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Prove Your Allegiance 2

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#401 MW222


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 05:04 PM

View PostSereglach, on 28 April 2016 - 03:35 PM, said:

30 min a match for Invasion and 15 min a match for Scouting with 30 and 60 match requirements for respective game types. So, for someone to even hope of getting all of the awards for one game mode or the other it'd require at least 15 hours of game time at an absolute minimum; and 30 hours absolute minimum if someone was ambitious enough to want both. That's if you don't bother to include any wait times AKA that's perfect click-button-instant-match games.

Making a challenge a challenge is one thing. However, making it a time sink is another entirely. On the other hand, at least you're giving people an actual timeframe to get it done in . . . this time . . . but that's still a minimum of 3 solid hours a day every day during the event; which means I'm betting some people are going to rest this a lot on the weekends.

Still . . . way too much that hasn't been addressed recently to make me want to play it . . . let alone want to spend money on it. You've got work to do, PGI.



Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ---- it's free stuff your not supposed to notice that.


Tho not having a StormCrow or being willing to buy one or three; just for this latest LAME attempt to push more players in to CW.

I will be taking a pass.

Edited by MW222, 09 May 2016 - 05:04 PM.

#402 The Wolfpack75


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 05:59 PM

After getting the two days of premium time I didn't even try. I have a life outside the game PGI, next time a little less of a timesink please. Thank you

#403 Alan Hicks


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 06:04 PM

People can complain whatever they want but the truth is that PGI holds the potato here, we are just MW and Battletech followers. They are wise to listen as they have, and try to adjust to most of the community, or guess what? Game over. Posted Image

By a complete miracle I finished the event today by early morning, I wasn't going to actually throw away all those days of hard effort, though I could have... Posted Image

Nobody forces us to play this or to participate on these events, but I have to say, being Jade Falcon on this one, this time, was the hardest, most annoying event I've experienced since I started to learn this simulator.

Saturday and Sunday I spent the WHOLE mornings, hours after hours and the Invasion part was just impossible, long waits and nothing else, maybe a match, and hardly a win.

But it's fine, it all belongs to the bucket of the past. The strange experience is over. Posted Image

I feel good for the people that are going to finish all, or achieve the goals they want now, they have enough time and others can relax and game without pressure. An extension period for an event has been done in the past, I think this has been the longest one? (a week, wow) It's also good not to know if more days are going to be given to finish, so people take seriously the initial announcements.

I don't care about what others outside say about MWO, and there's a recent haters video on YT that seems to be getting some attention... I know we will keep playing this one for a while, a while I hope that lasts for a LONG time.

#404 Fiona Marshe Pureborn


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 06:19 PM

View PostWhite Bear 84, on 28 April 2016 - 06:23 PM, said:

And yes, very bitter about oceanic deadzone.. ..especially since the invasion deadline is 11pm AEST, that is 9pm for WA.. ..aint nobody got time for capturing planets then.

(Hint: PGI need to extend the oceanic TZ by 2-3hrs).

WA has a big advantage here; you can play from 10pm-midnight with fresh planets. Very high activity for getting matches then, compared to the last two hours of the session.

#405 Bad Karma 989


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 06:43 PM

I know of one guy who finished the full thing on two accounts, two days ago. While holding a 9-5 job and a family life. He's spent hours getting good.

So for those of us (I'm one) who went to bed last night going "damnit, oh well", that's not on PGI, that's on us. Want the rewards, get good, get them in a timely fashion. Live at Tier 4 and stay content? Too bad. I'd be highly surprised if any T1/T2 players took more than three or four days to get it done, those that had the time to play.

"I'm not spending any more money!!!" Who asked you to? If you're good enough, you can get everything you actually need with the C-bills. "It's BROKEN!!!" So blame the Lore-****** who just have to have this thing mirror what they played in tabletop. Ain't gonna happen, shouldn't happen, this isn't pencil and paper.

For the love of god, just stop dinging PGI for every little damn thing. If you're a serial moaner and you're in-between your gigs on the sound stage of a porn film, then since you know so much about programming and GUI dev, go get yourself a job with PGI and make it better. Help them and us out. Yes the game has some serious bugs and glitches, some stuff that just isn't "good", but they're not charging us out the can for hours of slack time. We don't HAVE to drop a single dime if we choose.

Quit whining about getting something for free.

Oh. That's right. Some of you whiners can't even finish a relatively easy event in ten days, let alone design and debug a GUI.

My bust.

(apologies to the players on this thread that I have a lot of respect for and on occasion am honored to drop with)

Edited by Bad Karma 989, 09 May 2016 - 06:46 PM.

#406 slide


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 08:17 PM

FWIW I finished both parts of the challenge on Saturday (currently Tuesday afternoon).

Whilst I thought the 180 intel was a bit over the top relative to the the other parts of the challenge, there was no time that I felt I wasn't going to complete the challenges. 10 days was plenty to complete the challenges during my normal play times which is about 2 hours per day and a bit more on the weekends.

Long wait times were for me not an issue, wait times normally are longer. However I suspect that a lot of the issues with wait times, particularly with clanners, is the limited choices in attack/defend lanes. That is an issue that is unrelated to the event though and is something that may become a more serious problem as time goes on.

Davion was never short of enemies to fight with both Marik, Liao and sometimes Kurita all queuing up (sometime 4-6 deep) to attack in both modes, coupled with our own attack planet and 4 clan defense planets, finding enemies even during OC was not difficult. I wish the queues were like this all the time.

Grouping up on the Davion TS had my invasion match score at 15 wins and 5 losses in the first couple of days, most of the losses were when I pugged on Clan planets. PSA pugging = lose, alot! Better yet most of the matches against 54MR (Liao) were an absolute blast.

My only complaint is that I would have liked to have known about the extension sooner (good move BTW) as I have wasted 3 days that I could have used on an ALT account that I have that could surely use a free mech or 2.

Bring descent mechs (not neccessarily meta), group up where possible and play to win (rather than just getting intel for example) and the rewards will come. Most importantly don't stress about it. With the extra week now most of you should get there.

I also bought and Mastered and Oxide during the event (about 4 days actually) and 60+m Cbills (With free PT)

Edited by slide, 09 May 2016 - 08:40 PM.

#407 Seamus Z Harper


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 08:28 PM

People cry that they want free things and easy mode, PGI delivers without fail. This is my alt account and now I have time to do the event on two accounts. Thanks PGI Posted Image.

Edited by Seamus Z Harper, 09 May 2016 - 09:01 PM.

#408 Mechwarrior5973032


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 09:06 PM

My God, I managed to complete the Event on 3 accounts!

ONCE! in a organised group and twice I SOLO DROP PUGGED both parts of it. Then I find out whiny forum ******** get it extended! after I stayed up late to get the final scouting games done and now in the **** with my wife ! God Damn you PGI succumbing to the whiners !

The ONLY PROBLEM with the whole event was scouting requirements should have been 2 seperate groups of achievements, 1 for when on GATHER INTEL (gathering the intel one) and 1 for when on Protect intel (all the brawling stuff). Should have done this and therefore halved all the requirements because on average you get 50% gather 50% protect intel games. Because the way it was done you had people on protect intel off gathering intel coz they only had that requirement left to do or you had people on gather intel wanting to Brawl Because they only had KMDD left to do making the whole thing a clusterf**k mess rather than doing what your supposed to be doing in the game mode.

Edited by CadoSanguinarius, 09 May 2016 - 09:11 PM.

#409 paws2sky


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 06:21 AM

I was getting ready to comment with my final results from the weekend, only to find that the event was extended. That was a nice surprise. It's almost like they're listening to their players' concerns. Hey, wait a minute...

Anyway, I did finally finish up the Scouting challenge. That Champion Enforcer is interesting enough to run stock for a while before I start swapping equipment. I suppose I'll need some more MC for mech bays so that I can get two more.

For me, the biggest hurdles in the Scout challenge were KMDD, Wins, and Intel. In that order. Everything else was pretty simple and came with just playing. For those three, I found KMDD and Intel were often in opposition to each other because the mechs I have access to don't really do both speed and firepower. Wins was a matter of lucking into a couple of pretty good PUGs that decided to group up and drop together.

I suppose that I now have an outside shot at completing the Invasion challenge, but I'm not feeling the pressure to do so. I suppose I'll try to pick up some of the individual rewards and just see how it goes.


#410 Blind Baku


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 06:50 AM

Thanks for the extension! I probably still won't manage to nail down both sets, but at least I think I can get most of the invasion items now, instead of just a the scouting! (Which was my only major goal, dat Shadow Cat plz)

#411 WVAnonymous


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 08:00 AM

Thanks for the alt account suggestions. I have an account I'm maintaining if my daughter decides to start playing again. I should be able to get her a Raven.

#412 Mycroft000


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 09:09 AM

View PostAylek, on 09 May 2016 - 10:20 AM, said:

Any chance for stretch goals for all those players who already finished all the stuff?

I second this request, I finished late Sunday night, I'd have relaxed and come in to work yesterday well rested instead of pushing for the one last 100point Invasion victory.

#413 snow0815


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 01:24 PM

Can you reduce the ceasefire again? It's back to default duration.

#414 fudog


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 01:49 PM

View PostKshat, on 09 May 2016 - 10:48 AM, said:

Well, it's logic - IF you plan on extending a deadline in order to alleviate the pressure for your players, do at a point where this pressure hasn't build up.

And, since you are heavily uninformed - I finished this challenge without any need for the ten days already granted.
I am just considerate of my fellow men.

I'm all for reducing players stressin' on reaching completion.

As a software engineer, I'm also considerate to the plight of developers.

Your comment came across as rather entitled, not particularly appreciative nor considerate of your fellow men.

My mistake if I mistook your perspective.

Not sure why you're calling me heavily uninformed; if it's due to your completion status, my apologies.
I don't have enough time in the day to scour forums and track everyone's particulars. ;)

#415 Dee Eight


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 02:53 PM

I'm not sure even with the extension if it'll help until I switch contracts. Right now there's one guy on a ghost bear contract who plays the same every attack on nystera...he steals kills and is always the last alive, but never does anything to contribute on any push other than standing behind everyone. He brings a shadowcat with dual LRM 15s that never seem to fire until a mech has exposed structure, two cheetahs with twin ER Larges, and a direwolf with EIGHT ER Larges in two banks of 4. Gets the killing blow but little else and every game I've seen him in, which is nearly two dozen in the past four days, has resulted in a loss. My last wins were lunchtime yesterday, four consecutive winning drops without him.

Edited by Dee Eight, 10 May 2016 - 02:55 PM.

#416 Fabioccio


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 02:20 PM

Event extended?
if only I haven't quitted playing this due to too little time remaining for all the achievements...

Posted Image

#417 D V Devnull


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 12:12 AM

Okay, catch up with these first...

View PostWVAnonymous, on 10 May 2016 - 08:00 AM, said:

Thanks for the alt account suggestions. I have an account I'm maintaining if my daughter decides to start playing again. I should be able to get her a Raven.

She prefers I.S. Mechs, does she? Or does she already have a bundle of ShadowCats in her stables? :P

View PostKampf, on 11 May 2016 - 02:20 PM, said:

Event extended?
if only I haven't quitted playing this due to too little time remaining for all the achievements...

Posted Image

Uhm... get back to it? Maybe you can get a bit more! ^_^

On other notes, I do believe I haven't given a final review on this event. However, having the time limit shifted from 10 days to 17 has removed any "time for goal"-based complaints I would have had. (For reference, if it had stayed at only 10 days, I would be full of incineratory comments.) The matches that I needed to have register in order to complete the event did, and I have received both Grand Prizes. Taking stock of the upgraded time limits, I am reasonably certain anyone at least minimally proficient enough will somehow manage to at least get most of the basic and/or critical rewards to be had. B)

BTW, PGI has my thanks (and likely that of many others), for putting in that mind-saving time extension at the last possible moment. I do hope in the future, they always remember to give at least 14 to 17 (or more) days when they set the goals so wildly high. :D

Now, a serious note to be had with farther-reaching future concerns... The 'Scouting FW Mode' needs the match scoring severely re-built and re-tuned. Not being rewarded with Match Score at all, unless you brawl, works completely against that mode catching interest. The mode's implications are supposed to make things a 'Cat and Mouse game', where brawling doesn't happen unless the Defenders have actually spent the effort, and found the Attackers in earnest. The system should NOT be set up in a manner where it forces the Attackers to have to find the Defenders in order to earn their keep. The Attackers should already be earning it in earnest from collecting the Intel Nodes. If the Defenders can't find the Attackers on their own, they should NOT be finishing the match with better Match Scores than the Attackers. The Attackers did their work, and the Defenders shouldn't be their actual targets, even if I'm not on the Attackers' team at the time. :huh:

Hell, I'm probably dropping into a repeat rant here, but something to keep in mind regarding the whole game is this... The game isn't called "BrawlWarrior Online"... It's called "MechWarrior Online"... There SHOULD be as much strategy involved to play the game as there was back when "MechWarrior 2&3" existed. Back then, even the multiplayer system in "MechWarrior 2" had things set up to allow playing missions with objectives that were things other than just 'destroy the enemy base', 'take a control node', or 'capture the enemy base'. "MechWarrior 2&3" both had the ability to immerse a player in the action. However, they did it without shoving Lore or restrictive program design upon players' minds. Instead, Lore was merely used as a guideline, to be present to be read somewhat like a book, and wasn't used as ultra-hard law. You could literally play both sides/campaigns of the battle, earning from each without the unnecessary backlash that the modern MWO game has introduced, thoroughly complete everything, and end up still wanting to play more later after all was said and done. Their replay ability and value was limitless, and is something that I could sense might have been present in MWO prior to what "FW, Phase 3: Clan Invasion, Season 1" has turned things into. Now, if I remember right, even though I was still minorly hot-headed at the time, I posted a bit of a blueprint over on the "2016-04-28 Hotfix" thread (probably somewhere down 'Page 3') on how the "FW, Phase 3" Contracting System can be modified to restore the welcoming and infinitely limitless feel that I sensed was present when I first started playing MWO. Whether or not that happens however, is up to MWO's developers. I can only hope that they'll make good use of the positive intents, ideas, and ideals contained there within. I would like for Russ Bullock's words during one of the recent Town Halls to be laid to shame, and see this game last well beyond the mere "7 years" that he looked forward to keeping the game alive for. I know some will consider me crazy, but I want MWO's life to far exceed that of both previous MechWarrior titles, and even the Operating Systems it will run on, living for more than 25 years easily. MWO should be able to provide long-lasting jobs, and existences for people who are having anything to do with MWO. :ph34r:

~Mr. D. V. "Catching up, sometimes... Out to break Temporal Limits, at other times..." Devnull

[Edit by author for a missed thought...]

Edited by D V Devnull, 12 May 2016 - 12:19 AM.

#418 B0oN


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 01:11 AM

Hä ?
There was an event ?
I just noticed getting some goodies after some matches and way longer load times back into my group-screen when dropping with my homies from the 77th Grey Guards .

Meh, dun worry lad´s ´n lasses, next event´ll be coming so fer sure ;)

#419 SideWinderBLN


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 01:58 AM

So ...

Just for a different perspective, here is what the Event did for me:

I was on a break from the game after my initial flurry of activity in the game.
I looked at what was needed for the event and found it a pretty tall order. I considered it basically impossible to do on my own in the limited playtime I have available (what with an actual job that involves travelling and being away days at a time). So I would need to figure out how to get some help.

I know that I don't enjoy playing IS against Clanners exclusively too much.
So I signed my Two-Player-Merc Unit up with Marik. They have their own IS vs IS matches guaranteed and it would still allow me to drop defense on the Clan front if the local queues are too empty thanks to me playing in the Euro-Zone most of the time.
I knew playing in drops with groups was the best chance for invasion wins and short Queue Times, so I looked for invasion queues that had some group in them with a few slots open. On one of those I was soon told about the open Marik Faction TS.

After going there I always found a spot either in a forming invasion group of 8-12 man or a scouting 4 man and could play along with them in a coordinated fashion and fun games. I spent little time in queues and we easily won more than half the matches we entered thanks to people being willing to coordinate and people being willing to Dropcall. All of a sudden nearly all games were fun and seeing 12 identical unit tags on the OpFor Screen turned from groan inducing resignation to sitting up and getting ready for a tough but winnable fight.

So I guess what I am saying is: In most factions, there is an active community that is very willing to involve players on their Faction TS. I know it from experience for FRR and Marik and assume it is true for the other factions as well.

You don't need to be in a unit and the great majority of units and groups are happy to take along a few single players if they are on their TS and are happy to play along to the best of their abilities.

Not once have I gotten anything harsher than very polite ideas and suggestions for tweaking my terribad builds and limited selection of Mechs. And even that usually only on request from me. Everyone was just there to have some fun. You win some, you loose some and that is fine.

So, what did the event do for me?
It gave me exactly the right incentive to go out there and get involved in the TS of my faction and find out that it is great fun to drop with those people.
I have been turned from "yeah, that FP thing is pretty frustrating" to "hey, this is really easy to get into and with these guys full 12 mans of OPFOR units are very, very beatable".

Within two days I have made some friends and acquaintances and always know where to go for a few drops with competent drop callers and others willing to play along. Nearly every group asked around for players who still needed Event Stuff and made sure that roles were divied up to allow for the best chance to gain them.
I have met positively insane players who are great fun to drop with. I have met some of the most relaxed and experienced people in the game so far. I have learned a lot about how to play FP in a way that makes it fun for everyone involved.

So ... if PGIs plan for the event was to get some people to try out the actual Faction part of Faction Play, then it certainly worked for me. I can only guess that there are others who had the same great experience but are too busy playing to post about it. I guess it makes it a net win for the game mode.

So, all that said:
Praise Tanner and the Spicy Space Bacon!

Edited by SideWinderBLN, 12 May 2016 - 02:06 AM.

#420 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 04:05 PM

View PostSideWinderBLN, on 12 May 2016 - 01:58 AM, said:

So, all that said:
Praise Tanner and the Spicy Space Bacon!

Just the Spicy Space Bacon? We have many varieties and all are superior to Space Bacon made outside of the Free Worlds League.

Edited by Ed Steele, 12 May 2016 - 04:06 PM.

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