crustydog, on 20 May 2016 - 11:19 PM, said:
I spent Friday night drop commanding pug pick up groups for the FRR. In spite of waiting in queues (longer I think due to Kodiak event) we still completed 10+ invasion drops during the evening.
Even though we were pugging it, we won every drop until MS 12 mans started defending the world we were attacking. Many of our earlier drops involved fairly skilled opponents, including some of the best known players in the game. You couldn't say the same for the players on our side.
Later on, when MS showed up with full teams, we did not fold like a wet paper bag - we gave them a run for their money each and every time, and all of our matches were defeats - but close defeats. Nobody camped our dropzones, or anything similar to the type of outcomes you see when you are severely outclassed.
So what we are seeing at the FRR teamspeak hub is a system that is producing random pick up groups of reasonably competent players, even able to play against organized teams without getting rolled. In theory, this is the ideal scenario for how FW is supposed to work for the solo players. Everybody gets a good long match, against talented and challenging opponents, and everybody gets paid for their efforts.
So how did this happen? It came about through the deliberate efforts of teams. Teams working together to support the hub structure and it's management. Teams working together to provide an environment where the new guys can integrate themselves, and have the time needed to develop their skills. It works, and it is continuing to work, and PGI has nothing to do with it.
Pug groups challenging MS teams? Who would have thought that possible? Not if you listen to the whining and anti-team garbage spewed by some ignorant members in this forum.
Somewhere along the line PGI picked up on and bought into this anti-team mentality, when all the while it is the teams and their mutual efforts to support the game that are keeping the wheels on the wagon. The efforts to further restrict the day to day actions of the teams have all but broken the participation spirit of this place, and placed the survival of the entire project into doubt.
Perhaps it is time to start supporting the teams again, and well past time to start listening to them. In general, the teams are often made up of the best and brightest players in the game, the ones who actually understand what is working, and what is broken. It is time to give the teams a much greater input into what goes on around here.
If PGI is smart enough to see it.
Admittedly part of that is units actively recruiting people. That's the real benefit of units - they collect players and share knowledge. It's why we function best in groups regardless of setting. A group of people will share their knowledge and produce a whole better than the sum of its parts.
It's why I don't like unit caps. There are so many better ways to fix the problem.
We don't need more lanes - we need better ones. One queue per front. No split attack/defend. One world, everyone on it. Solves a ton of unit v pugs problems. Increase total squares to take by 33% and boom. You've got a better overall environment. Units more likely to play against other units too.
Throw tagging planets out. Burn the idea with the rest of the trash. You play in 10 winning matches on a planet you get 10 wins worth of the MC reward or bonus cbills or whatever the 'flipping a planet' reward is. Quit making membership to a big unit the factor that determines your reward for taking planets. Make participating in a winning match the factor. Suddenly you'll have pugs begging to drop with good units and caring if they win the match because now there are rewards they can actually get.
Give loyalist a huge kitty of bonuses. Cbill bonuses, LP bonuses, even MC bonuses on flipping worlds. Let them vote to post some of those bonuses as rewards to mercs who fight for them. Mercs get 72 hours to 'vote' to take a contract there by X date, loyalists vote to accept/decline unit by unit. This way loyalists can functionally hire mercs. If they don't hire mercs they are making more than mercs do save for mercs good enough to be worth sacrificing your bonuses to hire.
That will promote lower population factions who can't take worlds spending more to hire mercs. It also means factions with more fighting than they can handle are prompted to hire mercs. It means the best mercs will get the best rewards and contracts.
Let mercs take 0 bonus contracts wherever they want.
Boom, loyalist/merc issues solved. Mercs with good reputations and good results will get sought out and paid better. Better coordinated and organized factions will be better able to coordinate hiring good mercs. Make using alts to try and swing deals for primaries something you get banned and cbills stripped over.
All of these issues can be fixed with existing mechanics. Players are just players - pug, solo, unit, loyalist, merc. The only thing that differentiates units from solo players is a willingness to put the effort into coordinating and gathering/training/communicating with other players. The problem isn't units - it's how many people are not in units but want the same rewards for less effort.