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4Th Game Breaking Update In A Row.

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#1 OP8


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:20 AM

I don't care where this post belongs, aint wasting more time weeding through BS.

This is the 4th patch in a row that has caused some kind of game killing crash that needs a 4th hacked workaround to get into a match.

"hey lets do a tournament to guinni pig how many people's clients wont work properly now".

Running modern hardware, modern OS, modern drivers.
Game already requires an error killing command line bastardized shortcut to launch game without telling me to re-install for the gazzilionth time.
Try and let it initialize with 64 bit support? Oh god no, not without server connection failures.
Hey, let's make sure he's gotta run modded cfgs just to get basic programming to work right.

Update game again. So I'm typing here instead of playing, because I now have a 30 minute wait to start another game (only have a re-join button)- I started a faction launch, the game went to the match loading screen, and now crashes every time I rejoin. Send error report again and again. Won't load. Crash. Won't load. Crash. Repair tool do anything? **** no.

This has been my experience with every tournament or challenge this year. Hopefully again someone figures out another hack to get the game running for me before time expires. Again.
That's the real challenge. Getting the game to work before events expire. That's what MWO represents to me half the frigging time. Sorry to whoever is in that invasion match waiting for my ghost to reconnect.

#2 MrJeffers


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:52 AM

I don't know what to tell you, but I have been playing since 2012 and have never encountered any of the issues you have listed. Never needed any custom command lines, never needed custom cfg files, never told me it needed to be reinstalled, etc. And I've never done anything but apply the patches.

So what is different about your system than mine? Desktop with Intel quad core CPU, 16GB memory (was at 8GB till last year), plenty of free HD space on a SATA drive, AMD 7970 Video card, then GTX 980 Ti, and a Gaming mouse. No other special peripherals. Started in Windows 7, now on Windows 10.

Maybe you need a fresh installation to clear out what ever corruption is going on with your installation.
Or at least run chkdsk in a command prompt to see if there are some file system issues that are causing you problems.

Edited by MrJeffers, 29 April 2016 - 09:57 AM.

#3 Jzaltheral


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:55 AM

View PostMrJeffers, on 29 April 2016 - 09:52 AM, said:

I don't know what to tell you, but I have been playing since 2012 and have never encountered any of the issues you have listed. Never needed any custom command lines, never needed custom cfg files, never told me it needed to be reinstalled, etc. And I've never done anything but apply the patches.

So what is different about your system than mine? Desktop with Intel quad core CPU, 16GB memory (was at 8GB till last year), plenty of free HD space on a SATA drive, AMD 7970 Video card, then GTX 980 Ti, and a Gaming mouse. No other special peripherals. Started in Windows 7, now on Windows 10.

Maybe you need a fresh installation to clear out what ever corruption is going on with your installation.
Or at least run chkdks in a command prompt to see if there are some file system issues that are causing you problems.

Pretty much this. It seems that the common denominator in this equation is your machine.

And please don't start with the guff about "Other games run just fine." That's great. But unless those other games happen to be MWO, it doesn't matter. That's like saying my car should be fine because my lawn mower starts ok. There is something specific to the combination of MWO and your hardware/software combo that causes the issue. Spend time figuring out what it is instead of bitching about it.

#4 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:57 AM

Yes, see, theyd have to test such things or have a test server and

#5 OP8


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:39 AM

Nah, see here's the thing. I've had little issues here and there with this game since closed beta. They're just speed bumps usually. I had these issues when I was running win 7 on an older config machine, and over the years I've upgraded every component at some point. New CPU. (currently a heavier I5) New power supply. New MB. New RAM. New OS. (Currently win10) Game running on dedicated SSD, only thing on the drive. Framerate used to be an issue, but better since hardware upgrades. Some of these stability problems have persisted from the beginning, some were never better even after replacing every component. Game has been re-installed twice when running 7, twice after fresh install of 10. EVERY component has changed at least once. I still get in thousands of games a year, but the hassle of always needing some bizarre parameters or config to get the game to run right gets irritating. I'm glad the few of you who never have these problems had such meaningful advice. "I've never had any problems, your situation must be caused by neglecting the obvious, or something" really got this thing working.

#6 nocturne


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:06 AM

So your highly customized zombie machine is somehow MWO's fault? Pretty sure their "basic programming" is just fine.. it's your system that needs a kick in the ***.

#7 Mechteric


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:10 AM

If you run an AMD Radeon GPU like me, I've noticed more than usual crashes only when using their beta and hotfix drivers. So I've stopped always taking their latest up to date drivers and sticking with a proper release one. 16.3.2 is what I recommend for now if that is the case for you.

#8 Inveramsay


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:13 AM

The game just kept crashing for me until I rolled back my nvidia drivers

#9 SilentWolff


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:19 AM

PGI IS a game killing crash

#10 ScarecrowES


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:22 AM

I build my own machine from scratch using components that really are NOT optimized for MWO. AMD 8-core processor, AMD board. Started with a R7-250 gfx card, now have a R9-380x. Had 8GB RAM, now 16GB of completely different type. Lots of little tweaks here and there.

In the last several years I've been playing the game, I've NEVER had problems. Well, until shortly after installing the R9-380x. Every other game ran perfectly on the card. Not a single hiccup to be found. But started getting crashes with startling regularity in MWO. Every new patch in MWO, crashes got worse. Know what I found out?

My hardware was fine. But the software that was running that hardware just would not play well with MWO. AMD upgraded from Catalyst software to Crimson software, and try as you might, MWO just does NOT get along with Crimson. My hardware was fine. MWO was fine - not optimized in the least and terribly cobbled-together in the coding department - but otherwise fine. I stripped Crimson out of my system completely, and found a fairly up-to-date version of Catalyst to install. No more crashes. Works better than ever before.

So, technically... my computer's fault. Hardly a potato by any means, and fully up-to-date... but still my computer's fault.

Well, not entirely, of course. MWO has an engine that is full of more tack-ons and work arounds than you could believe... and it's so poorly optimized it's not even funny. NVidia basically hands them the coding to keep their graphics working... they don't even TRY to keep AMD functioning well.

But still... if you ever find yourself having problems with a game that noone else seems to be having... it's really almost certainly just you and YOUR setup.

#11 DjPush


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:24 AM

Now this... Is a propper support ticket.

#12 DjPush


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:33 AM

I get crashes. However, not that often. I find that crashes happen whenever I:

1. Alt+tab out of the game a lot.
2. Have been streaming for more than an hour.
3. Have Chrome running in the background
4. Have monitoring or overlay programs running (i.e. perfmonitor, hwinfo, Teamspeak Overwolf, MSI Afterburner.. Etc..).

If I have MWO and TS running alone.. No issues. Once I start running a bunch of other things.. I'm more likely to see a disconnect.

#13 OP8


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:36 AM

Scarecrow's was the only useful reply. So far the best remedies have been to assume something about my machine is too new and things work better if I de-evolve my drivers. I can get solo drops to work, but faction lay is a no go. P.s. I love how even though the game knew it crashed a lot and that I tried to reconnect a bunch of times, I still got a penalty screen for not showing up in a match it refused to let me connect to. Anyway. Quick play it is and the broken faction play can go screw itself till it seems like I can play it again.

#14 ScarecrowES


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:47 AM

View PostOP8, on 29 April 2016 - 11:36 AM, said:

Scarecrow's was the only useful reply. So far the best remedies have been to assume something about my machine is too new and things work better if I de-evolve my drivers. I can get solo drops to work, but faction lay is a no go. P.s. I love how even though the game knew it crashed a lot and that I tried to reconnect a bunch of times, I still got a penalty screen for not showing up in a match it refused to let me connect to. Anyway. Quick play it is and the broken faction play can go screw itself till it seems like I can play it again.

I don't know if your system is AMD-based, but it seems true enough for NVidia too... MWO never seems to support the latest driver packs for graphics cards. I've turned automatic updates for my graphics card off, and only upgrade to a new driver once I've seen enough reviews to know it works stable across the board.

Finding a driver set that MWO likes is not easy. I've reverted all the way back to the late 15-series drivers (pre-Crimson) on my AMD R9-380x and am slowly dialing the drivers forward. I have 100% stability with pre-Crimson drivers. I honestly think, because Crimson-grade drivers are more capable than MWO's coding, the graphics card just gets disgusted, throws its hands up, and says, "to hell with it, I'm done with this ****."

Also... my card comes overclocked by default. MWO really does not seem to like that. Other games handle the overclocking fine, but it seems to cause occasions where the card becomes more capable than MWO at handling the graphics and they become de-synced. So I turn off any overclocking on MWO. I don't really need the overclocking to play other games with better-optimized graphics anyway (thanks MWO for only using half the processing my AMD components have available).

#15 MrJeffers


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:58 AM

View PostOP8, on 29 April 2016 - 11:36 AM, said:

Scarecrow's was the only useful reply. So far the best remedies have been to assume something about my machine is too new and things work better if I de-evolve my drivers. I can get solo drops to work, but faction lay is a no go. P.s. I love how even though the game knew it crashed a lot and that I tried to reconnect a bunch of times, I still got a penalty screen for not showing up in a match it refused to let me connect to. Anyway. Quick play it is and the broken faction play can go screw itself till it seems like I can play it again.

Faction play has much higher VRAM demands than quick play which points to a video issue more than anything else. Either out of VRAM causing performance issues and a crash, or a driver issue causing the crash.

Lately, being on the automatic update cycle for video drivers seems to be like being on the Beta eval team as both Nvidia and AMD have had some major FUBAR releases that required roll-back or hot fixed drivers.

You haven't mentioned what GPU you are running, but one thing you can check on the VRAM issue with is GPU-Z which can show you what the VRAM consumption is, and that number has gone up significantly since the March patch that included 2K textures for all the mechs.
Someone just today started a thread talking about the VRAM requirements:

#16 Lugh


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 12:36 PM

My game started crashing a lot when it never had before, then my processor died. Fortunately still under warranty. Could be that the processor you have is causing issues as it's about to fail?!?

#17 Coolant


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 12:50 PM

View PostOP8, on 29 April 2016 - 09:20 AM, said:

I don't care where this post belongs, aint wasting more time weeding through BS.

This is the 4th patch in a row that has caused some kind of game killing crash that needs a 4th hacked workaround to get into a match.

Please give specifics of every patch of game killing crashes, or are you exaggerating? If you're not you should be able to give specifics, after all you were very specific about the number of patches. Did you keep count how many times you crashed 5 patches ago? Exactly how many more crashes did you have on the 4th patch? The 3rd patch? Or are you just posting emotionally and irrationally?

I haven't seen any greater crash occurrences.

#18 0rionsbane


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 12:54 PM

A few things you can do to troublshoot your problem.

Try running it in compatibility mode for say windows 7 or vista, and as admin.

update your direct x if you have not already.

run chkdisk, and then if any bad sectors are detected
Create a new install of mwo in a new folder on your disk to prevent writing to the same sectors.

Go to your graphics card settings (for me is amd catylist controll center) and turn down or off tesselation, any setting for open gl add (say open gl triple buffering), and match the settings in game settings as well.

go to controll panell/system and security/system advanced system settings under the advanced click the settings buttion, go to the advanced tab agian and set your vram, the system will give a recommended settings uner vram setting set a custom size and do not let the system manage it set the minimum to the system recommended number than double that number for maximum. this will ensure your system has a bit more ram to use when a game has a memory leak.
then go back to the preformance options settings.
under Data execution prevention
set it to essential windows programs only (first option) or add mwo to your exclusions.

add mwo to exclusions on your firewall and your anti virus.

and keep your drivers up to date.

download a fan controll program and make your fans go at 100%, while playing mwo.
check your temperatures make sure you are not having a slowdown due to heat and the game
is crashing due to heat issiues.

Edited by 0rionsbane, 29 April 2016 - 12:57 PM.

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