ScarecrowES, on 19 July 2016 - 08:07 AM, said:
I cut my teeth in MWO mastering lights. That was well BEFORE the Jenner got improved hitboxes.
For real light pilots, the size of our mech is irrelevant. If we're playing properly, we're not putting ourselves in positions where you can shoot us.
I hear a lot of people talking about brawling in lights. We should be clear... you can't "brawl" in a light mech. They lack any capability to brawl. If you're even attempting to slug it out in a light mech, youre doing it wrong.
Lets just be clear..... the Jenner Hit Boxes have never been "improved" When they changed the hit boxes to the ST's they effectively nerfed the Jenner's ability to mount other options. The ST's were rarely hit back in the day. Howevever due to the Jenner's profile you can now easily be one shot through either ST or CT, when prior to the change it was only your CT you had to worry about.
Even with the changes and now after the Re-scale the CT is really the only thing being taken out.
The size of the mech is in fact relevant. Prior to today's patch the locust could quite literally be under your weapon mounts and you could not see the bugger. With the 35 ton mechs getting up to 25% larger size does play in how you get hit. The nose of the Jenner sticks out a bit further behind obstacles more in order for it to get a corner shot off. Also while trying to evade it is much easier to hit due to its increased size.
This is the one thing the Jenner did not need.... it is already arguably the easiest mech to CT in the game.
People use the term brawl incorrectly. A brawl is an in your face duke fest, which as you say is wrong for a light to do with a heavier mech the light should lose.
However a Light also has to have the ability to stay BEHIND its target to win the fight. Currently with the obscene agility quirks that the heavier mechs have this is damn near impossible. And part of my issue with the Jenner specifically since the re-scale. It has completely negated the SL and SPL buils on ALL Jenners. thereby seriously reducing our ability to be able to knife fight.
Most lights are now reduced to being your typical poke mechs with ML's. THis should not be the case. If there is a lone assault out there... it should lose to any competent light mech. However that is now a rarity with the buffs given to assaults and nerfs to the lights.