Aylward, on 31 May 2016 - 05:54 AM, said:
isn't it amazing how many wonderful ideas come out of these threads that are just totally ignored by the designers who don't seem to know what they are doing but for some godforsaken reason, won't lean on the veteran mech community for some ideas to raise above minimum viable product.. They have a community mgr that doesn't.. Meanwhile they throw one bad mechanic after another at us, and still wonder why the numbers aren't holding up.. While again, patently ignoring stuff like this... Alliances is a great stop gap move here...which is why they'll never do it...choosing instead to do something much more disruptive to the organized community like clan vs IS, which I assure you will drive away even,more people.. Its really sad they choose to ignore the very people who could save them from their own designs in favor of all the sceaming solos who couldn't give two shites about this game really other than how fast they get shot out of their mechs in the pug queue...
Helsbane..that tweet is still unanswered... They will not respond. Too sad.
I hate to say the obvious, but 'what did you expect?' I mean, after four years of this level of interaction with the playerbase, you had to see that coming when attempting to initiate some form of conversation with Russ and Paul. Still, valiant attempt on your part. Props to you for trying.
Russ and Paul will not speak to anyone about improving the game, because that would be an admission that their 'vision' for MWO was a huge, massively flawed, steaming pile of horsesh*t. They had no clue what they were doing when they started, and they ran with it anyway. The game is a stack of interwoven bandaids dating back to flawed source code they can't even begin to figure out, so is it any wonder why they break something different with each and every patch?
But hey, what the f*ck do I know, right? Buy a mech pack everybody and continue to support their talentless asses.