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Change To Long Tom Damage

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#121 ThatGuy539


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 06:00 AM

View PostAkillius, on 04 May 2016 - 04:35 PM, said:

Pardon??? Allow me to clear up any max speed confusion.

The maximum possible speed and that's with the elited tweaks:
Commando 167.2 kph (except COM-2D variant 146.3 kph max)
Locust 165.4 kph
Spider 165.4 kph (except SDR-5D 148.0 kph and ANANSI 156.7 kph variants)

And for completeness the fastest clan lights are:
Jenner IIC 156.7 kph
Arctic Cheeta 139.3 kph

Ya forgot the refrigerators (Ice Ferrets) at 142 kph I think. I was using these as my clan scouts until the Cheetah's came out.Posted Image

#122 Pinscher


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 06:46 AM

Its not that hard to defeat Streakcrows. Their legs are much easier to hit than CT. Blow A leg off and run away. A 40 KPH crow cannot run to the extraction zone. Yes you may die. But you have won.

#123 Akillius


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 02:54 PM

View PostThatGuy539, on 05 May 2016 - 06:00 AM, said:

Ya forgot the refrigerators (Ice Ferrets) at 142 kph I think.

I only discussed the fastest clan lights. (As previously mentioned)
But at 45 tons the Ice Ferret is the fastest clan medium which max out at 139.3 kph
The IS fastest medium is Cicada (ofc) at 40 tons with max 148.0 kph

Edited by Akillius, 05 May 2016 - 02:54 PM.

#124 ThatGuy539


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Posted 06 May 2016 - 05:21 AM

View PostAkillius, on 05 May 2016 - 02:54 PM, said:

I only discussed the fastest clan lights. (As previously mentioned)
But at 45 tons the Ice Ferret is the fastest clan medium which max out at 139.3 kph
The IS fastest medium is Cicada (ofc) at 40 tons with max 148.0 kph

You are correct. I guess I used it as a scout, due to it's speed, for so long back then that I still sort-of think of it as a light mech.

The Cicada's are fun too. That one with the uber jumping ability comes to mind. You can jump right over one of those walls in HPG with it. I remember being surprised when I first had it out and gave that a try....and over shot.Posted Image

#125 crustydog


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Posted 06 May 2016 - 08:56 AM

The undisputed superstar mech of scouting is the Jenner, for both the Clans and IS.

Just the right combination of speed, firepower and tankiness.

Of note for the Clans, the Ice Ferret (for those of us without Jenners,) sitting in the garage all these many months, nice for it to have a place to contribute.

While for me the novelty of Scout Mode has already worn off, I also see great future possibilities for the mode, including a great place to introduce Player Vrs Environment - some mobile mission objectives, AI mechs, vehicles, etc. Scout mode is great for exploiting the wide open aspects of the newer maps in a way that PVP really cannot do. Also, these maps can introduce missions that require the full capabilities of the fast lights and mediums, as chasing down all those intel points has already demonstrated.

The new Scout Mode is the high point of Phase 3 FW so far.

#126 Frost Lord


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 09:47 PM

View Post1453 R, on 02 May 2016 - 04:32 PM, said:

Which is cool. But all the calls to remove the Long Tom entirely are ridiculous. If you let the enemy team acquire a 90% intelligence advantage, you damn well should pay for it. Long Toms instanoob-obliterating everything in a 300m radius is excessive, yes. Long Toms dealing significant, quite probably debilitating damage to targets in its radius? Acceptable. If you get caught by an artillery blast - a real artillery blast, not that worthless popgun consumable - you should feel it right on down to your toes.

And yes, big groups can set up 4-man scouting teams. But their impact isn't felt as keenly, and frankly one guy can do his damnedest to carry a 4-man easier than he can carry a 12-man. The unit folks are so overwhelmingly, utterly, invincibly toxic to anyone without a unit tag that it does indeed drive people out of the mode, despite the CW folks screaming so desperately for more players.

Watching them all rage on and on and on about Scouting and how those dirty filthy nublets without tags can actually engage in Commodity Warfare in something resembling a meaningful manner is just sorta hilarious. Maybe if the vast majority of these folks weren't galloping doucheknuckles, it would've have come down to this?

you are right to a degree but it doesn't mater if teams exadess a planet because of the long tom to fight other fights i think being able to play good matches is more important then giving a team an overwhelming advantage because they are doing well in scouting.

#127 Diddi Doedel


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 10:18 PM

View PostThatGuy539, on 05 May 2016 - 06:10 AM, said:

The problem is that you don't know what mission you are going to be on until you drop.
Tracking down the enemy and killing them before they escape benefits from mechs that can brawl..and have some speed. Where collecting intel and escaping can benefit from light fast mechs with ECM.
I try to find a mech that is good in both roles. But it would be nice if we knew what the mission was going to be so we could choose a mech more suited to the role before we drop.

Oh ya, and then there is the event which promotes fighting over intel gathering.

Actually you are told what type of scouting mission you get before you drop. Check the Title of the right-hand window. It should be either Protect Intel or Intel Gathering. That way you know in advance wether to bring your fast and sneaky mechs or rather your brawly ones for the kills.

#128 ThatGuy539


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 07:42 AM

View PostDiddi Doedel, on 09 May 2016 - 10:18 PM, said:

Actually you are told what type of scouting mission you get before you drop. Check the Title of the right-hand window. It should be either Protect Intel or Intel Gathering. That way you know in advance whether to bring your fast and sneaky mechs or rather your brawly ones for the kills.

Well dam. I'll have to check that out. As my wife would say "I must have had my man-eyes on".

Thanks! Posted Image

EDIT: Yep, found it. And it has been very helpful.

Edited by ThatGuy539, 30 May 2016 - 06:24 AM.

#129 smokefield


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Posted 16 May 2016 - 08:39 PM

the frequency of the LT drop its too high still. we dropped as a group to see how its after the changes and there is no fun in playing in a group or trying to play strategically or do some maneuvers. 2 min practically means you need to be all the time scattered. we will avoid planets with LT when possible.

there were many suggestions how to decrease the frequency. implement one pgi.

#130 HandsomeJBW


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 05:03 AM

2 minutes between LT strikes - isn't balanced. In my opinion - it should be 5 minutes and more time when purple smokes appears for escaping the area.

#131 Mechsniper


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 06:15 AM

The long tom is killing on average 4-5 friendly mechs in matches I am dropping in. Mechs it does not kill are generally weapons and or armor stripped and disabled. Frequency is too high, damage and burst radius are all too high. I refuse to drop in a match vs long tom until this is fixed.

#132 Dr Molotov


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 06:16 AM

Long tom in its current form makes the game no longer enjoyable. Well done for implementing something that makes a CW match 20 minutes of wasted life.You really should play test.

#133 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 06:17 AM

Agree. Nerf the Long Tom pls.

#134 Enya


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 06:24 AM

It isn´t playable with this Long Tom.
The time between the strikes is to short. You´re not really able to see, if you´re in the target Zone. Although if you see it, the explosionradius is to large to run away. The damage is too high, when you are in the target Zone you´re dead.
Last CW we were leading untilt the LT-strikes started, a few minutes, 5 or 6 LT-strikes later, over 10 mechs on our site only killed by Long Tom.

#135 DivBy0


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 06:28 AM

Twitter it to the bright and brilliant Russ and Paul... but make sure you have a way to unlock your twitter account after the ban.

#136 LordLosh


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 07:00 AM

yeah some one has to tweet issues about the game. no one reads listens or cares about anything we post on here. Then you have to only say positive things on the twitter for it to count and get a reaction so i guess everything is perfect please implement long-tom in quick match's so the entire player base will quit

#137 Racerxintegra2k


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 09:21 AM

Just played my first FP of the new tournament with long tom against me.... honestly if i drop another with long tom activated i'll just disconnect and stop playing. Its beyond a waste of time. There is no point in being destroyed as you are walking off your drop ship when its already 30-10 because of the long tom killing 4-5 per strike. Not to mention your team tries to spread out to avoid being targeted so we are easily picked off by enemy. THE GENIUS that put long tom in must be behind the 1st mini map.

#138 Commander A9


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 09:56 AM

Oh, yeah, didn't you know? They reset the Long Tom back to its original mech-murdering game-killing glory.

Couple weeks ago, when we dropped defending a planet, Long Tom suddenly came online. Killed 5 fresh newly deployed enemy mechs in one shot. :/


Edited by Commander A9, 02 July 2016 - 09:57 AM.

#139 W0TAN


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 10:29 AM

I finshed my 20 "face the skrillcrows-games" and went 4 the Invasion mode.
1st game, counterattack + Longtom against us. Saw one arty behind me (baam 3 dead) on the way to the base. we arrrived the base -> BAAM . 4-5 Instadeath by arty... NME Team still 0 lost.

Then back to dropship with my other instantdeath-mates . Mate in a Direwolf me in a Battlemaster.
Arty called out. I saw the smoke right in front of me. of Course we had ZERO Chance to runaway. Baam both dead. Game ended 10 - 48.very well balanced.

The Devs who let this going through, should be longtomed in the face. At least they have to play this big s*** by their own.

I mean, which Devs would bring a minimap like the firstone into the game without testing?!?. there u can see that the devs not programming with heart. The Devs are not one of us.

Would like to see somebody get the rights on the game and act like Robert on Star Citizen.

BTW: Hawken comes to PS4 and XBOX. Where is MWO? Oh yes, Still bring out new Mechs to grind the money from the players instead of balancing the s*** togehter that they build..

Thats all folks.

#140 sitting target


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Posted 05 July 2016 - 03:00 AM

The match I played against longtom it one shorter a fresh Kodiak. What a stupidly broken game mechanic. Do the devs know nothing about game design?

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