So what could MWO do for me to feel immersed to a similar extent but in a different way, with an emphasis on FPS gameplay?
Here are some thoughts:
- I should be my own mechwarrior, which means building a character: I should be able to pick skills that either specialize in specific weight classes or weapon types or mech chassis, or focus on becoming a competent generalist.
- I should have a background, which either increases my earnings (freelancer) or access to mechs (unit) or reputation (loyalist), with clear trade-offs: the more I advance down one path, the harder it is to backtrack.
- Instead of having access to an infinite stable of mechs, I should have access to just a few, perhaps with an initial selection determined by my background.
- As a novice player I would start with an entry-level mech, and as exp and C-bills increase I would be given the choice to either specialize or diversify. If I want to collect them all, more power to me; but I should beware of people out there who want to become the best damn PPC Marauder pilots.
- As I become better and develop my reputation I should have increased access to factional supply chains; e.g. if I am Davion I should have a chance to buy Enforcers, Jagermechs or Battlemasters, and if I am Kurita it should be Jenners or Dragons.
- In order to compensate for a limited supply chain I should be able to make mechs my own, not in terms of weapon selection, but of quirks. E.g. there are many Blackjacks out there, but mine is faster, or it has a better AC targeting, or it has an improved sensor array. Others will not be able to tell beforehand - they need to fight me and remember.
- Between MW skills, background, and mech quirks I will have a potentially unique profile as a mechwarrior (and, at higher tiers and after a while, even a recognizable one).
- Specific events could circle around factions or weight classes or even chassis, giving me and everyone else an opportunity to shine every once in a while.
No QP vs FP, just Play but with the following parameters:
- Every week/season there are three planets/operations: IS vs IS, IS vs Clan, Clan vs Clan.
- Players within each loyalist faction vote on alliances for each season. Mercs are automatically divided among alliances to even out the population; perhaps Mercs can sign up with individual factions, but then they will be split between IS-IS and IS-Clan or IS-Clan and Clan-Clan to even out the buckets.
- Mechwarriors vote with their feet: perhaps few people will want to play Clan vs Clan, so wait times will be longer and matches less even.
- Each season one faction is prominent within each planet (either defense or attack), and you get extra rep/cbills if fighting for your faction.
- As the wars evolve there may be turningpoints in the form of events.
- Loyalists get a weighted vote depending on experience fighting for their faction, effectively pulling rank.
If MWO did this you would nor need Faction Play to create a semblance of immersion. The universe would be built into the systems. And every sub-system could be monetized to some extent (e.g. pay vs grind; or starting with only 2 characters per account, with the option to pay to unlock more).
Others have suggested plenty of small changes to increase MWO's immersion, like other unit types or objectives. But you don't need to fundamentally alter the game in order to create immersion: all you need is meaningful choices and lasting consequences.
Just some thoughts. If PGI reads this, please think about what would make MWO immersive and meaningful instead of just entertaining.