Oooh, didn't realise the worlds were already there...... or I did and had forgotten.
Well, that makes it easier.
If we break from the lore a little there are other options that we could look at.
There are also some features coming in phase 3 that will help, specifically the voting.
We also want to keep in mind the relative population in the game and how many might be with the clan.
So to expand on the concept, let's consider these options.
1. We add the rest of the clan factions.
This at it's simplest can be the logo, name and a decal. Specific camo patterns would be nice, but can be left till later.
2. The clans bid for the right to attack the inner sphere.
Essentially this is a clan tournament where each of the factions go through matches and the winning faction gets the rights to attack. As a bit of aside note, the upcoming Solaris tournament mode in my mind should be exclusively for the inner sphere. The bidding process could be the clan equivalent as a story based tournament for faction play but it may be promoted in the same way.
3. The winning faction is the one that the other clans unite under.
By this I mean that faction gets the planets under their colour and with their flag.
The other clans are not excluded from the fight because there probably isn't enough players to do that and I don't see that as a good idea anyway. Instead everyone, regardless of their actual clan faction, fights under the one banner... like how it appears in the team screens now. Units still get to tag the planets etc but it's all for the greater glory of clan xyz.
The advantage of this is it tells a different story each time, so if a clan is pushed back, it might be a different one next time. Bit cosmetic maybe, but it gives some variety and could create other options down the track. Depending on numbers, it may be more than one clan on the invasion, we can work that out.
4. The starting planet for the invasion.
With the voting system, the various leaders of the units get to pick which planet to attack each cycle.
For the purposes of this I suggest that the starting planet could be one or two planets on the periphery of any of the IS factions.
Ok, that's not the lore, but it lets us as players change the game and tell a different story each time. In one invasion it might be Marik where it starts. In another it might be Kurita. Once again, this adds variety and therefore interest with different interactions.
5. The point on Mercenaries.
Yes, it may be that the invasion hits a brick wall and fails straight away due to overwhelming defences.
Keep in mind however that the new system in phase 3 means the loyalists have to pick which planet to attack/defend etc and they then also hire the mercenaries... or at least provide incentives. The dynamics of how this is going to work we are yet to see but we may find it plays out differently. As the invasion pushes through more territories more factions will become involved as well. The other aspect to consider is from point 3. If we have all the clan players fighting over the same goals there should be some pretty good battles.
What also needs to be discussed is what happens if the Clans prevail or should manage to eliminate one of the Innersphere factions, or for that matter if one of the great houses eliminates another.
No reason why there couldn't be a similar process.... The defeated house retreats out of the Innersphere and then selects a planet on the periphery to start rebuilding their territory from.
Some sort of rebellion/raid option?

The trick is how to keep the game moving without needing to reset.
Edited by 50 50, 14 April 2016 - 08:10 PM.