NightlightSky, on 04 July 2016 - 02:43 PM, said:
Congrats to all who have completed this challenge! It is just sad that the game does not allow that to all player... I have been playing since the start of the challenge and still can't complete one of the two parts as the game will not allow the IS mechs to die and give us any victories and since the challenge started I have had only 16 victories... and those was by staying away from the fight and hope the IS with their super OP weapons don't single shot your legs with their "cant miss" weapons...
This is by far one of the worst experiment PGI has ever done... It is so ironic, I don't have to refuse to complete this challenge cause the game is preventing it all by itself...
Like a fellow poster already mentioned, the clans have the "better" can't miss weapons (Lurms and Streaks). But they are still not good weapons to bring.
Source Mystic, on 04 July 2016 - 07:27 PM, said:
What a bs event. Play like 20 might win one or two. 4 streak crows vs light and medium thanks pgi for showing us yet again you can not do something as simple as a scout mission right.
Now if both sides complain, balance can't be so bad.
What most players need to understand, you can't play any faction games, neither scouting nor invasion as a rookie or casual.
You need to use meta-strong builds in scouting, because there is no team to carry you along. Also game time is rather short, so no time to cool down or take time to aim. You already have to be good to be successful here.
In invasion, there is no place for guys who shoot the door in their trial mechs, because the don't have four mechs yet. How often have a seen a green painted mech shooting the barrels of the gun and then complaining how broken this mode is.
Invasion and scouting are endgame content, and while i can understand the the noobs also want to get a shiny new mech out of this challenge, you must understand this is not meant to be for you.
So stay away from faction play until you have a dropdeck of four fully mastered mechs. Use a meta-build on everyone of them, put in all the modules and then you can start playing faction warfe. Until then, it is just frustration for all of you tier 4 and 5 guys. Save yourself the time and accomplished players the pain of loosing the hundreds time in a row when you don't now what to shot from where.
It's not the fault of PGI, it is not broken programming, it is not ****** balance that is to blame.
If you want casual gaming, hop into quickplay.