzling quality. Maybe a little less immersive, but you get the benefits of higher resolution and no headaches as far as support and future proofing. A 4k or 1440p monitor could easily last you 3-5 years. Depending if you want to jump on the 8k train or whatever after that.
TL;DR: Trips monitor is excessive and unimpressive. Ultrawides are sometimes problematic. High res is the way to go.
1: Never, ever, ever do triple monitor. The headaches aren't worth the couple minutes that it actually works flawlessly in that one AAA title.
2: If you want ultrawide, Samsung is about to release, or has already released their super duper ultra wides. They're like 24:10 or something. LG is doing the same thing iirc. But alot of games don't support ultrawides anyway and then you have to play with big black boxes on either side. On the plus side if you watch movies you will have no black boxes 21:9 is the cinematic standard for the most part.
3: Just go 4k or 1440p. It's the best route for a superior experience as far as dazzling quality. Maybe a little less immersive, but you get the benefits of higher resolution and no headaches as far as support and future proofing. A 4k or 1440p monitor could easily last you 3-5 years. Depending if you want to jump on the 8k train or whatever after that.
TL;DR: Trips monitor is excessive and unimpressive. Ultrawides are sometimes problematic. High res is the way to go.
Most newer games support about all resolutions basically.
The problem is the UI not scaling properly, just like in MWO. Other than that there are not much problems.
My 3440x1440 ultrawide works pretty sweet with MWO regardless. The only problem is low refresh rate for my model (60) and IPS gives higher latency.
Too bad most 'better' models are all curved horsecrap.
Edited by M T, 15 May 2016 - 06:24 PM.
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