first, sorry for my bad english.
second, can u help me with several question which i'm not fully understand in game, can't find this in game guides.
Q1) I playing on executioner, with some sort of build. 10 SPL + 2 SRM artemis and target-comp 3. or target-comp 2 + Clan active probe.
I also try some experiment/test in future (just not have enough c-bills now) like this:
target comp 5+ worth it? i mean deleting 3 SP-Lasers for it. I never see someone use it in guides, and just want to try.
Q2) Target-comp item increase range or projectile speed for SRM rockets? or critical damage maybe? I mean, how it working with rokets?
Q3) It is possible shooting from rockets or lasers and deal critical hit (or destroy components) through armor? for example, destroying enemy weapons when his arm armor not destroyed yet?
If yes, target-comp help with this?
Q4) I open 2 modules. Derp-radar and Seismic Activity. But i'm not sure which modules better open for Weapons (with my exe build)
In combination SRM+SPL, what will be better, range or reload time and why?
I'm thinking in this way. Get Reload speed for SRM rockets, and Range for small lasers (i have ~170m, with module it will be ~190, i think it can be good)
Despite my build have a very small range for damage, reload looks more better, but executioner with a tonnes of laser are very hot "thing", so i fear even with fast reload i cant shoot from my lasorz fast because i just overheat fast, but maybe i'm wrong.
Q5) How working "Laser Heat mechanic"
I know that if you shoot from 3+ lasers, your heat start increasing higher and getting "heat penalty" (don't know need word, sorry).
but, for example. if i shoot from 2 SPL and 2 MPL, i will get same penalty if i shoot from 4 SPL, or 4 MPL, for example.
Or heat system based on amount of weapon which you shot in one moment? instead type of weapons. Or just explain for me laser heat mechanic pls.
Q6) Sometimes i shoot in enemy torso, and it starts "sparks" like a fireworks, and after 2-3 seconds enemy mech die, even if his CT still has armor. What is it? ammo exploding animation?
Edited by ExecutionerMechNeedLove, 28 May 2016 - 05:21 PM.