G SE7EN7, on 15 April 2016 - 05:26 PM, said:
If your doing the conversion for the GXP.... well thats just dumb, you will end up with so much excess GXP just by playing its a joke.
Actually, in my experience, no.
I only spend GXP for module unlocks ... and the only way I would have unlocked the number of modules I have available is by converting XP-> GXP using MC. I have probably converted about 150k xp altogether.
If I tried to just play the game to earn GXP ... it would be years more before I could unlock the modules I want to use ... simply because I don't have the time to play more than a few matches a week.
If you are one of those folks who can play two to six hours every day then GXP conversion may not make much sense but if you are one of those with a wife/family/job then GXP conversion sales are an absolute must and a great opportunity to unlock content at a reduced rate since 100k of GXP only costs 2000MC.