MWA is an unofficial Solaris style league affiliated with the MRBC team coming to Mechwarrior Online in early July 2016 for the Test Season and late summer/early fall for the first official Ranked Season. The league will follow Solaris style combat and will include such features as support for 3 regions, numerous available weight class selections, persistent player stats and ratings, leaderboards, live casts along with player interviews, and many others not yet revealed. Sign ups for the Test Season are live as of this post, just go to https://mrbcleague.com/ and look for the same poster on the Home Page or click the tab with our logo at the top. Make sure to sign up quickly as we may limit the amount of available slots if size becomes an issue. It is our goal and sincere hope that by providing as much kick *** content as possible that we will evolve to become the premier Solaris e-sport for MWO and better the community as a whole.
A Q&A Thread will be along on reddit (r/mwo and r/outreachhpg) in a couple days to help answer any questions/concerns anyone may have.
No we are not the same league as the one in MW4.
Thank you,
Edit: Sign ups for Test Season close Saturday July 16th at 5pm EST / 9pm UTC.
Edited by TheSilken, 09 July 2016 - 05:57 AM.