Kotzi, on 07 April 2016 - 10:20 PM, said:
Because solo queue is where casual players are. Some just want to shoot mechs. Try CW or group queue i guess.
All of them? All the time?
Well that doesn't make sense at all because if this were true then these casuals wouldn't make so many demands to make it easier for them to win if they don't care about winning.
We have endless pages of griping to remove all groups from a public queue so these "casuals" wouldn't have to lose to better organized players.
We have even more volumes of complaints over the match maker because they can't win.
We have CW getting the work over as well to further separate the "casuals" from groups because they complained about losing.
It seems to me that we have plenty of non casual "casuals" that like complaining about losing but are not willing to learn the skills needed to win.
It's just easier to pitch a fit and get what they want than to learn that if they want to win they need to cooperate.
With that rant out of the way....
Onto the reply to the actual post.
I find that puggies are loathe to trust. Many do not trust anyone's judgment above their own. A result of this trend is when a drop caller calls for a push the Puggies drag their feet if not outright ignore the order.
What group players have known for years still eludes the average puggie. And that is that timing is just as important as the fundamentals of marksmanship and heat management.
When a drop caller sees an opening,a faultering in the enemy lines or a opertunity to exploit the enemy's poor possition they will call for the push to exploit this.Timing is crucial and with puggies lacking in trust and dragging their feet they are highly unlikely to seize the moment and execute the time sensitive order.
So what I do is if I see my team has at least 50% of the players with unit tags I will call targets and direct some basic strategy or suggest tactics moment to moment. I still avoid hinging my plan on exploiting time sensitive orders though.
With luck maybe someday most of the players in MWo will grasp the simple concept of a bad plan is still better than no plan and start to trust drop callers and actually execute orders in a timely fashion.
one could hope.