Quicksilver Kalasa, on 26 April 2016 - 08:25 AM, said:
As has been repeated several times, the Jenner IIC's are not as comparable because they don't have the accuracy or DPS the Oxide does, the Oxide is also tougher despite having the IS XL. The Cheetah also has the worst DPS of the three in a brawl due to being heat capped and is definitely not the tankier than the Oxide, the Cheetah's limbs come off really easy.
I have to admit I don't have Jenner IICs so I haven't played them yet, but I don't see how there can be a difference in accuracy when we talk about SRMs. You could also take a 6 SRM4 or the very popular 4 SRM4 + 2 SRM2 build to avoid the SRM6 spread. The Cheetah has excellent hitboxes while the Oxide has... well a Jenner CT (it's even named after the mech)
A few points I have forgotten to mention in my other post:
- First I want to point out that I prefer to see the other lights pushed to get a more even level between the lights instead of nerfing other lights.
- About recent light nerfs. Those lights like the Raven Nevermore or the Firestarter or Cheetah were OP because of either lagshield or broken hitboxes. Neither is a fact here. The Oxide doesn't have lagshield and can easily be hit.
- The Oxide can't be really P2W if there's a Jenner IIC around available for everybody (is it relesed for CBills yet?). And which is a similar mech that has pretty much the same loadout.
- Please remember the Oxide still needs to get very close to deal a maximum of damage. Firing those SRMs at 250m on a moving target is like throwing a bunch noodles. The Oxide or any other non-sniping light has to get close and behind a singled out mech to be effective. Try to run through the open to attack a lance of mechs and you won't make a 100m till you're toasted.
The Oxide capitalizes on the current meta of heavies and assaults. Those are the optimum targets for a SRM harasser like the Oxide. I can deal 400-500 dmg in 3-5 minutes in my COM-3A (2 SRM6 loadout) against big targets before I run out ammo. And that is on a regular base. Commando OP?
- There might be a high number of Oxides in MRBC, but the Oxide is almost extinct in the solo queue. Now the comp players will argue that the MRBC numbers are more important because it's part of their comp scene while the casual players / solo players will argue that there's only a small number in the comp scene and most games take place in the solo queue because it's their scene. Who's right here? I can't judge.
- Lights and tankiness. Since when do we call lights tanky? Is this the new excuse after the lagshield excuse doesn't apply anymore? Is 'tanky light' newspeak for 'I can't hit that bugger'?