@Russ: Will the Name of the guy using VOIP be replaced so i can know whos talking? Down its impossible to look at it in time esp in battle.
@Mike_Forst If a vintage VLIX 771 model GP9 leave Vancouver every hours and i have a rendez-vous on sunday and i miss the 7:11 and go for a coffee where i meet a nice girl who can't find her purse so i buy her coffee but then her cel phone ring and she answer and walk away into the distance and i realize i dont have my man purse either and its raining and i know im going to be late, i guess what im trying to say is, how much money are you ready to put on the table that Trump is going to get elected or not elected?
@russ_bullock What do you think of using cap points on a FW map as activate-able spawn points closer to the map center, giving assault mechs a way to participate on large maps without having to walk for five minutes?
Wait for a 'mech you want to be available for cbills? Unfortunately, good IS 'mechs come around so rarely that I'm back to 300 million cbills by the time I'm done leveling them. After that I only play if there's an Event worth playing or another rare good 'mech becomes available for cbills.
These are all directed @Russ. (unless you think someone else would better suited, I leave that at your discretion) Sorry, I know it's a metric ****-ton. You can pick and choose whatever you feel you want to ask. I'll totally understand if some of this stuff is too long/complicated.
1: Will the next PTS have (in-game) incentives for joining? I know it seems unorthodox, but it might get you guys better data and keep a stable population. 4v4 matches may keep it alive a little longer, but it does not give representative data.
2: The Targeting Computer buff was nice, but it missed the core of the issue. I'll make an example:
Remember when you all decreased SRM spread? The lower-tier SRMs (which were used less) got a much more significant decrease to spread. That was the right approach. The less-used weapons got a much more significant change.
Targeting Computers needed the same treatment. The TC MK1 was fine before the buff. But as you went up in size, they became more and more worthless. And despite the buffs, they still are, because the buffs from TCs increase lineally with each larger size.
They need to scale almost exponentially. The TC MK1 and 2 should go down, but the MK5-7 need to go significantly higher. Currently, there is no reason to take anything above a MK1. It's far too much tonnage and slots (and few 'Mechs or builds can, anyways) to fit a MK3 or above.
I know that's long winded, but that's the issue in a nutshell. The cost/reward of taking larger TCs doesn't scale linearly like the benefits assume. Putting a 7-ton 7-slot item in your 'Mech is much more of a burden then 7 1-slot 1-ton items.
3: The Flamer buff was also appreciated, but it's not seeing a lot of use right now. The issue is that it requires what players refer to as "face-tanking". You need to non-stop face the target in order for it to work. That dramatically reduces the survivability of the 'Mech using it. The limited (90m max) range is a big issue as well.
Suggestion: Set the range to 120m, 240 max (same as MG) and have the weapon be an almost auto-cannon like weapon. It fires once to dump a sum of heat on the target, and then needs to recharge before using again. You can balance the amount of heat dumped, the cooldown and otherwise as you want. But that would massively improve the weapon.
4: Will Clan ER PPCs do 15 pinpoint damage with the new Energy Draw system? It was rumored, not sure if confirmed.
5: Clan Autocannons (Not UACs) are useless. When can we see some change to them? It would be nice if non-Ultra autocannons had a different but still effective role. Currently, they have a longer cooldown, take up one more slot, can't double tap and cost significantly more. They're significantly worse in every department. Either remove them, or make them better, please.
6: Will we see Clan Laser AMS in-game anytime soon? We're in the time period to allow it.
7: With the new energy draw system, how will Guass be treated? Can we see a removal of the charge mechanic? It would make a lot of builds with a single Guass (like a Dragon) much more of a "viable" option. Currently, only dual Guass is a viable option in matches, since you need to position and time so carefully.
8: I think that tweaks need to be made to the cooldown, heat or otherwise of small weapons such as the small laser, small pulse laser, srm-2, streak-2, etc These weapons always get the short end of the stick. A streak-6 has a cooldown of 6 seconds. You would think that a streak-2 would have a cooldown of 2.0 seconds, right? (2/6ths of 6)
But it doesn't. It has a 3.5 second cooldown. This, combined with it's low damage, make it worthless. No-one ever takes weapons like the SRM-2 or the Streak-2 into battle. Giving them more appropriate (ratio-based) cooldown and heat values would help put them in line with larger weapons and make them more effective.
9: The AC-2 buffs were appreciated. However, it also suffers from the same issue with the flamer, face-tanking necessity. It requires constantly facing your target, reducing your tanking ability by a significant amount. As well, the damage gets spread out far too much to be effective.
Suggestion: make it fire in a several-round burst. This would be something like a 3-round or 5-round burst with the shells having a very short space between them. Then, just increase the cooldown proportionally. If it's 3-round burst, triple the cooldown time. This would allow the user to twist away, allow more focused damage and make the weapon viable on 'Mechs other than those with a 30% cooldown quirk.
As for a simple question that can be asked: Can we please consider a re-evaluation of locked equipment on clan 'Mechs. Not endo-steel or ferro-fibrous, nor engines. JUST heatsinks/MASC/JJs/CAP. If you want to see the reasoning behind it and *why* it is so important as well as why it *won't* make "clam mechs OP" then you can see my post.
(Mainly let's just increase 'Mech diversity on the field. Quirks are NOT enough!)
Stats page(s) fix when? (I mean, it's HIGHLY unlikely that I killed over a dozen mechs on a new (un-BASICd) mech with an average of ~20 damage per kill.
Oh, what's that? FW kills/deaths import, but not damage? Huh? ALL Ks and Ds for a match count for EACH mech that was in the match, not their individual Ks and Ds per mech?
Why does the Flame has an armor bonus to the RA where the other dragons have their dakka instead of the LT where the Flame has its dakka?
Ok, that's it. Rather that's the only one I think I might possibly get a useful response out of. My others ultimately amount to a difference in vision between PGI and I.
N0ni, on 23 June 2016 - 11:37 AM, said:
@russ_bullock Timberwolf hero, ETA?
As soon as PGI needs more money.
Edited by Narcissistic Martyr, 23 June 2016 - 03:18 PM.
Awhile ago there was a poll which included an option for choosing where a weapon was mounted for a hardpoint in multi-hardpoint locations for a weapon type. Is that feature still coming?
I don't know who sets mech pricing, so I don't know who to address this to:
When are they going to simply make "three of a kind" basic variants for ALL mechs available for $20 or less?
The purchasing scheme in this game is needlessly convoluted. Some mechs you can get for $20 for three, some you can get for way more, but you get a Hero or Champion that you may or may not want, and some mechs you have to buy individually for way too much money, IMHO.
$20 for three mechs of a chassis (to allow mastering) is a perfectly reasonable price for the game's target population and would keep things consistent and easy when it comes to buying things.
Just on a side note: You should now, that too many auestions twittered at him won't be a good idea. I cannot imagine him being more open to answer, if he suddenly gets double the amount of question as before.
Thus, maybe let us focus on the really inportant ones and not make posts with tons of different questions
I don't have Twitter account so this want to speak my thought :
@russ About Command Voices, Can we get more command wheels like "Group Up", "Hold this Position", "Fall Back", "Go Go Go", "UAV Above Us", etc?.
@russ Can we also get keybind commands just like Counter-Strike or Team Fortress 2 for much quicker respond?
@russ How about every couple weeks or a month we get our Community Manager, or any key people on PGI do some Stream Quickplay or Demonstrating new released Mech on Quickplay and uploaded on Youtube not just Twitch for more views and advertisement?
@russ How about we get actual Dev Stream at couch discussing within PGI Key Peoples that talking about hows development going on and video demonstration about new features and Contents not just still images?
@russ About Decals in the future, if we have Custom Decals can we just upload from our files or make with in-game decals editor? And also can Custom Decals can be our Forum Profile Picture someday?
@russ About Camo Customization, can we have increase Camo Slots to Four and Fifth Camo Slot as cockpit color?