Currently, the community is split into two... those playing Quick Play, and those Playing Faction play. Depending on the time period we're looking at, Quick Play accounts for anywhere between half and three-quarters of simultaneous players. To have the actions of more than half of your players not count toward the galaxy map is silly at this stage. This factor, above any other, needs to be fixed.
As such, I suggest folding Quick Play into Faction Play - making it the 3rd play type under the Faction Play banner, behind Invasion and Scouting. Our purpose here is to place all MWO players in the same "bucket" (as PGI says) and to ensure that no player is playing in a way that doesn't effect the Galaxy Map. Having all players under the Faction Play banner will be the single most important step in fixing the FP mode.
How would this work?
First, we'd see a change to the front-end UI. At the top, you'll see menus for Home, Play, Mechlab, Pilot, Career, and Store.
Home menu stays largely the same as it is now, but all menu options for customizing or modifying aspects related to the player/pilot are moved to the Pilot menu.
Mechlab will be unchanged, though adding integration for the new drop deck systems would probably be added.
Pilot menu will now be your one-stop-shop for all options related to customizing the pilot, including skill trees, badges, titles, stats, etc. If it's about YOU, it's in the Pilot menu.
Career (possibly Faction or Unit) will encompass all options related to your allegience and unit, and your pilot's faction progress. This will be the place for all of the Faction and Unit-related content, including access to unit rosters, coffers, etc.
Store menu will be unchanged.
Play will be the new menu with the most important change. Bringing up the Play menu will default you to the Galaxy map, and show you the state of the Inner Sphere. In the top left corner you'll have menus for Map, Invasion, Scouting, and Trials.
Trials would be the new term for Quick Play as incorporated into Faction Play. Trials by combat are ubiquitous in Clan culture, and when the Clans invaded, the Inner Sphere became well-acquainted with this sort of limited, highly-structured form of battle. In fact, the Inner Sphere successfully paused the Clan Invasion for several years after their (admittedly dishonorable) victory at the battles of Tukkayyid (a trial), and the Clan Invasion was finally ended in 3059 through the Great Refusal... a massive set of trials that pitted the best of the Sphere against the best of the Clans.
The scope of combat in Quick Play fits the description of Clan combat trials perfectly, and so we have a very good lore reason to incorporate their results into the fate of the galaxy as a whole.
When you select the Trials menu, you'll be shown various options to select server regions and whatnot, as you do now, as well as see queue percentages and the current statuses of the various factions and how they-re doing under the trials gametype. You'll also see your currently-selected mech and have an option to take it to the mechlab if you want.
To keep Trials in line with the other FP game modes, I'd add a sort of drop deck option. You'd be able to drop in whatever mech you have selected currently, but you'd also be able to pre-select a mech from each weight class that will be saved as a drop deck. If your current mech is a heavy, but the light queue is favorable, you'd have the option to select your pre-picked light mech from the drop deck instead and drop in that.
As an aside, I'd also like to see the option of being able to switch to your pre-selected mech - in the same weight class as the mech you chose to drop with - once you get into the lobby screen. This gives you a secondary mech option for dropping while forcing you to stick with the same class you chose (for team balance purposes). A cost could be applied for the swap if the feeling is that being able to swap at will is too advantageous. Obviously this is merely a hypothetical recommendation, and not necessary for other changes I'm making.
Exactly how do Trials effect the Galaxy Map?
Players' chosen factions are rewarded for their performance in Trials (QP). At the end of every Trials match, each player on the winning team will earn a point for their Faction, and this point will be added to their faction's totals for that FP session. Players will also be awarded a point for reaching a minimum match score threshold - similar to how event rewards are awarded - though this threshold may be higher than for events. Players on the winning side of a match will have the opportunity to earn as many as 2 points for their faction, while players on the losing side still have an opportunity to earn 1 point for theirs if they performed well.
The points awarded to factions from Trials will be added up over the course of a FP session (they will also be added to the score for individual units, to be kept track of for similar purposes). The total points in a given faction will be compared to the points awarded for any factions that are currently at war with that faction within that given FP session. This will result in a score similar to what you see in Scouting - where each opposing faction will have a percentage of the total score between the two.
Exactly what those points are used to do will be up to PGI. Those points could be used to vie for territories directly - whichever faction beats the other in QP gets a certain share of the territories on a planet as a reward. Or they could be used to provide certain other bonuses in the Invasion game mode for the winning faction - like the Scouting mode does. Or the points could be used a different way entirely... something new and clever.
Regardless of how PGI determines to use those points, we ensure that each Trials match players engage in will have a direct effect on the galaxy map. Players who only play Quick Play will still greatly impact the state of their Faction. EVERY player will be playing Faction Play. A faction's success in Trials directly impacts their success in the greater war - just as you'd expect from real combat trials during the Clan Invasion era.
One Banner
So there you have it. Every player fighting under the Faction Play banner. This should double (or better) the total number of players whose actions affect the state of the Inner Sphere. Three different ways to play the same unified game mode. We've managed to incorporate Quick Play into Faction Play without fundementally changing what Quick Play is or how it plays. For those that only play Quick Play, their experience will likely remain unchanged -though many will likely be happy to see their fighting put into context, and be shown a tangible result to that fighting.
Placing all players in the same "bucket" should help to solve many of the population-related problems that plague FP, and give factions and units a wider range of options to take over the Sphere.
The particular implementation I've described is both easy to accomplish and incredibly flexible. The point-for-performance system could be adapted to any number of possible reward scenarios, and can keep up with any changes that might be made to FP's core at later dates.
It also helps to mitigate, if not outright solve, PGI's concern about "too many buckets." As most players logged in at a given time will be throwing themselves into a single large queue where faction affiliation is not a matchmaking concern, it effectively puts MOST players into one bucket.
So... what does the community think?
Edited by ScarecrowES, 08 July 2016 - 03:21 PM.