This is the current state of FW and this is why taking planets seems so pointless, if there is no way for you faction to win then there are no winning moves and therefore no reason to do anything.
This is a problem that is not solved by improving the unit rewards for holding planets, or increasing the complexity of the tactical battles, since there is still no strategic reason to take the planet or win the battles.
My suggestion:
Taking capital planets
The planets around a factions capital should be harder to take, and once taken they open up the possibility of attacking the capital planet.
Taking the capital planet causes the faction to be occupied by the attacking faction. When this happens all merc units in the occupied faction are relieved of their contracts, and all the loyalist units go into resistance mode.
Loyalist units in occupied factions fight special resistance battles to retake their capital planet, and if they succeed in doing so their faction rebels and becomes a proper faction again. Occupied territories slowly become assimilated by the occupying faction so the sooner you successfully rebel the more of the occupied planets you regain when retaking your capital.
Winning the war: Clans
At any time the clans have 2 or more IS factions under occupation, it opens up the possibility of attacking Terra from that moment onwards. The Clans win if they can hold terra for 3 full days.
(All IS players would be able to defend/attack Terra, and vice versa for clans, so opening Terra for attack would turn into a "tukayyid" type of battle.)
Winning the war: IS
IS wins the war if at any time they have 3 or more Clan factions under occupation at the same time.
If either faction fulfills their win condition rewards and credits are handed out to the most important factions/units and the map is reset. Voila, there you go!
Of course this is a very crude and sketchy framework that could be completed with all sorts of complexity. Such as special game modes and maps for the resistance/capital/terra battles and so forth, as well as all the systems added in phase 3.
But I deliberately kept it very simple and overarching to convey the main point, which is to provide a basic set of goals that the factions can try to achieve, and to do so in a way that makes things interesting for members of both winning and losing factions.
Edited by Sjorpha, 11 April 2016 - 11:49 AM.