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Salvage Vs Crates

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#21 Johnny Z


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 06:55 AM

View PostCoolant, on 11 May 2016 - 06:38 AM, said:

I totally agree, supply crates (AKA chests), really have no place in MWO. They fit better in an RPG. Makes it seem like we kill a boss and we get to loot the chest. It's wierd. But, they are in other games like a lottery system. I don't think much resources would've been diverted for something this minor, and we are getting free stuff. We don't have to buy a key for MC cause we can sell them for CBills. PGI gets more money which should help with development. I just think it's kinda wierd.

MMORPG's have to much grind(item grind, lvl grind), to much down time, not enough great battles. ( Destiny and The Division fell into this trap, hard)

Clone shooters have no down time, possibly great battles and nothing else. Mostly the battles suck to.

Star Citizen is threatening to have the same problems MMORPG's have with tons of down time and no great battles aside from red vrs blue TDM.

Point is this game can really do well to not make the mistakes these other games have made. MechWarrior Online battles are already the best. Great Inventory screen, if to crowded. A start at moving away from red vrs blue TDM. Learning curve a bit high with a primitive tutorial... A first step into in game world looting on the road map.... and so on.

Over all this game is looking really good. I wasn't trying to totally make sense just mentioning some of many relevant points. :)

Edited by Johnny Z, 11 May 2016 - 07:06 AM.

#22 Moldur


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 07:05 AM

Yeah, but why bother making all that stuff for salvage when you can just do crates? Crates work. PGI is doing something that is proven to work. PGI isn't making as big of a dive into the unknown as some people are making it out to be.

#23 Almond Brown


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 07:07 AM

View PostLostdragon, on 10 May 2016 - 09:46 PM, said:

Salvage meanslooting your enemies' equipment, it has nothing to do with finding a random container. If they had called this system salvage I think it would have been even more laughable. People who want a real Salvage system are only looking for something PGI already said would be in the game anyway.

Well seeing as Salvage is already a component of every Match, it is just converted to C-Bills, calling this new thing "Salvage" would be kinda fooked up right?


"Salvage Rewards are calculated at 2% of the purchase value of the undamaged equipment and armor remaining on destroyed enemy Mechs, divided evenly, among the number of players on your team."

So PGI has taken some of the C-Bill based "Salvage" bonus and moved it to "Crates". I just hope they don't reduce the current match based "Salvage bonus" to offset this new "Crate" based C-Bill boon. LOL!

Edited by Almond Brown, 11 May 2016 - 07:08 AM.

#24 Johnny Z


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 07:11 AM

View PostMoldur, on 11 May 2016 - 07:05 AM, said:

Yeah, but why bother making all that stuff for salvage when you can just do crates? Crates work. PGI is doing something that is proven to work. PGI isn't making as big of a dive into the unknown as some people are making it out to be.

This game is hurting for premium content. Not as a way to make money but as a way to spend free MC or paid for MC.

This entire in match looting will move into PVE without any doubt. None MC variants of this looting and who knows what. They can go anywhere with this.

The quote is 100% right. This isn't anything that hansnt been milked to death since the 90's in 1000 MMO's. But the great part is, it takes place amidst on going battles. It isn't a static timed camping spawn. A lot of really great aspects to how this beats anything that has come before. Well aside from the Mass Effect series..... but MechWarrior Online being.... online :) they have broke new ground here. THANK GOD THEY DIDNT GO WITH POWER UPS. OMG if they go there with this I will have some kind of panick attack or something. :) I think I smell toast burning.

Edited by Johnny Z, 11 May 2016 - 07:19 AM.



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Posted 11 May 2016 - 07:23 AM

Cache are not salvage. So far at least It's not advertised as such, the rewards have nothing to do with it, vanity items and mechbays were mentioned and it was described like the special event grab(except you pay for it now yay).

So why the obsession with salvage? Thats like saying we should have gotten HTAL instead of 3pv, they both are ui element eh... not related. Not like it would be a good idea or more immersive to have salvage in a floating box with a ! on top, that's end-screen game element. Well i hope im right.

Edited by DAYLEET, 11 May 2016 - 07:24 AM.

#26 Johnny Z


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 07:24 AM

Ammo supplies would be a great use for this. Air drops? As part of the tutorial for a starter item or two... etc.

Edited by Johnny Z, 11 May 2016 - 07:28 AM.

#27 Lostdragon


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 09:12 AM

View PostMoldur, on 11 May 2016 - 07:05 AM, said:

Yeah, but why bother making all that stuff for salvage when you can just do crates? Crates work. PGI is doing something that is proven to work. PGI isn't making as big of a dive into the unknown as some people are making it out to be.

Because real salvage from enemies is more Mechwarrior than skins and camo in some silly crate. Who said they are making a dive into the unknown? Nobody thinks that. Some people just think crates are not Mechwarrior and a poor substitute for a real Salvage system. Salvage was a big part of previous Mechwarrior titles and could be incorporated into MWO in such a way that PGI can monetize it while retaining a flavor true to the Mechwarrior frqnchise.

#28 Lazor Sharp


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 12:21 PM

Because we want a BT/MW lore based Salvage game mechanic, and not some treasure hunt / loot MMO RNG based game mechanic like 100's of other games..... Make MWO different enough to have a flavor of its own, and not the vanilla MMO Game Flavor...................
At the end of the match I Dont mind paying a small MC cost for salvage (5-15MC) from what ever enemy mech's were killed, that i want, with no RNG involved, but no treasure hunts during the match, for the rambos to have more of an excuse to go full ****** rambo......

a few paints, camos or cockpit items salvage here and there would be nice too

#29 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 12:22 PM

Why not both??

#30 50 50


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 02:16 AM

Depends more on what is actually in the crates.
Ok, it might be a little cheesy and plenty of other games have this concept.
However, it could be used to introduce unique mechs. Either as parts that you need to collect to complete, or as blueprints that you can then 'build' the mech with.

Personally I love the idea of salvage and being able to recover parts on the battlefield, that could work well for all the existing components in the game so I'd like to see that. But the crates could allow for the intro of new mechs and/or items.
If they are meant to be 'star league caches' ..... then who knows.
It would be nice to hear more about it as it is a feature that has come out of the blue.

#31 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 12 May 2016 - 04:46 AM

Any love for the Thorn?

I think this mech could be a good addition to MWO. With hardpoint inflation and the mechlab, any and all of the Thorn's lore weaknesses can be mitigated.

Unique features include a head mounted energy hardpoint, an all energy variant (sadly a requirement in today's laserwarrior online), a low tech version as well as a high tech version, and one that mounts an ERPPC.

I believe this chassis, along with PGI's creative license, has enough versatility to find it's place in MWO.

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