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Pay Real Money To Open In Game Items?

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#1 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 05:32 PM

PGI you have lost your minds. Make those supply crates need CBILLS to open them. Making players pay MC to open them is explicitly telling those players who for WHAT EVER REASON refuse to use or buy MC that they are second or third class people. Yet ANOTHER stupid move by a company proving it truly lacks the understanding of what it is to respect not only a long standing franchise but its player base. Way to say: If you pay us money, you are worthy to enjoy loot, if you dont pay us money screw off. bloody hell. makes me almost regret the money I have poured into your coffers over the years.

Edited by Rejarial Galatan, 15 July 2016 - 05:32 PM.

#2 Kael Posavatz


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 05:53 PM

This was announced months ago.

#3 HammerMaster


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 06:11 PM

Business as usual. A bit steep. I don't like it but revenue.

#4 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 06:39 PM

View PostKael Posavatz, on 15 July 2016 - 05:53 PM, said:

This was announced months ago.

Yes I know. They said they were going to change how it was implemented, they changed nothing.

They are saying they do not give a single rat fart for the majority of us and wish only to reward those with deep pockets.

They want to prove this wrong, then make it cost cbills not mc. MC makes this a clear cut case of pay to win

#5 Dee Eight


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 07:44 PM

Except the majority of you complaining are actually a minority of the player pool. I'm fine with exchanging MC for keys to open crates that might among things, have free mechs in them. That you get to peruse the crate contents BEFORE deciding to open them is nice. How often do you get to know the scratch ticket is guaranteed a prize from X available options in real life ?

#6 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 08:26 PM

Citation needed, cuz i did not see this.

#7 Dee Eight


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Posted 15 July 2016 - 09:34 PM

Prior to unlocking a Supply Cache with a Supply Cache Key you will be able to examine its contents. If you do not desire any of the Items in a Supply Cache or if you otherwise do not wish to keep it, Supply Caches can be sold outright for 50,000 C-Bills.

#8 Ironwithin


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 04:30 AM

So ... you're upset people, who are willing to, can get optional rewards they have to pay for on top of the, completely unchanged, usual gameplay-rewards.

Just ignore it. That should not cost you anything, not even all your precious "righteous anger"-coupons.

Seriously ... who gives a flying monkey's fart ...

#9 EgoSlayer


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 10:10 AM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 15 July 2016 - 06:39 PM, said:

Yes I know. They said they were going to change how it was implemented, they changed nothing.

They are saying they do not give a single rat fart for the majority of us and wish only to reward those with deep pockets.

They want to prove this wrong, then make it cost cbills not mc. MC makes this a clear cut case of pay to win

They did completely change how it's implemented. Before it was going to be something on the battlefield that had to be discovered and captured to even get it.
They make it MC to unlock because the goal is to make real dollars though micro transactions. C-Bill unlocks don't offer any value to to PGI, which is the *entire reason* it was added. There is no P2W because the items in there are all normal game items, with the exception of mech bays or more crate keys that can only be bought with MC. But even that itsn't P2W since keys are just giving you more keys for the 25MC spent for one key you get 3, 5, or 10, or maybe you just get your one key back. Nothing in the packs are locked as supply cache only items.

Please explain how these items, that you can already buy with C-bills (except for mech bays and MC items) are making any sort of P2W:
• Weapons
• Equipment
• Engines
• Modules
• OmniPods
• Cockpit Items
• Active Premium Time
• C-Bill Rewards
• GXP Rewards
• MC Rewards
• 'Mech Bays
• 'Mechs (includes a Mech Bay!)
• Supply Cache Keys (Single Keys and Bundles)

There isn't anything in there that's exclusive. If you don't want to unlock them for the ~9-14 cents it costs, sell it for 50,000 C-bills.

This is really a non-issue. Maybe some people will gamble on the unlocks, but I expect most will just sell them for the 50K c-bills. It's really not any different than the grab bag items, except it's a paywall to get the pull.

Edited by EgoSlayer, 16 July 2016 - 10:12 AM.

#10 Seperate Titan


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 10:19 AM

Wow is this your first free to play game? Even though PGI is way behind the ball on this one. Those should have been part of the game a few years ago, but PGI was to busy chasing their collective asses, to come up with or imp-lament this.

Edited by Seperate Titan, 16 July 2016 - 10:20 AM.

#11 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 12:00 PM

Dee I did not see that. Thanks for the clarification.

This is how P2W starts. They do a small thing like this, test the water so to speak, then they up it a bit, pay 5 bucks to reduce jamming on CUACs and see how it goes. Then pay 10 bucks to remove the nerf that makes clan tech reduced to IS tech. Slippery slope. See what I see or continue to ignore it, but in the end..............

Tell me how a mech AND bay for 25mc or so isn't p2w. And spare me the rarity bs. It's a potential so it counts.

Edited by Rejarial Galatan, 16 July 2016 - 12:02 PM.

#12 Dee Eight


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 12:51 PM

i'M FINE with P2W. Free to play does not keep the lights on, the serves running, and graphic artists and computer coders being paid.

#13 Lily from animove


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 02:19 PM

why have they lost their mind?

thats nothign new, in fact its pretty old already, and the best, it's totally unnecessary to do so.

So what exactly is the problem?

#14 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 03:30 PM

Dee if you want to and are fine with paying to not lose leave mechwarrior online and go join your fellow trash heap players on world of tanks. Paying to have an advantage over a player says you lack skill, confidence and respect not only for you, but other players. Paying to ensure a win is cheating, company sponsored cheating. What little respect I had for you is gone. You are no better than Che.

#15 Dee Eight


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 05:33 PM

Actually you're the one who should leave MWO if you believe it should be some special place where the company doesn't turn a profit to provide this game for you to play. Negotiate a license for the battletech property and create you're own co-operative business MMO where nothing needs to be covered past operating costs and government taxes. Nor do I care if you respect my opinion. Having seen how you play, I already had no respect for yours.

#16 Nightshade24


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 07:41 PM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 15 July 2016 - 05:32 PM, said:

PGI you have lost your minds. Make those supply crates need CBILLS to open them. Making players pay MC to open them is explicitly telling those players who for WHAT EVER REASON refuse to use or buy MC that they are second or third class people. Yet ANOTHER stupid move by a company proving it truly lacks the understanding of what it is to respect not only a long standing franchise but its player base. Way to say: If you pay us money, you are worthy to enjoy loot, if you dont pay us money screw off. bloody hell. makes me almost regret the money I have poured into your coffers over the years.

The keys cost 25 MC per unit.

This is basically the lowest MC you can recieve in an event. trick'o'treat events will give you more then just 20 mc. probably 100, 200, heck, one event I made 740 MC.
(last minute note: also CW earns you MC via planet domination/control / achievements)

This is enough to buy you lots of keys without paying a single cent. You know what else? Well look at this, PGI release premium items like colours, skins, champion mechs, premium time, cockpit items, etc. So keys probably will be awarded as well! At the very very least 3 times a year.

So let's see... we get people getting it because they can spend their microscopic amount of MC on something from events... we get people getting keys for free... and we also got people who can easily buy dozens of these who got money because 1 USD is worth 10 keys.

It's an easy way for people to support the game, the loot in it is good, people who do not even put money into the game will still be able to buy it / earn it easily, and you know what else? it's 100% absolutely not pay to win, doesn't hinder those who do not do it, and best of all: those who do not earn a single MC will be able to play the game absolutely indifferent before and after the crates are added.
It doesn't effect them what so ever!
Another good fact is the fact some rich kid can't just walk into MW: O and buy all the keys and open all the crates because they got to earn / receive them first. so it prevents people throttling heavily with money through the game and trying to bypass any level of skill.

I say this is one the smarter things PGI ever has done thus far in terms of economics, the pricing is reasonable, anyone can do it who isn't a casual (who lets face it, doesn't care if the crates exist or not most likely), and also is far more reasonable then hero 'mechs which locks out something unique in the gameplay away from people.
Such as the Huginn hero with 2M 4B (hardpoints you can't really get anywhere else for a light), or a Stalker misery being a stalker with a ballistic, etc.

Not that I will buy dozens of these, but I will definitely buy some keys and open them every time I got spare MC.

#17 Nightshade24


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 07:45 PM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 16 July 2016 - 12:00 PM, said:

Tell me how a mech AND bay for 25mc or so isn't p2w. And spare me the rarity bs. It's a potential so it counts.

Having more mechbays isn't P2W. it has no impact on the game what so ever.
You start with the minimum of 4 mech bays enough to get a full dropdeck on CW. You only need 1 mech to play quickplay/ scouting. You got 4 mechbays.
Having 4 mechbays or 400 makes 0 changes to the gameplay.
I am running around in my direwolf in mechbay #387 for eg. I run into a guy who only has 4 mechbays, doesn't make his direwolf weaker then mine. Nor does it mean I got a forcefield. I will die as easily as any other direwolf player.

Getting an extra mech and bay does absolutely nothing to the balance and game play of the game, all it means is you can play a different mech.

besides, PGI already announced that non premium easier methods to get mechbays will happen soon. So what's the problem?

#18 EgoSlayer


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 08:12 PM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 16 July 2016 - 12:00 PM, said:

Dee I did not see that. Thanks for the clarification.

This is how P2W starts. They do a small thing like this, test the water so to speak, then they up it a bit, pay 5 bucks to reduce jamming on CUACs and see how it goes. Then pay 10 bucks to remove the nerf that makes clan tech reduced to IS tech. Slippery slope. See what I see or continue to ignore it, but in the end..............

You called it - slippery slope. It's one of the classic fallacies, meaning this argument holds no weight. Especially in light of PGI's history of actively avoiding P2W game mechanics.


Tell me how a mech AND bay for 25mc or so isn't p2w. And spare me the rarity bs. It's a potential so it counts.

Because you don't win a match because you have more mech bays than the next guy. A mech bay any a mech for a 25MC unlock key don't grant you *any* in advantage in your matches, none. What possible in game advantage do you think you get by having more unused mechs than the next guy in the match? They don't help you win, so by definition it's not P2W. P2W is something that is pay-walled that gives you a leg up over everyone else.

The closest thing MWO has to P2W is mech pre-orders. Some mechs come out and are slightly or far superior to their counterparts, so during that pre-order period they can be P2W. Once they are available for C-Bills that goes away along with the pay-wall.

#19 Dee Eight


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 09:46 PM

View PostNightshade24, on 16 July 2016 - 07:45 PM, said:

Having more mechbays isn't P2W. it has no impact on the game what so ever.
You start with the minimum of 4 mech bays enough to get a full dropdeck on CW. You only need 1 mech to play quickplay/ scouting. You got 4 mechbays.

Actually since January at least, you begin new accounts with EIGHT mechbays.

#20 Dee Eight


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Posted 16 July 2016 - 09:55 PM

View PostEgoSlayer, on 16 July 2016 - 08:12 PM, said:

The closest thing MWO has to P2W is mech pre-orders. Some mechs come out and are slightly or far superior to their counterparts, so during that pre-order period they can be P2W. Once they are available for C-Bills that goes away along with the pay-wall.

And that can be equalized by paying yourself to buy the same mech. Its not as if pre-orders get things different than buying the same mech on release day other than some badges, titles, modules, extra cockpit items and camo/color unlocks if you were an early bird buyer. Nothing that will help you win over someone else buying the same mech after the pre-order period and the modules are already available to everyone for cbills. Anyone with 20 million cbills and $70 could have had the same advantage on kodiak day as the rest of us who bought in february for the same $70. Honestly though, one of the modules...the Ultra-20 cooldown... I don't use mine because the first thing to go from my kodiaks were the ultra-20s and LBX-20s.

Edited by Dee Eight, 16 July 2016 - 09:56 PM.

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