I've posted some ideas in here and many others have too. I always strive to recommend changes that won't be too much work but would improve on the gameplay without changing anything core.
Here is another idea that I think is superior after I saw this:
There is a general complaint that the FW maps tend to channel players into choke points so the gameplay seems to be a little monodirectional and repetitive. The maps are also somewhat small so extreme long range gameplay and differing methods of approach to the enemy are few and far in between.
There is also the issue of "gen-rushing" which is I believe a bit contrary to the spirit of the game mode, something we should strive to eliminate.
A good solution would be to make the maps bigger to fight in, yet leave the choke poitns near Omega as a defensible location at the same time.
How to do it:
- Separate all sector attacks in 2 Segments: Capture the Gates & Destroy Omega.
- On the Capture the Gate, have people drop on one of these QP maps (HPG Manifold, Grim Plexus, Caustic, Canyon networks, Alpine Peaks) in Assault mode.
- The Gates are on an edge of the map and are a point to Assault, with turrets, ECM tower, Radar etc... And the dropship area is another area with defenses and objectives.
- Attackers drop in their defended area while Defenders drop in Front of their gate, in their defended area.
- Match goes on like the new upcoming Assault mode and the Attackers succeed when they are able to destroy the Gate generator and defenses. The first Segment then ends with the Mechs still alive on whatever wave (48 mechs on each side are involved in waves as before). All surviving mechs are field "repaired" in preparation for the next Segment (Destroy Omega).
- If the Defenders are able to get rid of the Landing Beacons on the other side however, the Defenders have been repulsed and the match ends if that happens.
- This is another match load on another map which would be similar to the current FW maps that correspond to the Capture the Gates maps (HPG ==> Vitric, Grim Plexus ==> Grim Portico, Caustic ==> Sulfurous Rift, Canyon ==> Hellebore, Alpine ==> Boreal). The gates are moved to be near the drop ship zone of the Attackers and the whole map is widened allowing for different angles of approach to the choke point pocket where lies Omega. i.e. no need to open the gates again and you have more options to approach Omega.
- Within there are capture points similar to the Capture mode that need to be "turned" and then locked by the Attackers instead of O-Gens with a tiny hole to shoot in. Omega opens up for destruction possibilities when all 3-5 capture points are brought down. This forces the attackers to have to stand in some zones, vulnerable for a little while to get it done. Alternatively, if Omega is slapped long enough and hard enough from afar, perhaps that too can eventually destroy the thing (to give it another attack option that would be way difficult to achieve and possibly force the Defenders to come out and play etc...
- In the second Segment, pilots have available the surviving mechs from before only, if I forgot that part.
I think the hardest thing to work on here would be to cut the game 48 mech mode into 2 Segments in the engine to facilitate this. Since PGI has 2 new map designers, they can certainly do the map redesigns necessary reusing what is already available as assets.
I believe something like this would open up many different strategies, force lots of very interesting choices in what mechs to drop and when for the 2 different Segments, mechs would move around alot and teams would have the space to try different antics and strategies to win.
Final note on design Re: Recapturing territories: In this idea, recap territories on a sector would mean Attackers would still need to go through the Defending team to get into the Omega core Segment but perhaps temporary defenses would be there instead of the full thing. So similar to what is going on now, the objective would feel alot more like 2 Skirmish Segments back to back, which would be fine by me, to see who wins... i.e. the side that loses all 48 of their mechs first loses, more or less.... Similar to the main stream of thought, if the Defenders are able to get rid of the Attacker's Landing Beacons, that particular attack is foiled.
Just some ideas....
Edited by Lehmund, 20 June 2016 - 08:33 PM.