Coolant, on 11 May 2016 - 06:38 AM, said:
MMORPG's have to much grind(item grind, lvl grind), to much down time, not enough great battles. ( Destiny and The Division fell into this trap, hard)
Clone shooters have no down time, possibly great battles and nothing else. Mostly the battles suck to.
Star Citizen is threatening to have the same problems MMORPG's have with tons of down time and no great battles aside from red vrs blue TDM.
Point is this game can really do well to not make the mistakes these other games have made. MechWarrior Online battles are already the best. Great Inventory screen, if to crowded. A start at moving away from red vrs blue TDM. Learning curve a bit high with a primitive tutorial... A first step into in game world looting on the road map.... and so on.
Over all this game is looking really good. I wasn't trying to totally make sense just mentioning some of many relevant points.

Edited by Johnny Z, 11 May 2016 - 07:06 AM.