I'll just reply to titles and achievements. I have made posts about this in the past.. This is one thing that i think a person could spend a few days on and really add a ton of depth to this aspect. Connecting the counters, re-coding the titles, ect.. To me this one could really be done pretty darn easily, unless there is some really hard back end i don't know about
I'd love to see things like Named killers of mechs.. AKA Kill 2k HBK's and get a title.. Or blow up 10k mechs with SRM's and get something neat. Maybe a missile to place in your cockpit with the number 10k on it..
I dunno.. There is a ton of stuff that could be done.. and would make a great community thread, coming up with Names, and titles, and ways to use the achievements.. Now if you could actually keep the tread on topic, and get people to participate that is another story.. Seams like half the people like to just post catch phrases like PGI doesn't care, and that sorta crap.
Some of the things on your list i could see getting love in pve,, Others like command wheel, i think needs future attention.. But over all i think the game has made some pretty big strides since January, and lots of polish and tons of fixes that have been on lists for years.. I have hope!
But yea,, A community participation achievement/title thread could be just the kick in the arse that aspect could need
Alistair Winter, on 24 July 2016 - 01:16 AM, said:
- Supply cache is not a new feature anyone has asked for, it's a way for PGI to make more money. 99% of the players seem to be either apathetic or even angry about this feature, and the general consensus is that it's not worth it for anyone to spend MC on.
totally disagree on this.. People like getting prizes in general, and it really does seam to be a nice way to boost income for players that don't play tons of games a week. It is more like the casual players Premium time booster which is a very good thing. Like it or not, Games make money on casual players.. It is not the F2P users that spend 1k's of hours that typically spend lots of money. They are players like me, that enjoy the game, and spend 10-20-30 or maybe more hours a month player, but also tend to spend a bit of money on occasion. Some times we take a month off, or 2, but come back and have fun for a while and spend a few bucks to get something new..
The 99% that are angry as you say, are a small % of forum users, that don't wan't to spend MC on anything but mechbays, at least from the many names i noticed that seem to be against it.. I have seen lots of people that spent a few bucks, and got a nice bonus chunk of c-bills, or equipment. The people that want to ignore it, can get a bonus 50k on occasion.. If that is something that makes you angry, to me it's time to find a new game...
Spend 7 bucks, and get MC, and buy some keys, then get bonuses over the next few months.. Verse spending 15 bucks.. and if you end up not being able to play much after you launched your premium time you are out 15 bucks... to me it is Win/win.. But we know how the general forums are here..
Where is my AXe grinding Gif??? Funny, i've been on a forced hiatus due to being laid up in bed.. I wish i have had more time to play as of late, because i have just loved these last few patches
Edited by JC Daxion, 24 July 2016 - 04:42 AM.