MC gains are a joke, and not even worth a discussion, especially if you're a part of a bigger unit. For a smaller unit, it makes little sense to attempt it unless there isn't an opposition (or a weak one that is).
So, based on a previous post (based on an idea to provide rewards thru participation - a "pool of rewards"), I wanted to get the ball rolling on this.
The point of FW is to win, obviously, but the gains of winning a planet is disproportionate to the effort spent. You might gain 1m C-bills per drop.. if you're good and are running premium time, but you are very likely to commit to at least 4 successful Invasion drops (approximately 2 hours worth, depending on how effective you are) before you make realistic headway into winning the planet (it's self-evident since every iteration of CW), so your time thru commitment needs to be rewarded
Units getting MC are a good idea, except the distribution point is just a futile effort in giving away MC in the most inefficient, Paulconomic fashion. You might as well have done that awful event, getting 100MC for 30 Invasion drops, or 60 Scouting drops. Man, that's just great... 1.5 MC per drop. Wow. I mean, I could get more free stuff in other games that are far less painful, but hey, whatever.
Now, we also have to consider the population as a whole... in terms of overall activity. I know there's also a section of players that dedicate to FW (I dunno why, but they exist), so this needs to be rewarded in kind just as well.
Those are 3 components listed above that need addressing.
So, here's my basic idea to reward everyone that participates, but in a way that should cater to every type (to some degree, mostly smaller units, dedicated FW players - ideally trying to foster group play through the TS hub).
For every person participating in FW between 2 factions (you are guaranteed 1 attack lane, but multiple defenses depending on how the matchups occur), they are part of a pool.
Winning faction:
200m for the first 100 players, +2m per player after the first 100
Losing faction:
100m for the first 100 players, +1m per player after the first 100
In times of low population, the gains received indirectly increase (because a smaller population means you get more money through the split).
So, the more people that play, the greater the pool. Of course, this is dissected even more...
Your portion of gains is directly proportional to participation, especially winning:
+1 token per Invasion win
+.4 token per Scout win
+.5 token per Invasion loss
+.2 token per Scout loss
Basically, your time commitment for the more important game (Invasion) directly controls the value. Scouting holds a value, but you'd need to commit twice at much effort in succeeding (time spent involved).
The more tokens you gain, the more of the pool you get. So, the guy who spends 1 Invasion drop will inevitably get less than one that spent the majority of their time doing CW.
For units, MC will still be rewarded, but isn't strictly given to the winning unit. This is ONLY rewarded when winning a planet (on attack or defense).
1500MC shared for the first 5 units, +300MC per unit after the first 5
Unit FW activity dictates the MC gain, and technically there will be diminishing returns (Mercstar alone would gain, but still not worth that much considering the # of members involved).
500MC given to the unit tagging, +100MC additional per assisting unit after the first 5 units
The unit owning the planet gets the same flat bonus over 1 more ceasefire cycle (a reason to keep queuing post cease fire).
There's an incentive to be inclusive here, and I know there's a swath of 1-man units, but they will unlikely get most of it by nature. I mean, I guess there could be abuse if you have enough people involved with alt accounts, but consider that it's still dictated by the # of units participating and using the same token system (or whatever PGI is currently using to determine who wins the planet)
The only issue that I can think of is ghost drops or "limited FW activity" to abuse said rewards.
What would need to happen here is to have a "minimum" # of drops and/or time like 3 hours worth, or 13 complete Invasion drops (the # you would need to complete getting all pieces uncontested, but ghost drops don't count), whichever comes first.
I don't think this plan is perfect, nor it is flawless, but the reality is that there is currently no real incentive to queue up since structurally, there's no real gain (15 MC per cycle is peanuts) for those that participate.
The only way to succeed is to win, and working as a team should be rewarded. There's enough "personal wealth" in the match when you are carrying, but success is determined by everyone involved.
I don't expect solo players to become group/team players overnight, but the more they continue to group up like it was the solo queue, it's not going to pay out well. The reward system needs to focus on players willing to put in the time and the effort to put a good drop deck, but above all else... work as a team.
Edited by Deathlike, 19 May 2016 - 05:25 PM.