Tarogato, on 13 July 2016 - 02:25 PM, said:
Not a square corner. If you line your mech up flush with the wall, you can see that there's a bevel. I've outlined the borders and added some extra lines for perspective. The yellow bit is the actual hitbox.
In the following image you can see what is the actual culprit, though. The green box that protrudes. The collision mesh is simplified (as many vertices removed as possible) and the algorithm treated the green box as the outer bounds of the asset. However, it didn't include the cyan box, so you can actually shoot through it.
Yea i see what you mean with bevel in your argue ( isnt a true bevel for me .. ) the problem is that PGI did bad choice by including thoses graphical details INTO the collision hitbox when IMO some have to be outside like the next building in vitric forge F2.
In this game everyshoot count and also waste an alpha strike coze bad collision hitbox its really a shame.
Maybe collision hitboxs is a lots of work and may have to be thinked for each unique building or object but it have to be done.
Aidan, on 13 July 2016 - 04:53 PM, said:
Like I said, the more complex the collision mesh, the poorer the performance. In Nature, there are always compromises. You can post all the pictures you want, but I would bet a dime to a dollar that PGI will always design for better performance.
Is not about have more complex collision meshs.. is more about have proper collision meshs ...
I guess everybody understand how much work have proper hitbox on a whole map is ..
Ok it's a lot of work but i guess many of us prefer simple shapes but proper hitbox than inverse ( IF pgi want complex models for have a pretty game they can focus details on everything above mechs cockpit sight or under low hardpoints sight)
Edited by Idealsuspect, 14 July 2016 - 02:44 AM.