Okay, catch up with these first...
WVAnonymous, on 10 May 2016 - 08:00 AM, said:
Thanks for the alt account suggestions. I have an account I'm maintaining if my daughter decides to start playing again. I should be able to get her a Raven.
She prefers I.S. Mechs, does she? Or does she already have a bundle of ShadowCats in her stables?
Kampf, on 11 May 2016 - 02:20 PM, said:
Event extended?
if only I haven't quitted playing this due to too little time remaining for all the achievements...

Uhm... get back to it? Maybe you can get a bit more!
On other notes, I do believe I haven't given a final review on this event. However, having the time limit shifted from 10 days to 17 has removed any "time for goal"-based complaints I would have had. (
For reference, if it had stayed at only 10 days, I would be full of incineratory comments.) The matches that I needed to have register in order to complete the event did, and I have received both Grand Prizes. Taking stock of the upgraded time limits, I am reasonably certain anyone at least minimally proficient enough will somehow manage to at least get most of the basic and/or critical rewards to be had.
BTW, PGI has my thanks (
and likely that of many others), for putting in that mind-saving time extension at the last possible moment. I do hope in the future, they always remember to give at least 14 to 17 (
or more) days when they set the goals so wildly high.
Now, a serious note to be had with farther-reaching future concerns... The 'Scouting FW Mode' needs the match scoring severely re-built and re-tuned. Not being rewarded with Match Score at all, unless you brawl, works completely against that mode catching interest. The mode's implications are supposed to make things a 'Cat and Mouse game', where brawling doesn't happen unless the Defenders have actually spent the effort, and found the Attackers in earnest. The system should NOT be set up in a manner where it forces the Attackers to have to find the Defenders in order to earn their keep. The Attackers should already be earning it in earnest from collecting the Intel Nodes. If the Defenders can't find the Attackers on their own, they should NOT be finishing the match with better Match Scores than the Attackers. The Attackers did their work, and the Defenders shouldn't be their actual targets, even if I'm not on the Attackers' team at the time.
Hell, I'm probably dropping into a repeat rant here, but something to keep in mind regarding the whole game is this... The game isn't called "BrawlWarrior Online"... It's called "MechWarrior Online"... There SHOULD be as much strategy involved to play the game as there was back when "MechWarrior 2&3" existed. Back then, even the multiplayer system in "MechWarrior 2" had things set up to allow playing missions with objectives that were things other than just 'destroy the enemy base', 'take a control node', or 'capture the enemy base'. "MechWarrior 2&3" both had the ability to immerse a player in the action. However, they did it without shoving Lore or restrictive program design upon players' minds. Instead, Lore was merely used as a guideline, to be present to be read somewhat like a book, and wasn't used as ultra-hard law. You could literally play both sides/campaigns of the battle, earning from each without the unnecessary backlash that the modern MWO game has introduced, thoroughly complete everything, and end up still wanting to play more later after all was said and done. Their replay ability and value was limitless, and is something that I could sense might have been present in MWO prior to what "FW, Phase 3: Clan Invasion, Season 1" has turned things into. Now, if I remember right, even though I was still minorly hot-headed at the time, I posted a bit of a blueprint over on the "2016-04-28 Hotfix" thread (probably somewhere down 'Page 3') on how the "FW, Phase 3" Contracting System can be modified to restore the welcoming and infinitely limitless feel that I sensed was present when I first started playing MWO. Whether or not that happens however, is up to MWO's developers. I can only hope that they'll make good use of the positive intents, ideas, and ideals contained there within. I would like for Russ Bullock's words during one of the recent Town Halls to be laid to shame, and see this game last well beyond the mere "7 years" that he looked forward to keeping the game alive for. I know some will consider me crazy, but I want MWO's life to far exceed that of both previous MechWarrior titles, and even the Operating Systems it will run on, living for more than 25 years easily. MWO should be able to provide long-lasting jobs, and existences for people who are having anything to do with MWO.
~Mr. D. V. "
Catching up, sometimes... Out to break Temporal Limits, at other times..." Devnull
Edit by author for a missed thought...]
Edited by D V Devnull, 12 May 2016 - 12:19 AM.