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#101 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 09:42 AM

View PostDarian DelFord, on 01 August 2016 - 09:39 AM, said:

I think my light stats speak for themselves..... yours on the other hand since the re-scale..... well........

Shouldn't be a problem for you to beat me then if I'm so bad. Will only take 20 mins tops. So?

#102 dario03


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 10:44 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 01 August 2016 - 05:13 AM, said:

forget it some always bads will always cry for the same reasons and never lern what some good palyers know.

Also, if you battle record pls.

It is strange there was a lot delay between the leadeboards, now suddenly 3 in a row. And I had holidays and stuff. Too bad I hoped I would had time for bringing my beloved adder in a leaderbaord event but that light event and the viper event just hit a very bad tming :/

that happens when you often turn in and move soemhwat vertically, this will amke the streaks align in a more lined fashion and trying to hit all your components they are lcoekd on will force them to "fly" throgh one component. and that causes them to hit the same location.

vs streaks don't twist, FACE THEM. that makes them distribute damage in the worst possible way.

Well like I said before you can have them hit mostly one spot while face tanking as well. And I believe the Jenner's magnetic CT causes it to happen more on that mech. I tried it a couple of times in matches where I looked directly at the streak boat and sometimes neither of us moved.

View PostLily from animove, on 01 August 2016 - 06:17 AM, said:

1. no they don't ther eis plenty of light pilots nto havign issues with them, play around the streaks weaknesses which is: lock time, staretime and obstacles. Sure if you run to a streakmech in the open thats your doom, but that is a piloting issue not a weapons fault. All lockwepaons in MWO are basically bad.

2. The yonly require 0 skill when your opponents behaves like a fat turkey istead an agile ostrich. So no thats not an argument thtas an opinion.
3. not really, clans can throw larger volleys for more heat and still have all the no 1. weaknesses.
4. Ask the really good pilots that scout. They neither use streaks nor have issues with streaks, so all that is again just an opinion again and we had already plenty of topics hwo to counter streaks and what matters in scouting.
5. Not sure how this is any related to streaks, except you really think it's the streaks that make one side win the entire scoutings. Theres other reasons for this happening.

So stop trying to tell someone it's about e-peen. It's a about about objectivity, and how many streaks do you see carried in the tournament? They are a bad weapon system, and only easy to use when noobs face noobs because then locktime and staretime are not an issue. But they are a bad system and when I play together with a buddy I win most of my scoutings and we use ferrets.

you are labelles T1 here and you shoudl actually know that.

You must mean the ones that just scout and from 800m out (but you can not like how something works even if it doesn't effect you). And all the lights I've ever talked to do not like how streaks work.

Edited by dario03, 01 August 2016 - 11:04 AM.

#103 General Solo


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 11:44 AM

During the event I havent found streak crows to be a problem
When I see one, I RUN
to the heavies who kill it and then I keep going.

I like it
Fear of death around every corner
real scouty

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 01 August 2016 - 11:47 AM.

#104 Mole


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 01:10 PM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 01 August 2016 - 11:44 AM, said:

During the event I havent found streak crows to be a problem
When I see one, I RUN
to the heavies who kill it and then I keep going.
I haven't found streak crows to be a problem either. Been playing my Jenner IIC. I'm 50kph faster than the fastest streak crow and the weapons I like on my Jenner IIC have an optimal range of a little over 400m. Fire and fall back before the streak crow gets in range. Easy peasy.

Edited by Mole, 01 August 2016 - 01:11 PM.

#105 moneyBURNER


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 01:33 PM

Personal experiences aside, it's not really balanced for a light pilot to have to immediately flee and avoid any random player mainly because of one weapon system that can cripple or destroy their mech within a couple of seconds of contact, when sometimes the targeting info on them takes longer to acquire than being locked and fired upon with streaks.

I deal with streakboats well enough in my jenner, while other players may not have a problem at all (long range, ecm). Most of the time I can avoid them, sometimes I kill them, sometimes they kill me (in situations where good players would've killed me anyway and more effectively with other weapons), but my issue is the times when I feel I'm unfairly rendered completely helpless just because one of them managed to wave their crosshair over me to fire a devastating alpha.

I haven't played at all during this leaderboard event so I'm not aware of whether or how the dynamics have changed with many more lights around, and light hunters, and light hunter hunters. :)

#106 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 04:22 PM

Breaking locks isn't that easy when Storm Crows run at over 100 kph, you have no jump jets, and it only takes one salvo to kill or cripple you.

They'd be a lot less obnoxious if they were ripple-fired like Clan LRMs. They'd still be extremely effective light deterrents without being no-skill light instagibbers.

Edited by Kaeb Odellas, 01 August 2016 - 04:26 PM.

#107 FupDup


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 04:33 PM

View PostKaeb Odellas, on 01 August 2016 - 04:22 PM, said:

Breaking locks isn't that easy when Storm Crows run at over 100 kph, you have no jump jets, and it only takes one salvo to kill or cripple you.

They'd be a lot less obnoxious if they were ripple-fired like Clan LRMs. They'd still be extremely effective light deterrents without being no-skill light instagibbers.

It's sad that ripple-fire was the original pre-invasion plan for Clam SSRMs...

#108 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 04:39 PM


#109 Stone Wall


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 06:29 PM

Well guys in the mean time, just make that Streak Crow chase you back to your team mate's Assault and play peakaboo behind him. Posted Image

#110 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 09:56 PM

View PostStone Wall, on 01 August 2016 - 06:29 PM, said:

Well guys in the mean time, just make that Streak Crow chase you back to your team mate's Assault and play peakaboo behind him. Posted Image

I dunno if you know, but Storm Crows run in excess of 100 kph when elited. Some lights can't actually outrun them. Further, he only needs one salvo to ruin your day. One full salvo is almost guaranteed to rip out a Locusts' arm or kill it outright, depending on positioning.

#111 Jingseng


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 10:46 PM

Mmmm steaks. Steak bcn6. and steak egg6. Yum.

#112 Joey Tankblaster


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 12:35 AM

I often hear that argument in this or other topics that good or very good pilots wouldn't use streaks?

Just yesterday the final wave of [EVIL] (in faction play) was exclusively composed of Streak-dogs. Personally I have encountered many, many other pilots which you will find on top of the leaderboards, running streakdogs.

To make it short - one more utterly wrong statement of TOP pilots not running streaks and my bullshitmeter explodes.

Edited by Joey Tankblaster, 02 August 2016 - 01:19 AM.

#113 Lily from animove


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 01:26 AM

View PostKaeb Odellas, on 01 August 2016 - 04:22 PM, said:

Breaking locks isn't that easy when Storm Crows run at over 100 kph, you have no jump jets, and it only takes one salvo to kill or cripple you.

They'd be a lot less obnoxious if they were ripple-fired like Clan LRMs. They'd still be extremely effective light deterrents without being no-skill light instagibbers.

no line of sight also breaks locks you know.

No one here probably played WoW when the arena came out and you had to dela with stupid druids rubbing themselves around columns awhile Hotting the hell out of evertyhing. That was a total hell for everoyne neding LOS and casttime. and that same thing si what you can abuse vs sreaks who need to lock. just don't forget to get your radar derp mod.

View PostJoey Tankblaster, on 02 August 2016 - 12:35 AM, said:

I often hear that argument in this or other topics that good or very good pilots wouldn't use streaks?

Just yesterday the final wave of [EVIL] (in faction play) was exclusively composed of Streak-dogs. Personally I have encountered many, many other pilots which you will find on top of the leaderboards, running streakdogs.

To make it short - one more utterly wrong statement of TOP pilots not running streaks and my bullshitmeter explodes.

yes they run hat soemtimes just for the fun and to make people mad, but in no serious competitive surrounding would they do that. be hppy they brought spreads with srms you would have get wiped 2x as fast.

Edited by Lily from animove, 02 August 2016 - 01:29 AM.

#114 Tarogato


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 01:38 AM

View PostDarian DelFord, on 01 August 2016 - 09:39 AM, said:

I think my light stats speak for themselves..... yours on the other hand since the re-scale..... well........

View PostPhoenixFire55, on 01 August 2016 - 09:42 AM, said:

Shouldn't be a problem for you to beat me then if I'm so bad. Will only take 20 mins tops. So?

Posted Image

#115 General Solo


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 01:56 AM

View PostmoneyBURNER, on 01 August 2016 - 01:33 PM, said:

Personal experiences aside, it's not really balanced for a light pilot to have to immediately flee and avoid any random player mainly because of one weapon system that can cripple or destroy their mech within a couple of seconds of contact, when sometimes the targeting info on them takes longer to acquire than being locked and fired upon with streaks.

I think its fair because lights certainly don't have to flee when they see a lone assault mech
Rock paper scissors and all dat (Because most assault mech pilots don't deal with lights very well)

Just want to add that lights recover from positioning mistakes much better as well.
Lights are the best class for operating away from the pack where most deadly streakcrow encounters occour.
A fair trade.

For me its like, with no disrespect intended:

"The fact that lights can get one shot, its no different than a heavy walking into a focus firey death line or a damaged assault insta gibbed by a srm scout from behind."

My 2 cents

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 02 August 2016 - 02:30 AM.

#116 Ryllen Kriel


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 02:14 AM

Streak boats are trashy, they have been around forever. There is no way to add enough rules to the game to prevent them. Just nuke them from orbit. One hell will kill another, LRMs target Streak Crows.

#117 Joey Tankblaster


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 02:42 AM


yes they run hat soemtimes just for the fun and to make people mad, but in no serious competitive surrounding would they do that. be hppy they brought spreads with srms you would have get wiped 2x as fast.

Agreed - but the game is not designed for competetive play but for the casual player.

#118 Stone Wall


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 02:42 AM

View PostKaeb Odellas, on 01 August 2016 - 09:56 PM, said:

I dunno if you know, but Storm Crows run in excess of 100 kph when elited. Some lights can't actually outrun them. Further, he only needs one salvo to ruin your day. One full salvo is almost guaranteed to rip out a Locusts' arm or kill it outright, depending on positioning.

That's why my Jenner doesn't run like Rickon. I zag zig away. Good luck keeping lock or within range. By the time ol' Streaky reaches my team, he is too tunnel-visioned to notice he's lost most of his torso to my team.

Edited by Stone Wall, 02 August 2016 - 02:46 AM.

#119 Brain Cancer


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Posted 02 August 2016 - 09:11 AM


Streak boats are trashy, they have been around forever. There is no way to add enough rules to the game to prevent them. Just nuke them from orbit. One hell will kill another, LRMs target Streak Crows.

I make a habit of bombing Streakboats when I see the things, just to keep lights alive. One predatory SCrow can obliterate an entire light lance in no time flat, and many lights don't think about it until it's too late and the team is down 0-2 in under a minute. We'll see less of them now that the light population is lower, but still...

#120 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 05 August 2016 - 04:02 AM

View PostTarogato, on 02 August 2016 - 01:38 AM, said:

Posted Image

Apparently there won't be any. Once again a guy who is telling others to L2P and waving his seal clubbing stats around runs away at the first sight of an equal opponent. Sounds like ... a typical light pilot, eh? Ah well.

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