Instead of just Standard Package, with Collectors and Hero Upgrades, they also added the Reinforcement Packages, and with the Phoenix Hawk, as a convenience, the Ultimate Package.
While we can debate the value of the Collectors Pack and the Reinforcements ad nauseum, that's is for other threads. On this, I simply want to address, and hope PGI is listening about a missed sales opportunity for the Ultimate Packages.
In and of themselves, there is nothing inherently wrong with the Ultimate Package. For those already determined to buy the whole shebang, it's convenient, and less likely to get your bank's security alerts on notice, than having to separately make multiple individual purchases.
Though one could question as to why if they can have them all together as an Ultimate Pack, why can't they let you pick and choose the separate components of the the Mech Packs that you want BEFORE going to the payment menus?
Still, this (finally) is the point I am trying to make: The Ultimate Mech Packages are an example of poor marketing, and sale opportunities lost.
Why? Because they only matter to those who have already decided to "Buy it all"!!!
Conversely, if they had added incentive to it, a la the Collectors Pack, such as Extra Items, Premium Time, Badges, etc, or my preference, something akin Discount for Buying it All, they would also be swaying, and adding sales from those who were either undecided, or even decided against buying them all, in the first place.
Let's be realistic. The "Reinforcements" require minimal resource investment from PGI. No new textures to map, no custom skins, geometry, etc. Hard-point mapping is about it. In most cases, the amount of undecided buyers and extra sales that adding perceived value would generate far outstrips the "lost revenue" from those who already decided to go all in, anyhow.
This is nothing new, it's literally part of Marketing 101. Perceived value generates sales. Look no further than the adds you get in the paper, or online, all the time.
For whatever faults (real or imagined) people may have with PGI, so much of it really boils down to how little effort or understanding appears to be put into proper PR and Marketing, and this is just another example. They were tone deaf and oblivious to public sentiment when they blithely rolled out Transverse. The Jumbo Packs led to buyer burnout and remorse. A la Carte was largely reviled from the get go. Collectors packs are largely considered a poor value, overall. This isn't a one time thing.
So please PGI guys. Take some time and really think about the perceived value of your Package Marketing.
Regarding increasing perceived value of Package Sales, in general, please refer to this Topic:
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 13 May 2016 - 02:40 PM.