The Kit (Of Tools And Killy Items) Fox
Posted 02 September 2017 - 07:41 AM
Posted 02 September 2017 - 09:49 AM
Instead, for an arm-based KFX, I would do this. You still get LMGs, and more of them, but shorter burns on the boring old-tech lasers mean you won't have to commit suicide to get some hits in.
Posted 02 September 2017 - 10:17 AM
Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:38 AM
3 ER-Medium, LB-5X, ECM, Set-of-8-Quirks
Works really well for medium range support. Just stick to your fire line mechs and amplify their damage.
Most of the time you will be ignored in favor of another target and the LB-5X is very good at critting components, even when running hot.
Drop a heat sink for an extra ton of ammo, if you think you'll need it.
Edited by Brethren, 04 September 2017 - 05:38 AM.
Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:46 AM
Posted 01 October 2017 - 10:28 PM
You could also drop a ton of NARC ammo to put up that third LAMS if you feel that you're not really using more than 12 NARCs per round, but I'd rather have some buffer for whiffs given that LAMS is largely heat-bound anyway.
Alternatively, if you want to be more aggressive with the HLLs, you can drop the LAMS for regular AMS, but here you really have to drop a ton of NARC so that you can get in two tons of AMS ammo. The third AMS unit is not worth losing half a ton of ammo; better to shoot down WAY more missiles than to shoot down more at a time.
I then give it a skill tree like this, to take maximum advantage of its various team-supporting gear, buff up the consumables to supplement the offense, and help keep some of the heat in check.
You need to be proactive in toggling your LAMS to manage the heat it generates, and make decisions around whether to shoot down some missiles or get in some damage with your lasers, you can't really do both. But this build gives you options to hang back and support the team with a lot of electronic warfare options, or be more aggressive and get in some really mean flanking stabs with those HLLs. Open a guy up with those things and then NARC him so that your team's launchers can finish him off.
Edited by Trissila, 01 October 2017 - 11:19 PM.
Posted 04 October 2017 - 07:51 PM
Posted 03 April 2019 - 06:11 AM
PPC to kill stealth and pop tart. HMLaser for head and kill shots, UAVs, fast movers. Missiles for over the horizon and dumping on pop tarts with 4xjj. ECM, cons-2xair strike, 1xUAV.
Pretty consistent damage output but a little weak at small laser range unless you are good with jump spin firing retreats and hitting moving targets with a PPC while flying through the air Like a Boss.
On a side note, why do some people strip their cockpit armor to zero?!?!? Not complaining... keep doing it, please.
Posted 03 April 2019 - 06:21 AM
forgot to post (s)kill tree
Posted 05 April 2019 - 03:21 PM
Apparently he's infamous. :-P Respect.
After more testing, that the extra 1/2 ton of LRM ammo was just never needed, and I swapped things up to get one more jump jet -so I can make it to the sniper/spotting roof at C2 in solaris... heh heh heh. I know, the ppc is "better" in the arm for hitting high/low targets, but that left arm puts it about at the KNEE joint, and I have a few spots I REALLY like to be able belly down, and snip from, and you don't have to show your whole mech to be able to hit your target. That left arm energy mount is TERRIBLE, the high mount makes you almost unhittable if you pick the right spot to hunker down (and less visible which is very important) It's a fun build, offering the feeling of gun, missile and laser in one mech, it has great tactical flexibility, it CAN overheat, but even playing balls to the wall it's rare. The other reason I like the PPC in the torso is for long range pop-tarting, it helps stablize my aim. I'll admit to wishing the PPC was in the arm at times, but I've also made a lot of shots that would have hit dirt if it was in the arm (or left me fully exposed just to trade damage, and trading in a kit fox is losing)
But my new favorite is this bad boy I call the Jedi, It's got 5 JJ and ecm, makes full use of the armor bonus on the arms for a very TANKY light. Plenty of heat sinks to balance the load out. And the dual HML is nothing to sneer at. As FWAS mentioned, the dual energy in the arm hit in the same spot, making it great for kill shots, after softening them up at range with the PPC. I've tried the 2xppc +ecm, which is a bit hot unless you strip armor, and the 4xhml (while good) suffers from a lack of flexibility, they are each lacking, this hybrid build allows better heat management than the dual PPC, and better range than the quad HML, making it a flexible damage dealer, and a good deterrent for lights.
Here is the 4xHML build for reference. It does heavy damage, heats up fast, but also cools fast. Only down side is holding that beam on target for the full duration, but if you can it really brings the pain.
Edited by John McClintock, 05 April 2019 - 03:26 PM.
Posted 05 April 2019 - 04:12 PM
This thing really brings the pain.
Posted 05 April 2019 - 04:53 PM
SPL are some of the highest DPS weapons in the game and relatively low heat, this build offers plenty of heat sinks when only firing the 4xSPL, with plenty of room for the...
2xHML in the right arm to take out UAV's and to offer some moderately high mounted mid range stand off weapons, also good for sweeping the leg. Did you hear that Piranha?
Good for scouting AND babysitting Dire Whales.
Posted 05 April 2019 - 05:10 PM
Posted 11 May 2019 - 07:47 AM
I kept the missiles on group fire, not bad for a support mech loadout
Posted 11 May 2019 - 09:05 AM
Posted 11 May 2019 - 10:27 AM
Just running 3sm pulse and 2xSRM6 nothing more. Had several 3-5 k runs with 700+mg.Yea, works fine
Thhe 2nd pic below was the first take out of Hangar after a year in Hospital and my first light mech run since Closed beta^^ Really enjoyed it
Edit: Blacked out othe rplayers
Edited by Mighty Spike, 11 May 2019 - 10:44 AM.
Posted 17 May 2019 - 02:18 AM
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