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Awards By Players 4 Players

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#1 Blackice001


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 06:22 AM

In short, I drop call for a lot of public quick plays. I have a very good win to loss rating on almost all maps.

For this I often get compliments ( usually only if we win ). So it accured to me that there should be a player reward system.

The system would simply allow players (after the match is over) to highlight another players name and offer a compliment. These compliments would accumulate in the form of points and count toward an awarded a title. If a player chooses they can replaced their current title with the one awarded by other players. These awarded titles would acknowledge various aspects of game play such as scouting, general skills as a pilot, Drop caller or perhaps even people who take the time helping others with builds or learning the game play.

examples: Commander, Caller, Scout, Rcon, Support, Lancer, ........

In addition these player awarded titles could might be color coded, or perhaps have a ranking symbol associated with them. A player who does well and received several +1's would perhaps have a green title, or have a lower ranking symbol that other players could identify. If a player consistently carries his team, makes vital calls, or performs his role with great skill, he could have a yellow or even a gold title, Or skip the color idea and give a rank symbol that denotes that many player awarded a larger number of +1's.

My only other suggestion if a player felt someone deserved to be awarded for showing commendable skills, then they should also be willing to give up something. I think a CB cost to the compliment and add their +1 would work. This would both deter players from overly spamming compliments, and at the same time would make the awarded title have an actual earned value as no one would just throw away their hard earned c-bills unless they really supported that player.

Thank you for reading my post, please leave your Criticism/support, constructive or otherwise.

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