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Improving Communication Pgi <-> Community; Pts

Social Balance Gameplay

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#1 Trashhead


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 09:45 AM

PGI is unable to meet the players demands for how maps, game-modes, match-making, balancing, new concepts, etc. should be.

The Community is giving a lot of feedback in the forum and constantly making suggestions, both of varying quality.
PGI is creating new content, and - following the pattern of "only dissatisfied customers will speak up" - constantly has to re-evaluate things, or in some cases has to withdraw certain features (see -> "Minimap-Gate").

Possible Reason:
PGI and the MWO-Community are not really connected to one another.
(I am not taking sides here.)

1. There is no real Beta-testing within this game.
Players will be presented with a finished map, game-mode or [what ever], and all PGI can do is to tweak it.
If the product has initial flaws, they would - technically - need to start from scratch.
They do not have the manpower to do that, because manpower needs money, and in a niche-game such as MWO, money is tight.

Yes, there is that PTS (Play Test Server), but it is rarely used, and part of the problem seems to be that not much player used it or where able to use it due to bugs.

2. It's almost impossible to predict if the players will like certain new gameplay-elements.
Plus listening to the players who scream the loudest is not necessary the way to go, as we have often seen.
Then again it could be awesome to listen to them - Urbanmech, anyone? Posted Image
So, I have no clear answer to the question if listening to the playerbase will yield good results.

It appears, the only way to find out what will work and what won't... is to actually do it.
But how to do it without wasting months of work?
Possible Solution:
How about - some sort of in-game PTS (Play testing Server)?
We currently have two different game-environments:
[Quick-Play] and [Faction-Play]

How about a third-one?
(Name it what you want, but "Work-In-progress-Play" seems a little to long to me.)

The purpose would be to present the players with a "game-mode" in which they could try out what ever PGI is currently working on.
Be it:
- a new map (like the new Viridian Bog),
- a new game-mode (like Solaris),
- a new match-maker (or rather tweaks to the existing one),
- a new concept (like Infantry),
- a new UI (or parts of it),
- what ever, you name it.
Everything that is part of the current client - except a new client itselt - could be testet here.
So PGI could present the players with their progress while also getting valuable feedback, tweak it, get more feedback, tweak it again, and so on..

Feedback could be given in one of two simple ways:
1. A separate thread in the Forum. Not the best choice as a lot of players do not visit the forum, plus some people tend to write walls of text (just as I do).
2. In form of a little feedback-window, twitter-style. If a player has played said new map for at least X matches (lets say, 10), he could give feedback in a simple text-window that is presented to him.

I have no idea if this could be implemented within the MWO-client,
but since we already have two very different gameplay-environments (Quick-Play and Faction-Play) I assume it is possible.
Might take some work, but once it's done it will be available for further use.
(I'd call the time needed to pull this off an "investment".)

It could give PGI valuable feedback BEFORE they start full-scale production on a new item,
while it could give the players the feeling that they are more then a simple source of income for PGI (which we still are, of cause, but thats a different story. You can't pay bills by doing a job - somebody must pay you, or it's just a hobby).


#2 Mcgral18


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 09:50 AM

Dev drops have shown it's possible to adjust stats on a per-match basis (using the Dev tool) in Private Matches
We have a Public Test Server, but it's separate...and probably being used for the World Championship (maybe not)

More testing would be lovely, but personally, I'd rather just have a Dev-like tool in Private Matches and the Testing Grounds.
People can then make the game they want. Stock TT interpretation, OP AF Clammers, not-useless HoverJets™, proper Gravity, etc...

#3 ComradeHavoc


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 10:08 AM

How come we don't have the community to balance things?

#4 El Bandito


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 10:23 AM

View PostComradeHavoc, on 03 July 2016 - 10:08 AM, said:

How come we don't have the community to balance things?

Mostly cause the community can't agree on anything. :P

#5 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 10:39 AM

They don't care about you. How hard is that to grasp?

Most of us here since the early days know that by now. More examples than can be counted. This is the game Russ wants not you or any of your friends.

They rarely make changes to players liking and usually that is because the base raises hell together.

It is to PGI's advantage to keep us divided and guessing just like politics. A divided base is far easier to control

Sorry to pee on you parade but at some point the actual reality must sink in.

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