Jack McKnight, on 30 May 2016 - 11:26 AM, said:

Would you guys recommend mech bays with leftover MC?
That is a hard question.. then agian you are talking to the guy that has had atlases for getting close to 2 years and still have not mastered them.. in fact i have 24 mechs in my bays that i need to play.. (no wonder why i am always needing cash to buy modules, i buy to many darn mechs and don't have time to play um!
As for MC, i say buy bays as needed, and one shot camo's, when they have a sale, id pony up some cash, like a 15 dollar mech pack, and blow it all on bays. That is what i did last year,, i still have a bunch of bays left, even after picking up a bunch of mechs during the yearly mech sale in January.. (every c-bill mech goes on sale during that month, so bank some money!) I am hoping they do a module sale this fall like they did last year.
as for your arrow, Try dual Large pulse and 6 machine guns

Koniving, on 01 June 2016 - 03:26 AM, said:
You know i have a K and really like it.. especially in PUG's and their resistance to actually close into brawl range more often than not.. 3 ERLL's, and a Gauss, with dual AMS, I also run a NARC on it,. It is great for countering ECM, and getting the PUGs to focus on a target. Even if they don't listen to Called out targets, or locked targets, they typically will attack a narc'd mech.

It's my favorite atlas so far.. (though i only have them at basics so far) I own the K, DDC and D..
Edited by JC Daxion, 01 June 2016 - 06:42 AM.