Hot-Fix Scheduled For 04-28-2016
Posted 26 April 2016 - 03:28 AM
Posted 26 April 2016 - 03:40 AM
1) gutted rewards for loyalists (bye LP bonus).
2) ensure that mercs still rule the factions (oh they can't vote, so what? they can still dominate a factions lanes and outcomes without consequence), and
3) make the mode as unfriendly to new players as possible (Scout mode aint exactly easy for the uninitiated to fast/medium play, long tom adds a whole new level of frustration for folks just learning the game).
I was afraid for the mode if P3 was a cluster-f@@%. With the ham-fisted way they bragged about it being "bug free" only to have to retroactively hot fix nearly every aspect of these new and improved features has me fearing that they may end up just killing the game.
Plus we still can't save drop decks.
Ridiculous. Perhaps a new mech pack is in order?
Posted 26 April 2016 - 03:46 AM
I think I will likely take a long break from MWO once my Kodaik stops being new and shiny.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 04:20 AM
I'm so surprised...Glad I decided to save my sanity and take at least a several month hiatus from MWO.
Hopefully someday they'll make a game worth logging into again.
(Tip for the Devs- Look at some of the other successful F2P titles out there, and start stealing ideas like crazy, because originality is not working out too well...)
Posted 26 April 2016 - 04:40 AM
Posted 26 April 2016 - 05:18 AM
Posted 26 April 2016 - 05:51 AM
solo queue end up mostly doing scouting mode.
that said, i'm still sticking to scouting. but hopefully i won't have to wait 10min for a match
Posted 26 April 2016 - 05:56 AM

Posted 26 April 2016 - 06:08 AM
knightsljx, on 26 April 2016 - 05:51 AM, said:
solo queue end up mostly doing scouting mode.
that said, i'm still sticking to scouting. but hopefully i won't have to wait 10min for a match
There is no solo queue. It's tagless queue and tagged queue. They just called it solo for some dumb reason.
the irony is most of the players in tag queue are playing solo.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 06:25 AM

I could have joined one of the main units, but I like to do my own thing.
I like winning stuff in the faction rewards. And changing factions allows me to get more faster. I think on average I'm at level 6 across the factions. With the lowest being level 3 or 4, and the highest at level 10. (Unless you count the new Merc loyalty level which I think is at 1...I didn't play too much in the last week.)
As long as I can keep winning some swag in Faction Warfare, I'll keep playing it. (and as long as there are people to play against)
Posted 26 April 2016 - 06:38 AM
2. Disappointed that we are merging queues after only 9 days of testing them out. I've only dropped as solo Tagged and 2-man Tagged, but the single Invasion game I played was probably the best--I lost, but it was a balanced game, because people who joined the Tagged queue at least knew what they were getting themselves into.
3. Russ/PGI needs to stop emphasizing unit play UNTIL THEY MAKE IT SIMPLE AND EASY TO JOIN A UNIT. There is just too much time commitment required to find and join a unit. All the communication goes on outside the game interface. I've been vaguely trying to find a unit, but the effort just isn't worth it.
Until units can recruit and communicate within the game, PGI needs to continue to cater to the solo player. I hear and acknowledge the unit players who say "join a unit to make FW more fun" but when I log on, I want to play, not spend my time in the forums coordinating drops and looking up TS server addresses. Forums are for when you are bored at work, the game is for playing.
4. I agree with all the people advocating for other ways to keep the solo queue viable, such as merging into two major factions. 40 queues is a lot of dilution. There are other ways to fix this "problem" of not enough Invasion mode games happening. I say "problem" because I'd rather play in a rare but balanced Invasion game than play in an abundance of unbalanced Invasion games. And I think the vast majority of players prefer that.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 06:47 AM
Players complained about pug vs 12 man for many many months.
PGI comes up with a system that actively works against players playing solo FW.
New system fails (on purpose IMO)
PGI remerges the ques in one week: so we are back to square one.
NOTE and EDIT: I was one of those "solos" that this spit was supposedly aimed at. After looking at the way it was implemented, I declined to play. Freelancers got no rewards commensurate with time involved, Mercs HAD to be in units, therefore group que. Loyalists were tied to faction much more than before, so faction hopping was not an option like before either. There was literally no method for a player that wanted to play solo could do so and earn rewards even equivalent to QP for time spent, even if player got matches. No point = no players. )
I have to agree with Cathy on this100% I guess Russ just did not have the balllls to carry through with what he promised for FW as in making the solo FW MM work and have given up on MWO and moved on.
Maybe after 4 years of watching the PGI 3 RING CIRCUS screw up MWO its finally time to move on myself.
P.S FW fix so players want to play it.
#1 Take the loyalist reward tree use it for freelancers with better C-bill rewards x2
#2 Make Mercenaries not have to be in units just use contracts.
#3 Use the same loyalist reward tree for Mercs but double the rewards.
#4 Use the loyalist rewards tree for loyalists but x3 the rewards.
My suggestions to fix the FW solo game and PGI make a dammm Social lobby system place it in the main UI on a tab so new and old players can interact and new players can get live help IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?
Edited by KingCobra, 26 April 2016 - 07:03 AM.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 06:53 AM
The merge will just end in people playing FW for a while again and then it will die out. Getting my a** handed for some LP is just not enough, sorry. There will be always a lot of solo players out there, give them a chance.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 07:34 AM
This is a massive multiplayer friggin huge mech shooter, you're SUPPOSED to meet groups of other people here. If someone doesn't like this, maybe online gaming is a wrong decision from the start.
Historically, if humans are faced with a threat which consists of more people than him or her, they look out for other humans to band together. A group can't pick as easily on another group and is most of the time beaten by a larger group.
So, the solution shouldn't be only to mess with playerqueues, but to give players the tools to find other players with the same mindset.
- ingame list of units per fraction where you can read after their goals, what they expect and where you can apply
- functioning friendlist and chat-functionality. Chat - especially unit and factionchat - should be a major part of the UI, always visible. The faction chat visible only when in the faction play has to be resized every time in order read stuff. And still no timestamps available. You don't even know WHEN the guy in the faction chat looked for your reinforcement. COuld've been yesterday....
- ingame tool to find groups - list yourself with your whish what you would like to play and get a list with similar people. Add in stuff like the language you want (or can) talk per VoIP and group building of previously unfamiliar people gets a huge improvement. This makes building up a unit way easier!
Posted 26 April 2016 - 07:37 AM
Kshat, on 26 April 2016 - 07:34 AM, said:
This is a massive multiplayer friggin huge mech shooter, you're SUPPOSED to meet groups of other people here. If someone doesn't like this, maybe online gaming is a wrong decision from the start.
This is wrong, short-sighted and wrongly deduced on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin. The only other logical explanation is, that someon really enjoys seal clubbing.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 07:37 AM
MovinTarget, on 25 April 2016 - 06:40 PM, said:
Dude, its one thing if you've done lots of drops, but don't just rely on the opinions of forumwarriors...
Oh, I know Movin'. I tend to look to the forums as color commentary and information to use balancing my own opinions... however
I did try to queue up for a few last week, but like many found the it was far to empty and actually never got a drop in.
About half my play group did manage to get in some as freelancers, others as Units of One. Those dropping as Units ended up in with premades and found it little different than phase 2.
That aside, I still am struggling with finding the "why" to be dropping as a Freelancer... honestly the rewards don't really seem much better, if not less, than just pugging it (all you get is XP and cbills in either...). But, realistically it doesn't matter in day or so anyhow since the Solo queue is going away... otherwise I would do the fair thing and try to get into some actual FW freelancer drops and see what was what about it.
Perhaps as I (hopefully) continue to improve me and the mates might give FW a try in the future if we can all get each other re-interested. But, we can get just as bad of a beating in the pug group queue

Again, I'm still an addict and will see all of you that venture into Puglandia...a lot!

Edited by Morggo, 26 April 2016 - 07:42 AM.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 07:44 AM
Posted 26 April 2016 - 07:57 AM
Axeface, on 25 April 2016 - 08:28 PM, said:
It was up for an entire week, and solo players complained about wait times.
Can't say we didn't see this coming. I guess the solution is to bring effective mechs in FW instead of derping in whatever you want, expecting the other team to do the same?
Seriously, I dropped solo the other day, with team full of solos, we had maybe 1 3 man group vs a ~10 man. We lost, but I personally did 3500 damage and got 10 kills, netting me 1,000,000 C-Bills. I DGAF about playing against groups in FW. Usually the reason a team gets wrecked isn't because of not being in a group, its typically because most of the players aren't very good and bring builds that are just plain bad. FW is painfully easy to coordinate on the basic level. If you picked an average player from each of the main FW units, through them together on a team with no Teamspeak, they would still ROFLstomp the majority of solo players I see in FW, without any extra coordination.
It isn't about groups, its about a disparity of efficacy, which isn't PGI's fault.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 08:24 AM
Posted 26 April 2016 - 08:38 AM

I enjoy a challenge. I enjoy a great pug game when 12 strangers pull together, coordinate on the fly, and do well.. even in a loss but even better in a win. You guys don't get it, I see that. But there IS just as much "team play" in that as your Units. You can say "that never happens in Pug". Can't comment on your games, but I just know that I have plenty of pugs that work well together. Sure, there are also collossil fails, but meh, happens and I'm okay with that... Some would argue there's more feeling of accomplishment given the challenge. I see similar happening in a true FW solo... just we'd also get to play in the 'rest of the game' and get rewarded for it too.
I know several of us keep droning on about it, but it's just frustrating to keep reading how "stupid" we solo's are .. oh, and "just join a unit and/or faction". We looked for an equitable solution so both sides win, the anti-solo crowd however see only their way (join a unit) as the solution. Opposite of compromise and solution.
Edited by Morggo, 26 April 2016 - 08:43 AM.
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