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12 Kodiaks Vs 12 Atlas(Es?li?atlantes?)

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#1 -Mean Machine Angel-


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Posted 24 May 2016 - 12:19 AM

Was having a chat with some -MS- guy's in game about a 12 Kodiak vs 12 Atlas brawl.A few were keen.
The Idea being each player has 2 100t beasties then 2 wee beasties.
1st round (wave) Kodiaks on attack.after no opposition are left survivors eject,next round begins.
2nd round (wave) Teams shuffle past each other and swap positions -mayhem and carnage ensue's..survivors eject.
3rd round (wave) both teams meet in the middle of the map,form a line,then at a designated time..run around murdering each other.Survivors eject
4th round (wave) same again but with survivors not ejecting and for an entire week team mates and foes alike that took part in the slaughter must refer to the winning pilots as "GOLDEN BALLS"
(They also get a free MANKINI)
So who is keen for some stupid fun? I am pretty sure AS7- will have damp panties thinking about this :P

#2 Vhetra


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Posted 30 June 2016 - 08:05 AM

Why would anyone willingly throw themselves into the line of fire of 48 UAC/10s?

#3 MovinTarget


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Posted 30 June 2016 - 09:43 AM

I'm thinking it depends on the scenario. if its all 200m+ then yeah the Kodiaks would typically win, but if it's point blank brawling and the Atlai know how to torso twist, they could take out the CT's of the Kodiaks more effectively as the UACs tend to spread and require more face time.

I know saying "They are superior at only point blank range" seems rather limiting and unrealistic in the wild, but thats my 2 cbills...

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