Cathy, on 11 July 2016 - 01:25 PM, said:
I was trying to rationalise today why I'm so pissed at P.G.I, yet I will happily play a game like World of Warships, or World of Tanks, that is from a bigger wealthier company, and has less features.
The premium toys are more expensive, and is specifically designed so its impossible, unless you are an exceptional player of the game. to progress past T8 unless you have premium time, or a big premium vehicle and lots of time to grind the in game cash, because its behind a pay wall, and because it has repair and rearm.
In Wot/Wow you can't make up groups of more than 2 unless one of you is running premium, and then you can make up groups of 3
There are no private servers in either of those games, if you want to play with a group of more than three you have to form a clan. You have to form one of at least nine people from your clan, and there is no match maker in team play and if you can't field a full 12 you can go against comp teams with people short, it does not fill up your spaces with smaller groups.
Both Wow and Wot's end game isn't any more complex than here, and it has no special maps ( yeah FW maps generally suck I know)
They have an incredible bias towards old Soviet Vehicles and ships so they deliberately make the game unbalanced, here P.G.I fail to get a good balance.
Experienced players farm noobs for fun, by fully kitting out T1-2-3 tanks and think they are wonderful, and does didlysquat to prevent it, here they broke up groups and solo people to protect them best they can.
Yeah P.G.I promised us the moon and we got a back yard, with a rusty bicycle thrown in a tepid fish pond, and that is the only thing I can think of to be genuinely angry about, because if we can somehow push that to the back of our minds P.G.I give more content than either of the games I've mentioned.
Wargaming nets president has also treated his customer base with contempt, yet has never been on the receiving end of such hate as P.G.I's head staff.
Now I've spit as much bile as most of the bitter vets here, called P.G.I useless called for a new L.D etc etc stopped playing for a few weeks a couple of months asked for refunds and got them for mechs along the way, but I sat down today and really thought about what we get, and what other companies making this sort of game give us.
The bottom line is that P.G.I are no worse, and in some cases, though the application of certain features has been weak, they have attempted to give as a lot more.
I already know that WoT/WoW sucks, its the kind of game that only need 3 things, historical map/battle, lots of vehicles and Joes that will settle for less for lack of knowing better. Do we even have Lore-Historical map or do we just have mech?