Summer Solstice Event
Posted 23 June 2016 - 07:08 AM

Posted 23 June 2016 - 08:45 AM

Posted 23 June 2016 - 08:52 AM

Posted 23 June 2016 - 08:55 AM
Thank you for running another event PGI. I did pretty horrible this week, but still snagged the grand prize and some good war horns and mc.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 08:58 AM

~D. V. "Soooooooo much ugliness has messed this event up." Devnull
Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:04 AM

Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:07 AM

It would be great to see the extension, but it's up to PGI.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:24 AM

Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:32 AM
Checked my loot bag right on the end of the Initial Finish of this event. I got 57 Loot Pulls, and probably would have been more if I hadn't been having to fight with that altered map making me sick, nauseous, dizzy, and throughly disoriented. I may have gained the Grand Prize, which I can't argue with, as I needed a Mech Bay. But, I didn't get some of the others I wanted (specifically WarHorns) due to the lost time and awful trudging kicking me in the face. PGI really needed to extend this event after hurting a fair chunk of their player base rather horribly, and their not doing so has stated something rather negative to their overall character. PGI is going to have to be watched in the future, because changes to things like the MiniMap should have been tested on the PTS long before coming to the primary server network.

~Mr. D. V. "And, I still have yet to rant about my CPLT-A1 Camo having been ruined." Devnull
Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:33 AM
These event do invigorate my interest in the game but all too often I find Im frustrated by the end of them. I hope they can be adjusted to make a more pleasant and rewarding experience for casual players.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:35 AM
We have another Event planned for this weekend, details should be announced soon
Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:51 AM
Posted 23 June 2016 - 09:53 AM
A little bit of appreciation would not hurt regardless of the fumble with the mini map.
Thanks PGI.
P.S. Please do consider testing in PTS before rolling out changes that drastically affect game play and do not introduce half a feature while the balance is still in development. We have been through stuff like this in the past with the introduction of ECM before the release of BAP, etc. At least back then, it could have been excused since it was still under Beta and there was no PTS.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 10:01 AM
Alexander Garden, on 23 June 2016 - 09:35 AM, said:
We have another Event planned for this weekend, details should be announced soon
SWEET! ;D For info's sake, here's my tally.
Quick Play (23/100)
Faction Play (Invasion and Counter Attack) (8/35)
Faction Play (Scouting) (10/15)
So yeah.. ;D I'd like to see these grab bag events last longer than a week. #playtime
Edited by Terrastras Rex, 23 June 2016 - 10:02 AM.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 10:03 AM
Elrik Stormbringer, on 23 June 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
Thank you for running another event PGI. I did pretty horrible this week, but still snagged the grand prize and some good war horns and mc.
Well, I would say the justification for an extension would be to make up for the day and a half that the game was essentially unplayable because of Russ's little fixation on WoT with the minimap. Since he has not got the balls to apologize (at least not in the forums) he could at least have the grace to extend the event that was disrupted by his idiot choice. But that would also mean he would have to acknowledge that on his precious minimap, he was not only wrong, but HORRENDOUSLY WRONG! And he does not have the balls to do that.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 10:23 AM
Posted 23 June 2016 - 11:56 AM
Posted 23 June 2016 - 12:51 PM

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