Yeonne Greene, on 01 July 2016 - 10:46 AM, said:
Not really. The single LPL fires so fast that it's comparable to the 4xMG+MPL build at close range while having the reach to be useful at much larger distances. The MG one also spreads its output around more since it is delivered in smaller packets and it's harder to get two successive MPL blasts into the same spot as one LPL shot.
I run the MG build myself simply because a 1V without MGs is heretical, but it certainly is not more flexible than the LPL.
Large pulse laser: (50% Laser cooldown quirk)
4.215 DPS
Medium Pulse Laser: (50% laser cooldown quirk)
Machine Guns (4): (20% MG ROF)
2.505 DPS + 4.8 DPS = 7.305 DPS.
Let's compare the DPS of both mechs shall we
LPL: 4.215 DPS
MPL + 4MG: 7.305
( difference: 3.09. Slightly shy from 1 whole damage per second from being double)
And with the rule with larger numbers... the more time you you fire, the more likely (as a bell curve average using mean) you will inevitably do more damage to say a center torso with a MPL then a LPL
Sure, 1 shot of a LPL may mean 100% hit while MPL it may mean 50% hit. however that 100% hit may be a 0% hit just as easisly.
If we increase the hits to say 10 LPL hits and 20 MPL laser hits. It's far more likely the MPL (with the average* player of MW: O) will most likely land 50-75% hits to the CT while a LPL will more likely be lower, closer to the 50% mark. (ROF also decreases the time a mech can turn to role damage as well, it's hard to avoid all the MPL bursts but easier for the LPL bursts to be avoided) However this is all up to personal prefference and your personal skill, Some people preffer a worse DPS/ longer reload with higher Damage while others preffer all up in your face mass DPS and such.
Reguardless, as you can see, I'm partial to the MG and ML build, which was my first light mech build to hit over 1000 damage.