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Stuck In Drop Deck Screen

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#21 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 06:26 AM

View PostCan0Woopass, on 10 February 2017 - 08:58 PM, said:

I had the same experience in Faction play dropping on my third mech MAD-5R, the game mode was Attack Orbital Cannon on Tundra (?). The drop deck screen stayed active as my mech dropped down, I could not move or shoot and was instantly killed by the other team.

That still happens but if your mech had not been destroyed, you would have been moving about 30secs later or so. PGI implemented code that checks if you are operational or not, and if not recycles you through the system.

#22 Chound


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Posted 21 February 2017 - 05:49 PM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 11 February 2017 - 06:26 AM, said:

That still happens but if your mech had not been destroyed, you would have been moving about 30secs later or so. PGI implemented code that checks if you are operational or not, and if not recycles you through the system.

It certainly is. Every time I play fw I have a problem with my mewch locing p or screwerng up

#23 Vajhra


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Posted 09 March 2017 - 09:34 PM

Starting to become a problem for me. Has anyone found a fix yet?

It had happened a few times over the last 6 months on the 2nd or 3rd drop, but now its always the last mech to drop - and has happened my last 2 matches. The old trick to select a diff mech doesnt work with the last mech and doing various other things hasn't seemed to help - short of exiting and rejoining, which on the last mech sort of leaves the fight in the balance and risks incurring that penalty.

I had finally got a better net connection (was 1.5Mbps now 20-40Mbps) so I was hoping it would go away, not get worse.

I'll run the repair tool and see what happens Posted Image

#24 MechCliff


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Posted 12 April 2017 - 11:34 PM

We experienced this bug in one of our last matches and we found a nice workaround for it.

While you are on the endles dropdeck screen your mech will be droped on the map without a pilot. find a teammember with a small weapon and let him shoot on your leg, arm, whatever. in the moment you take damage you leave the dropdeck and resume to the game.

#25 PattyKaz


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Posted 16 April 2017 - 06:58 PM

Been having the same issue. Need a fix ASAP. This bug has been around for a while now...

#26 Vxheous


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Posted 20 April 2017 - 02:04 PM

View PostDanger Dave, on 15 October 2016 - 03:23 PM, said:

Just had this happen to me whilst on my last mech during CW . I take it theres no fix when it happens?

Only fix when this happens on last mech us to disconnect and reconnect to the game

#27 Burminator


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Posted 25 April 2017 - 11:23 AM

always in faction play i get stuck in my drop deck screen when i am dropping in my last mech and that is realy frustrating because i can somethimmes se that an other player has the same probleme.

#28 TK TikTok


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Posted 25 April 2017 - 08:40 PM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 20 April 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:

Only fix when this happens on last mech us to disconnect and reconnect to the game

AND That doesn't always work!!!!!

#29 Gazbeard


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Posted 11 May 2017 - 08:17 AM

View PostJemmer, on 19 June 2016 - 04:24 PM, said:

Here is my experience with this glitch, with a focus on its frequency and frustrations as of the last few weeks ....

MODE: Faction warfare
MAP: any
PROBLEM: In Faction Play mode as soon as i die and go into drop ship to select my next mech, it drops, however, i remain on the players screen, and the 30 second count down recycles. The count down is now perpetual (used to be only 2 to 3 cycles before i was released and able to play). At no point now (since June patch) does it ever leave the drop deck overlay screen. In fact my status is not even listed as "waiting to drop" on the overlay screen, I am simply listed in the mech that I am 'stuck' in. The only way to overcome this glitch is to exit the match and rejoin.

However, one cannot simply just rejoin expediently - Because I am in a group with my unit first i must ensure one of my drop deck mechs is selected in the mech bay screen. Then open the group tab, then leave the group. click the faction tab, select the planet my match is on. select the mode i was just playing, then select rejoin. By the time i get back into the match i am penalized for taking longer than 2 minutes to accomplish all this and loose all earned XP, Credits and Loyalty points from that FW match.

Prior to June patch this occurred infrequently. In the last few weeks i have played roughly 20 FW matches and EVERY match i have suffered that glitch. Since the June patch, the glitch occurs with every mech in my drop deck.

I have tried running the repair tool with no change. I have defragged my computer with no change. I have reset and dumped my modem with no change.

why am I penalized (by being forced the lengthy process of exiting the match then rejoin), and in turn not receiving any rewards because of taking too long to reconnect?

The quote is from one year ago, but I am having exactly the same problem in the current Tukayyid 3 event (May 2017).

The first mech always drops without a problem, but the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th mechs can experience the problem - any one, two or all three of them.

Once a mech has had that issue, if it clears before battle end (rare) and that mech then gets killed, the next mech out will have the no HUD glitch (guaranteed) with a yolo being the only option for that one.

This has happened so many times on the 2nd mech that I am really struggling to get the 20 x 80 battle score requirement for one of the personal challenges.

Please PGI - get this crap fixed before Tukayyid 3 finishes.

#30 Aeries


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Posted 11 May 2017 - 11:18 AM

Old thread, but obviously still not a fixed problem. Had a game yesterday where I was stuck 6 and half minutes for the Turk event. This has obviously been a problem some time. There really isn't any excuses why it's not fixed after such a long time. While 6:30 is the most extreme example, stuck for a minute or more happens regularly.


#31 Jane Reaction


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 02:12 AM

I also had this as Clanner. But it only happened two times during the Tukayyid event and it went away after the next cycle.

But there was a third istance were I dropped out of the dropship outside the map (or at least outside the 'bounds'). I was probably where the Dropships spawn before they fly in. The minimap showed grid coordinates but they were outside the animated map picture. After the next drop countdown I was ported back into a ship that dropped me at the dropzone normally. But I had 5% (of my overall armor) falling damage on both legs from dropping outsind the map the first time. :/

#32 Kalimaster


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 07:36 AM

Getting stuck on the drop deck happened to me also to the point I was hoping a team mates would just shoot the heck out of my Mech in hopes of getting to play with my last two.

PGI...please, begging here. Please fix this.

#33 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 26 May 2017 - 04:43 AM

I've not had this for ages now.

Whenever I die, I quickly exit the screen showing damage and stuff, to get the dropdeck selection window. And then select the mech, possibly selecting another and then back.

#34 tauSentry


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 10:27 AM

You might want to check out the Community's MWO Issue Tracker. It's the community's way of tracking the progress of bugs and feature requests.

Here are some of the various dropship bugs being talked about here...

Issue Tracker #026: Drop-Screen Bug "Type A"
Issue Tracker #027: Drop-Screen Bug "Type B"
Issue Tracker #028: Drop-Screen Bug "Type C"
Issue Tracker #132: Drop-Screen Bug "Type D"

Wiki: How To Upvote An Issue
Wiki: How To Submit A New Issue

Pinned Post on OutreachHPG (see PanzerMagier's comment too)

MWO Issue Tracker: "It's working... It's working!"

#35 Grunndor


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Posted 08 July 2017 - 02:22 PM

Still an issue. I was thinking it was tied to the trial mechs, but I am still being hit with it.

#36 Yumoshiri


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Posted 21 July 2017 - 03:30 PM

2017 and this bug still exists.

#37 Jep Jorgensson


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Posted 21 July 2017 - 10:11 PM

It seems to have had a resurgence with the last patch. I am getting it sometimes twice a battle!

Edited by Jep Jorgensson, 21 July 2017 - 10:11 PM.

#38 GraveHuey


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Posted 22 July 2017 - 08:38 AM

well PGI has done much to fix this game, but every patch this glitch returns, seriously, if you are hosting a factionwar event, please make sure that this glitch is addressed, if not fixed, seriously PGI, we have had this glitch off and on since closed beta fix it already

#39 GraveHuey


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Posted 22 July 2017 - 11:04 AM

corection, since first trial of faction play clan war, not since closed beta, still fix it alread...

#40 JUDGE DEagle


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Posted 23 July 2017 - 11:44 AM

Got the same problem as well, every second game or so...

Nothing really seems to work but reconnecting, but that can take forever what with the long loading of the message of the day and the game screen....

Damn it, isnt anything in this game working properly?

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