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Polar Highlands Feedback

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#41 Ranger Dave


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Posted 28 December 2016 - 06:13 PM

May be some hitbox issues with the terrain.
Have tried sniping mechs here recently and a number of hills the projectile will hit several meters above the hill top (and hence not the mech I was aiming at). Gets very frustrating to lose half your gauss rounds that should have been clean CT hits.
Unfortunately too focused on the games to note the grid references it was occurring in.

#42 iNfUsi0N


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 04:51 AM

View PostRanger Dave, on 28 December 2016 - 06:13 PM, said:

May be some hitbox issues with the terrain.
Have tried sniping mechs here recently and a number of hills the projectile will hit several meters above the hill top (and hence not the mech I was aiming at). Gets very frustrating to lose half your gauss rounds that should have been clean CT hits.
Unfortunately too focused on the games to note the grid references it was occurring in.

i can confirm this ..lots of invisible ridges

#43 Bellum Dominum


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Posted 29 December 2016 - 11:08 AM

I think the map it's self is a good map that could use some more buildings strung about it to enable some more cover movement without having to be down in a killbox/valley, however I really wish it didn't show up in the cue so much. Want to raise your multiplier so as to be able to vote for that map you like but never gets voted in without a few people with multipliers voting for it? Just vote against Polar Highlands when it shows up. Practically guaranteed to get you a multiplier increase.

Or even better. You know Polar regions aren't always so cold even on our own planet and on some of the other planets polar regions are actually quite hot. Keep the same voting image and even the exact same map (hopefully add in some buildings for cover movement) but change the snow to desert or scrubland and the heat to go with it. Posted Image

Edited by Bellum Dominum, 29 December 2016 - 11:14 AM.

#44 Celthora


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 06:51 AM

WORST map ever made in entire video games. Zero chance to avoid lrms... Zero chance if you are a brawling assault. I cant imagine worse.

#45 iNfUsi0N


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 07:37 AM

View PostCelthora, on 30 December 2016 - 06:51 AM, said:

WORST map ever made in entire video games. Zero chance to avoid lrms... Zero chance if you are a brawling assault. I cant imagine worse.

there are 13 other maps where u can nascar brawl ..dont worry :)

#46 Shade72


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 09:54 AM

Escort is absolutely broken on this map, ground ECMs give too much room for LRMs to give obscene amounts of damage, also it usually spawns in such a way that the first line of ECMs are right on the effective range of enemy AC fire, whoever is defending will always win, this needs to be patched ASAP

#47 Asher420


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Posted 04 January 2017 - 07:25 AM

I would like to see maybe some snow tunnels to assist the brawlers with advancing on the enemy. That is the biggest fault for this map, it's a lrm map, sniper and scout support is slightly hindered, but not ineffective. Now for modes, conquest and escort. **** me sideways with a gauss rifle. I brought my atlas, now what do I do? Go in 1 direction, only 1, and pray the mech are there or or I just wasted my time (7mins). Frankly, escort shouldn't be on this map unless there's at least 3 mechs over 100kmh, that's for the attacking team, but since you don't get a say in who attacks and defends, 1 team will be at a disadvantage by having that low of firepower to defend with, so, go **** polar highland escort missions. **** them hard. And **** pgi for not testing this mode. Most players can't grind cbills effectively in a light, so they don't play light mechs in quickplay. But on a positive note, If your mentally handicapped, pgi may be interested in hiring you!!

Edited by Asher420, 04 January 2017 - 07:27 AM.

#48 Bloody


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Posted 04 January 2017 - 11:30 AM

if i am on a LR or Lurm map i always choose this map for quick play, it is a free 600-800 damage 1-4 kill game. If i am anything else, i just either afk if i am on a slow mech with little or 0 ECM support or a suicide if i am on a fast mech. Map is heavily, HEAVILY skewed towards a set of equipment and builds. If the devs designed a map which limited sniping and LRM ike an indoor vast cave or underground bunker map then the same would happen as all the LRM and Sniper builds would be similarly disadvantaged.

#49 Mr D One


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 03:51 AM

Domination is unbalanced towards one side.

If your in a slow mover and your lights disconnect and are not brave then it's game over.

#50 Old-dirty B


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 04:17 AM

Polar is by far my favourite map because it has the room to properly manoeuvre and flank this sets it apart from any of the other maps where the terrain or other map features define the lanes and directions. I only play the highly mobile mechs with projectile weapons, this map is just heaven for that playstyle.
I do see the problem with lrm's, not that i think they can't be overcome by gameplay but apparently thats hard for many casual and unorganised players as we find so often in pug's.

Ideally i would like to see the terrain of polar be a little bit more execcurated and pronounced so that assaults have some more options to take cover. There are many small paths and passages around this map, ideally for lights to sneak around, if these paths and passages were a little bigger / deeper so that bigger mechs can disappear a bit easier would already make it alot better. Perhaps a sparsely placed rocky features like we see on canyon. A bit of blend between polar and canyon would actually be pretty great i guess, like a flatter and stretched out canyon, focussing more on movement horizontal rather then vertically and jumpjets as seen on canyon.

Edited by B3R3ND, 06 January 2017 - 04:24 AM.

#51 General Solo


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 09:13 PM

On polar if they cannot see you
they need to get close

This is what I tell the team of pugs when I'm in my 12 small pulse lazor stormcrow
So if the team is short ranged, we find some cover and don't peek till we see the whites of their eyes

Won many games that way in a short range mech on polar

#52 TypicalDogAct


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Posted 07 January 2017 - 02:44 AM

you people make me laugh .... this is some basic stuff

you need to play the mech that you bring, to the conditions your faced with .... to say that your always exposed to the enemy on polar highlands tells me that you hate the map so much, you haven't even bothered to learn it properly ... I've seen no shortage of short range brawl matches on polar .... but when you decide that something is above you ... its going to be ... and if you drop onto a map ... and 1/4 of the team wont try to play ... your pretty much assured a loss ... that's not to say that a game isn't actually recoverable, at that point ... your probably just shredding the dead weight ...

seriously, from the commanding position of my raven ... I see a lot of teams decide to lose .... theres plenty of terrain corridors throughout the map ... from one place to another ... that hide you from long range line of sight .... ive seen many two long range teams accidently get right next to each other a heap of times, and in that instance it just comes down to player talent to which side wins ...

polar is like a live fire training grounds .... it exists for you to master the basics, that's all you have to work with ... Polar was introduced at the same time as the ARCHER .... and guess what its got a lot of hardpoints for ... there are no accidents here .... if you cant evade LRM, you deserve to be staying in the lower ends of the battle, because your missing elements from the core .... you know what else was in that patch ... the raven narc was nerfed by 6s ....

people need to stop complaining about balance .... because real war isn't balanced .... I cant remember the last time someone equipped their enemy before going to war so they didn't have to feel so bad about it .... we need to be sticking to the lore .... because of the imbalance .... otherwise, we might as well just wait until someone else holds the license .... I'd much rather we saw 'advancement' than equilibrium .... like, how about some deployable chaff packs or something ... I'd much rather they worked on MORE MAPS, than reworking the ones we have, for little improvement ... crimson barely changed, and everyone other than me still hates terra .... seems fruitless to me in comparison to the bigger picture items ....

its a pity the community cant make maps ... because they would get churned out .... I'd like a map where we spent most of our time underwater, and LRMS lose all their fuel 30% faster .... or some of the old style underground caches, in like an escape scenario .... I want to get to battle around giant planetary dropships .... like the giant ring on tourmaline .... how about an asteroid .... isn't it a pity that the engine couldn't ever handle something like that ....

don't bog our dreams down trying to achieve the impossible on the things we already have .... you cant 'fix' something that doesn't have an 'actual' problem ....

Edited by TypicalDogAct, 07 January 2017 - 02:46 AM.

#53 TypicalDogAct


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Posted 07 January 2017 - 02:54 AM

View PostiNfUsi0N, on 29 December 2016 - 04:51 AM, said:

i can confirm this ..lots of invisible ridges

these are issues with the LOD system ( Level Of Detail ) the ridge is not invisible at all, but at the range that it is from your mech, your pc has decided you wont be looking that far, and is cheating on using a lower detail texture .... it will happen less if you stop using the field of vision module, and staring off into the distance ... or you could turn up the settings .... and if that that still doesn't 'fix' your playstyle, then your gonna have to mess with a user.cfg and max out that setting ... but let me re-iterate ... the walls are not invisible ... when they are, you cannot walk through them ... theres heaps on grim plexus, in places your not meant to be attempting to walk ....

#54 Baba_Yaga


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 12:42 AM

Great Map.......if your an LURM Boat.........

#55 Ranger Dave


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 08:20 PM

View PostTypicalDogAct, on 07 January 2017 - 02:54 AM, said:

these are issues with the LOD system ( Level Of Detail ) the ridge is not invisible at all, but at the range that it is from your mech, your pc has decided you wont be looking that far, and is cheating on using a lower detail texture .... it will happen less if you stop using the field of vision module, and staring off into the distance ... or you could turn up the settings .... and if that that still doesn't 'fix' your playstyle, then your gonna have to mess with a user.cfg and max out that setting ... but let me re-iterate ... the walls are not invisible ... when they are, you cannot walk through them ... theres heaps on grim plexus, in places your not meant to be attempting to walk ....

Cheers for the clarification.
Settings are at max and is still occuring. PCC/Gauss snipe bear is sad...

#56 Void Angel


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Posted 27 January 2017 - 08:03 PM

More complaints that Polar is a "sniper/LRM map?"
Here, let me help you out.

#57 icecreamncorn


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Posted 23 February 2017 - 12:57 PM

Polar Highlands needs to be fixed or removed since it is way to open, and seeing more teams filled with more than half of LRM boats which it is impossible to avoid the hits in the Heavy's or Assaults. Or better yet copy and paste the old Terra Therma's mountain in the center and put it on Polar. Just my feed back on this map.

#58 Void Angel


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Posted 23 February 2017 - 08:39 PM

/sigh. The amount of detail that went into this map is at least on par with the rest of the game, and designed with a novel approach in mind: mobility.

In fact, the primary difficulty with this map is that many players refuse to adapt to it. Every place you want to go on Polar Highlands has a covered and concealed route to get there; you can achieve enfilading fire along any piece of cover with such routes. So rather than camping behind provided cover objects and staring droolingly downrange behind your battery of LRMs or ERPPCs, you have to pay attention to what the enemy is doing and move proactively to counter it. It's the only map in the game that rewards - very nearly requires - tactical maneuvering and awareness to succeed. When people complain that there's not enough cover near the standard places people fight, it means they don't understand the map and how to play it.

There is a serious weakness to the map, which is the depth of its cover. Polar is designed to be deceptively flat-looking, with a huge area of non-obvious cover available to allow people to move. But while it succeeds in this aim, the cover is too shallow to really provide counterplay for LRM fire. There's simply no way to avoid LRMs reliably here: a NARC Raven or TAG spotter can simply wreck your day, and if you didn't happen to get a Light on your team that's both equipped and willing to beat their spotters away from your team, you're stuck in an amazingly frustrating torrent of high-explosive rain.

This flaw is important, and needs to be fixed - but it's the only substantial flaw in the map.

#59 Rex Manning


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Posted 29 March 2017 - 04:55 PM

This map makes me wish we strill had random location and mission I am so bloody tired of playing Polar highlands domination every other mission because lrm jockeys want easy mode.

#60 Wendigo1


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 12:35 AM

Domination on this map is a complete joke. One side spawns close enough to the map to pick their cover, set up, and wait. The other side barely reaches the circle before the countdown ends. So, as team two trickles in at whatever best speed they can manage, team one grinds them to pieces from multiple points of cover as they arrive. If you move as a unit you lose on time and if you run in at max speed you lose in one, two, or three v twelve matchups. First time I've ever genuinely thought a match was rigged against me. This map is utter horse **** for this game mode.

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