Monodominant, on 23 May 2016 - 02:27 AM, said:
Why dont other units get more people then? Why is your unit 40 people Danjo? If having numbers is the key to winning (not skill) why dont you open your own gates and hire more?
Edit: Also, good job ignoring what I said once more

Okay, Okay, for crying out loud. I only answer if you are condescending, insulting and show off with your stats... and only if they are excelsior enough I will consider answering

I'll make an exception for you though...
To be exact my Unit has 28 members right now.
1. because I keep removing inactives on a regular basis, (I have two on my list, that will be removed shortly, as they have been absent for a long time)
2. because we emphasize freedom, no set times, no need to partake in certain modes, no need to keep attendance in forum, no need to report back etc. However we monitor each others activity and when we see players being inactive too long, we first move them into the category "AWOL" and after being in there for a long time they will be removed. I contact them if applicable via mail to inform them.
3. We are Liao Loyalists. Not everybody wants to play for the underdogs.
We are actively recruiting and positions are still open, anybody is welcome.
And to answer your question why 48 members is my suggested cap. Why 4 Dropships?
- There is something called "Real Life". Players have wives, children, jobs, obligations.
A cap as you said of 12, is rightout ridiculous as it would be nearly impossible to field a full 12 man.
Some may not want to wait 10 minutes for a GD, some may want to play scout, some may want to level some mechs in QP.
- as I mentioned earlier, (although MWO is a Mil-Sim) it's rules and structure are similar to professional sports. Set rules, Set Time, Set Win Conditions, heck even set Penalty Systems with time out's like in Ice Hockey... So why not adapt roster limitations? As I referred to NFL-Regulations. A Team is made of 53 Players, with only 11 on the Field at the same time. That makes perfect sense there. And it can do the same here... Closest common Nominator between NFL-Roster size and my MWO suggestion is 48.
And, as I repedatly stated, MWO does not have the active Playerbase to justify these kind of unit Sizes. Especially in mercenary companies. You know your numbers and you now that Mercstar has more than one company. So I don't need to sum that up for you. Now all of them move in bulk, coincidentally lots of other mercs end up moving to the same faction, what do you have a hughe bulk of players sitting in one spot, complaining there are not enough enemies out there to fight and crying that they ghostdrop for 3 hours until one shows up... I don't understand why I have to point out the irony in this all the time, but put it this way.
[XYZ] has 528 members, they are Mercenaries. They split up into [XYZ0] [XYZ1] [XYZ2] [XYZ3] and so on. subdivisions of a large community. The initially move together and use teamspeak and whatnot. at some point they realize that whereever they go they get ghostdrops for two hours until finally some freelancers other mercs and a hinch of loyalist show up to be stomped.
They could have matches if they decided to split 50/50 [XYZ0-4] go to Faction 1 for 7 Days and [XYZ6-10] goes to an adjacent faction for 7 days. now instead of ghostdropping all the time they can actually get matches, sure, they'd be fighting their friends, but in retrospect they'd be having matches and can consider it as sparring.
But no wait, that's a horrible Idea right? How could I even think of something this dumb.
From the entire System PGI has put up right now it would benefit everybody.
1. Cut recruitment costs.
2. leave space for casual units to have some impact
3. would ease the population issue
4. If you still want to move and fight together, you can still do it.
5. Distribution of planetary MC gain becomes easier
So far your Contra Points were:
"You cant ask someone to choose between your friends"- You are not, you are just giving them subdivion tags
"They would still be able to communicate and drop together so in makes no sense" - Communication and Drops is correct, but why it makes no sense fails me.
"Your system means the end of large Loyalist units as well" - No It would just organize them in said subdivisons
"It would only harm struggling units" - What Units are struggling? the small ones? the one-man units? large loyalist units? So far I can tell the only ones mentioning struggle are big merc units. And struggle meaning here their expansion isn't that effective anymore...
hope that makes my point clear to you Monodominant,