It's evident that quickplay and groupplay are far more populated as they are much faster to get into. Now why is that? An educated guess would be the following:
-Faster to get a game.
-Simple to queue for.
-It's balanced or there is a perception of balance.
Some other things to consider that may or may not be a factor:
-Faster to finish a game.
-Different maps.
-Different modes.
-Ability to vote for maps/modes.
-Single mech of your choosing (not dictated by the meta as much).
Meanwhile the Faction Play offers better rewards. Yet it doesn't seem to be played anywhere near as much.
The population (or lack thereof) is self depreciating. Less population =/= Less popularity. Not being able to play the game due to nobody willing to wait will undoubtedly reduce the players who are willing to wait, It's vicious cycle.
Of course a lack of population is only a symptom that turns into a cause itself. Some reasons why I think people tend to shy away from FP:
-It's Slower to find a game (as already established).
-It's less balanced.
-It's more "out of the way" to quickplay.
Some other things to consider that may or may not be a factor:
-The games are longer.
-The modes (defending or attacking).
-Too many mechs used and/or needed.
-No "rank" system (referring to tiers).
-Unable to vote for map.
-Less maps.
In my opinion I don't think this game has the required population to have group quickplay and quickplay (tiered of course) running while maintaining a healthy amount of players on 10+ planets with two separate modes. Maybe I am wrong, we can only know a rough estimate of players through steam, but even according to these figures, the game has been slowly bleeding players. http://steamcharts.com/app/342200#6m
FactionPlay balance
I don't want to get into whether clan or IS is better. Even though I complain about clan having better mechs and that all the good Units are coincidently Clanners, I haven't played enough different mechs to come to an absolute certainty of imbalance. It could simply be that clan mechs play style (or meta) is stronger. I think Units like EVIL and KCOM take advantage of clans perks which can lead to a distorted view of balance. Or they could just be vastly superior mechs. Or maybe I'm just bad.
Pugs vs Groups
Anyway what I am referring to is groups vs pugs. I think one of the major reasons for the lack of population is that pugs can often be against groups. Which does not lead to a very fun game.
Scouting Perks
The other thing is the Scouting "perks" gained from a different mode which influences a mode you may not want to play. Imagine playing League of Legends on summoners rift where every so often the enemy can see exactly where you are, but you can't see them. All from another mode which is out of your immediate control. That would be **** wouldn't it?
Vision and information in many games is extremely powerful and I don't think this game is any different. And I think the reason why players overlook that is due to the overshadowing of longtom, which is blatantly overpowered.
If you want my opinion, I don't think a game mode should ever have influence on another game mode, regardless of "realism" or lore. A game mode should be played because people want to play it, not because of the rewards. We go to work for rewards and doing the same to a game turns it into a second job.
Yes rewards should be a factor and usually are, but players should also want to play for fun.
Some Ideas
So I have a few ideas that will probably never see the light of day, but I thought I may as well share them anyway.
The best way I can think of this is simply to reduce the number of queue lanes. The devs should make a decision on which modes to keep and which to abandon. If it were up to me I would try to solve the balance and population of faction play, something like the following:
-Merge quickplay and groupplay with faction play.
-Hitting quickplay will put you in queue for a random planet.
-Pugs against pugs, groups against groups.
-Players vote on a mode, then a map before mech selection.
-Voting on skirmish creates a 12 mech skirmish. Voting on assault creates a 48 mech attack/defend (like current FP). Defending planet gets +1 vote to their majority.
-Pug queue doesn't "tag" a planet for your unit, but does help conquer/defend it.
-Remove scouting, no satellites or longtoms.
-Rework careers slighly to suit changes.
Retweak faction careers
-Freelancers can only get onto planets via quickplay button (instead of popups).
-Shares the same reputation tree as mercenary.
-Doesn't require contract or allegiance.
-Gains the same rewards as mercs minus contract bonuses.
-Everything else unchanged.
-Reputation tree carries on past rank 20.
-Everything else unchanged.
-Reputation tree carries on past rank 20.
-Leaving during Probation does not incur any penalties.
-Leaving a faction incurs a 10-15 game penalty (not 7 days).
-Everything else unchanged.
-Add an event mode. Plays only during events with different rules/settings/etc.
As optimistic as I am I can't see the game changing that much. At least in a short time frame. I at least wanted to share my thoughts with the developers in hopes that I influence their philosophy on the game. Maybe all of these things are considered. I would be surprised If queue merging has not been considered at all.
Edited by Zombiesbum, 05 July 2016 - 01:19 PM.