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Long Tom And The Roundtable

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#41 cazidin


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 12:51 PM

Fix the Long Tom. You don't need to remove it.

#42 Pat Kell


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 09:27 PM

View Postcazidin, on 02 August 2016 - 12:51 PM, said:

Fix the Long Tom. You don't need to remove it.

That's very helpful. Care to elaborate or is the "Fix" so simple most people just get it? And honestly, there is so a huge backlash against "long tom" now that I fear any attempt "fix" will still be view as a half measured slap in the face. I could be wrong though.

#43 Sjorpha


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 03:29 AM

View PostPat Kell, on 02 August 2016 - 09:27 PM, said:

That's very helpful. Care to elaborate or is the "Fix" so simple most people just get it? And honestly, there is so a huge backlash against "long tom" now that I fear any attempt "fix" will still be view as a half measured slap in the face. I could be wrong though.

I think the best fix would be to increase the delay so that any mech that sees the smoke in time can get out of the blast radius, making cover work against it would also help.

The base problem is the feeling that you "couldn't do anything" to prevent the death/damage, and that problem remains even if you reduce the damage. So the fix has to be about increased interactivity rather than just nerfing the power.

#44 Deadeye254


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 03:57 AM

I don't understand why so many people hate LT good god people this is the crybaby center of the universe grow up LT is available to both side there is no such thing as unbalanced when either side has an = chance of getting it just quit playing the game already I'm so tire of waking up every morning to the same crying over and over again don't you ppl ever get tired

#45 April Showers


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 07:40 AM

<p>i really dont care what has to be done to have russ swallow it, but Long Tom Needs to go for a simple reason: even if our side has Long Tom, it takes all the fun out of the game (i came here to shoot stuff, not to watch a Computer shoot it for me) and steals my rewards (i get no cash for whatever Long Tom removes. f... it, i waited almost 10 minutes, stop stealing my cash and XP !!!)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>if you want to Keep Long Tom like things, make that stuff cost Intel Points: firing the LT costs 5% Intel. firing satelite costs 1% Intel. you want to ue them ? Scout harder. still: when i see Long Tom on either side, i Change planet. it just plain outright sucks. good reason to go quickplay until the reset in a few hours once it turns up.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>CW/FW was a pain since the start, especially when the Balance Fails and you 12man a pug or vice versa. LT only made it _WORSE_, not help.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>i think the main reason why Russ wont understand it is that I did never ever see him in FW or QP. i think he Needs a dose of his own medicine. get the devs out there, let them try it out as pugs or unit against the cream or in a understaffed faction.</p>
<p>this will facilitate understanding a lot better then all the theory-crafting anyone is doing. get the devs out there. make it an achievement to kill one.force them to play 2 hours a week. NOW.</p>
<div style="left: -1000px; top: 185.32px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute;"> </div>

#46 MischiefSC


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 04:30 PM

I always find it funny that when a broken mechanic favors someone they say people should not ***** about it but would be the first person to quit if it went the other way.

Not to mention there's as many people who gained from LT as not saying it's bad.

Good to know that you think scouting is a terrible and unfun gamemode is terrible and unfun and nobody would suffer playing it if it didn't give an overwhelming advantage in invasion.

#47 DaFrog


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 05:30 PM

View PostDeadeye254, on 03 August 2016 - 03:57 AM, said:

I don't understand why so many people hate LT good god people this is the crybaby center of the universe grow up LT is available to both side there is no such thing as unbalanced when either side has an = chance of getting it just quit playing the game already I'm so tire of waking up every morning to the same crying over and over again don't you ppl ever get tired

Let's look at equal chance shall we ? You might actually be right.
On the CLAN side, to scout successfully, you have to have stormcrows. Some people might argue this, but the statistics strongly point to it being the go to scout mech on clan side.
On IS side, Grf-2n with quad srm6s, or an ac20 centurion. Same argument as before.

So it is not scouting, it is skirmish 4 vs 4.. Boring and monolinear. So I don't scout and neither do a lot of people for the same reasons. Then what happens is that the most ruthless teams decide that they want to make it to Terra and take the time to ghost or pug scout, get LT, and plow along. We, bored veteran pugs, don't give a rat's *** about Terra. We just want to shoot a few dozens of mechs repeatedly with a bit of an outcome at the end.

So equally ? yeah maybe. If both parties have the same motivation regarding the end game. If they don't, then not equal at all, not by a long shot.

And PGI saw to that loss of motivation. 2 battles of Tukk and nothing to show for.

#48 MischiefSC


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Posted 03 August 2016 - 05:34 PM

You'll never balance 4v4 nearly as well as 48v48. As such you can't make scouting pivotal.

Having a 4man queue closes the 12man queue is ********.

#49 Deadeye254


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 03:59 AM

I'm done arguing with you so called vets but I can understand why PGI refuses to listen to you I just wish they would have chose to stop listening to you crybabies years ago we would still have poptarting in the game I like a challenge I welcome LT is fun to drop against its a great equalizer for pugs vs units which in my opinion is exactly what this game needed if you just want to shoot **** play quick play or find another game for the love of god stop trolling up the forums with your crying.

#50 A Shoddy Rental Mech


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 04:56 AM

View PostDeadeye254, on 04 August 2016 - 03:59 AM, said:

I'm done arguing with you so called vets but I can understand why PGI refuses to listen to you I just wish they would have chose to stop listening to you crybabies years ago we would still have poptarting in the game I like a challenge I welcome LT is fun to drop against its a great equalizer for pugs vs units which in my opinion is exactly what this game needed if you just want to shoot **** play quick play or find another game for the love of god stop trolling up the forums with your crying.

Try some punctuation, maybe your arguments would make more sense.

"I welcome LT is fun to drop against"

Do you like hurting yourself?

" its a great equalizer for pugs vs units"

Please explain?

"stop trolling up the forums"

Pot, have you met kettle?

#51 Bud Crue


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 05:28 AM

View PostDeadeye254, on 04 August 2016 - 03:59 AM, said:

I'm done arguing with you so called vets but I can understand why PGI refuses to listen to you I just wish they would have chose to stop listening to you crybabies years ago we would still have poptarting in the game I like a challenge I welcome LT is fun to drop against its a great equalizer for pugs vs units which in my opinion is exactly what this game needed if you just want to shoot **** play quick play or find another game for the love of god stop trolling up the forums with your crying.

"Its a great equalizer for pugs vs units" Seriously?

I mean if it is only available if you spam scouting on a planet to over 90%, what is the likelihood of a bunch of pugs, even ALL the pugs, managing that feat? Whereas, the units can simply say "tonight all we are doing is scouting so we can activate long tom". Seems to me that is not an equalizer or in any way some sort of mechanism that will or could EVER benefit pugs.

"I like a challenge I welcome LT"

I am glad you enjoy the challenge. I did too for the first couple of days after it dropped, but since then, it has driven most pugs away from the mode entirely rather than provide them or the FP game mode any sort of improved sense of challenge or improved game play. BTW what is the challenge you enjoy here? Spaming scouting to get the LT? Being fast enough to manage to avoid the strike? Timing a suicide run with some other lights to try and take out some enemies with it?


What we have in the long tom mechanism -in a purely objective sense- is a nuclear-like detonation event that occurs ever two minutes, which as no in game counter, and which typically removes 3 or more mechs (presumably enemy, but friendlies too) from the field of play every time this event occurs. This event removes scoring potential, c-bill potential from the in game action. In the the larger FP realm, when the LT is active, it drives pugs (as well as most units) away from any planet where it is active. Perhaps some folks (Russ apparently) consider all of that to be a benefit to the game and an example of a good mechanic, but I don't think most people do. None of this is whining, but merely observation.

Edited by Bud Crue, 04 August 2016 - 05:28 AM.

#52 MischiefSC


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 12:45 PM

I'm guessing the guy is just bad at the game and with LT on his side he got his first win against another team and is heartbroken that when PGI fixes LT he'll go back to having to win matches by out-playing the other team - which is to say, losing.

#53 Deadeye254


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 02:39 PM

lol I bet I'm way better of a pilot than all of you Tier 1 btw incase you are interested and I average above 2k a match in CW so yeah I must be bad at the game what does that make you

#54 Pat Kell


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 09:36 PM

View PostDeadeye254, on 04 August 2016 - 02:39 PM, said:

lol I bet I'm way better of a pilot than all of you Tier 1 btw incase you are interested and I average above 2k a match in CW so yeah I must be bad at the game what does that make you

Using pugs as a meat shield to artificially inflate your damage score doesn't count. I know some who have done 3k+ and have heard rumors of 4k+ matches by people that are TRULY good so don't quote an average 2k+ damage score and expect me to be impressed. If you play on a full team and are pushing in and sharing armor with the rest of the team, that is an awesome average to have. If you are sitting in the back with long range weapons, watching as the rest of your team dies and getting free shots on your enemy while giggling with glee over all the c-bills you are getting, I have no time for you and your opinion doesn't matter. Anyone can do 2k damage if they are willing to sacrifice the rest of their team to do achieve it...get that kind of an average while leading from the front and I will be impressed.

Also, of course we come here to shoot things....what the heck kind of argument is that...If you want the computer to do all the work for you, go play some turn based game that roles the dice for you. Long Tom sucks and I say this with the full knowledge that I have never played against it and have only seen it completely decimate every team I have played against when it was active. That is not whining, that is attempting to make the game somewhat enjoyable for people so they don't quit playing altogether. Then again I suppose you like ghost drops and wouldn't mind it if you and 11 other buddies could just hit launch every ten minutes and march your way across the galaxy all by yourselves. Imagine the power you would be showing!!

#55 Carl Vickers


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 09:51 PM

View PostDeadeye254, on 04 August 2016 - 03:59 AM, said:

I'm done arguing with you so called vets but I can understand why PGI refuses to listen to you I just wish they would have chose to stop listening to you crybabies years ago we would still have poptarting in the game I like a challenge I welcome LT is fun to drop against its a great equalizer for pugs vs units which in my opinion is exactly what this game needed if you just want to shoot **** play quick play or find another game for the love of god stop trolling up the forums with your crying.

Spoken like a true bear, the faction that doesnt drop invasion on a planet till they get it scouted to 90% then drop it all the way to victory. LT is not needed in any way shape or form in this game, better design is needed to stop pugs from facing 12 mans, cept bears cause the pugs have a good chance of beating bears ;p

I know you are a decent player Deadeye, when you get 2k damage a match you are technically carrying, but damage isnt everything. If each person in a 12man get 1100-1400 damage, that team should win as it is shared and everyone is doing his part. How many bears are you carrying with your 2k damage every match?

BTW, tier has nothing to do with anything in FW, I know players that are tier 3 that get better scores regularly than you so I wouldnt play on the whole tier thing, does nothing for your argument.

Edited by Carl Vickers, 04 August 2016 - 09:55 PM.

#56 Stormie


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 11:05 PM

View PostCarl Vickers, on 04 August 2016 - 09:51 PM, said:

Spoken like a true bear, the faction that doesnt drop invasion on a planet till they get it scouted to 90% then drop it all the way to victory. LT is not needed in any way shape or form in this game, better design is needed to stop pugs from facing 12 mans, cept bears cause the pugs have a good chance of beating bears ;p

I know you are a decent player Deadeye, when you get 2k damage a match you are technically carrying, but damage isnt everything. If each person in a 12man get 1100-1400 damage, that team should win as it is shared and everyone is doing his part. How many bears are you carrying with your 2k damage every match?

BTW, tier has nothing to do with anything in FW, I know players that are tier 3 that get better scores regularly than you so I wouldnt play on the whole tier thing, does nothing for your argument.

For the love of god Carl what's with all the Bear hatred, we don't scout to long tom, and yes our skill level overall might be a little lower than some other factions but we are catching up at a reasonable pace. Out of interest when was the last time you dropped on the Bear border, I don't remember running into you recently - when the bears are dropping theres a good chance I'm dropping... are you sure the crap you are spouting is still current?

#57 xengk


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 11:15 PM

Something out of the damage tangent.

Supply chain is established and fresh mechs can be fly in to bolster the frontline.
At 90% scouting, all player on the controlling side get 1 destroyed mech repair every X minute.

Example; every 10 minutes, the first destroyed mech, counting from the right, in the drop deck is made available again.

#58 VitriolicViolet


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Posted 04 August 2016 - 11:52 PM

personally i have played maybe 10 games of CW since LT and CW was mostly what i played. It ruined what was one of the few games i play.

In any other FPS online game having a every 2 minute insta kill would be ridiculous.

I think its one of the worst decisions they have ever made.

I dont play scouting at all even if theres an event, its completely boring. Like a small version of skirmish.

They should replace LT with nearly anyone of the suggestions here, it cant really be worse. The lurmpocalypse would be preferable.

#59 Carl Vickers


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Posted 05 August 2016 - 12:00 AM

View PostStormie, on 04 August 2016 - 11:05 PM, said:

For the love of god Carl what's with all the Bear hatred, we don't scout to long tom, and yes our skill level overall might be a little lower than some other factions but we are catching up at a reasonable pace. Out of interest when was the last time you dropped on the Bear border, I don't remember running into you recently - when the bears are dropping theres a good chance I'm dropping... are you sure the crap you are spouting is still current?

Heya Stormie,

No bear hate, just a hate of arrogant peeps who really have nothing to crow about in general. Last time I dropped against bears was a couple of weeks ago, havent really played at all since, bordem with the current state of play. I know you know how to play as we played against each other about 4 weeks ago and were chatting about it.

I know u guys are getting better but people like Deadeye dont make a better case for you as a clan. You may have changed in the last few weeks and Ill cop that on the chin but what I said stands as that is what I saw happening on the Space Viking front when I was with them last.

I know a few bears and have respect for you but muzzles may need to be employed for a few that think they are the shizzum when reality says something different.

#60 Deadeye254


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Posted 05 August 2016 - 04:07 AM

Ask any Ghost Bear player I lead every push look it doesn't matter how good I am just because you disagree with my position I'm a baddy that's the dumbest thing I have ever herd Pat I really have a lot of respect for you and your unit but you are making it hard for me to continue this respect I have never dropped with you or against you but yet you seem t have passed judgment on what kind of player I am what ever happened to actually stating facts in a argument instead of bashing the guy that does not agree with you. The reason why I like LT is simple last night BNB hit New Oslo we smashed everything in our path had the planet to 46% then the Ghost Bear puggies woke up started dropping in less than an hour the lost every tile but the one we were defending down to 7% now I love Ghost Bear this is were I want to fight but I also want to take planets but with pugs as bad as ours we need an enabler so they don't lose all our progress so quickly yes I think it should be nerfed but not removed that's all I understand if you don't agree but there's no need to call me a bad player because of my position on this yes I called you whiners but it was because you were whining I'm not playing bad so why are you calling me a bad player. And BTW the reason why Ghost Bear is doing so much better is because of my unit and leadership ask any one of them they will confirm this.

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